Is It Real or an Illusion?
You may ask, “What about this world is illusion, and what is real”?
Perhaps the nature of life is that it’s neither illusion nor reality … but perspective.
Life may be:
- Not illusion
- Not reality
- But perspective
Perhaps what we focus upon comes to life, with this life becoming our world.
Our attitudes and beliefs, our daily habits of perspective, may form what we experience.
There may be nothing beyond who we are, with illusion being what we create or perceive outside of ourselves.
[Related: A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality]
What’s Perspective?
There are no illusions; everything’s perspective.
What we accept and project is our perspective; our perspective creates our reality. Yet, how do we become aware of our perspective, and see the parts of our lives we can change?
As we gain awareness of our habits of perception and belief, and how these limit us; we can change, improve and transform our lives. However, time and practice are required.
A change of perspective to a soul position — to a pure understanding of Self — can be a long and arduous path requiring a lifetime of work. But this may be the purpose of life, so, let’s give it a try.
[Perspective: A mental view or prospect; a physical scene.]

Who Are We, Really?
We are all the Wizard of Oz.
We create our experience by the perspective we choose.
When the Wizard projected the wild and angry specter on the wall; this image was reality for Dorothy and her friends.
When the Wizard was uncovered by Toto, the dog, and known by Dorothy, this was another projection of perspective … more accurate and real.
There may be a further Wizard to know, beyond the man behind the curtain: a soul Wizard who is happy, joyous and free … a Wizard who is eternal and more real.
Is There Reality?
If there is any reality, it is our divine and central core, the loving bliss of who we are. Yet we can project chaos and tragedy, calling it real.
Instead of hardship, pain and death, we can:
- Project something else, benevolent and good
- Discover and experience who we are at our core
- Share our divine with the divine of another
There’s more; we can also:
- Stop projecting out but look to our hearts
- Be at peace and live without predation or greed
- Live in comfort and share our peace with the world
Choose Your Perspective
Our perspective is the experience we have.
Perspective determines experience, and experience determines perspective.
Are you aware of your perspective: how you have created it, or how it has been given to you?
Contemplate how you think, speak and act … ask how this generates your life. Get hold of your perspective, and change it to the life you want.
Perspective Is Reality
Everything can seem as real; yet nothing is real but ourselves.
Reality is who we are. Everything else is a perspective in which we invest our energy, thoughts and life.
Creation is the consequence of investing our soul into a chosen perspective.
We can invest or disinvest from any perspective we choose; it takes only a simple shift.
As we shift to immortality, creation gathers as one form, one place and consciousness. Chaos ends, and we stand as ourselves complete.
[Disinvest: to reduce or eliminate investment]
The Man Behind the Curtain
If the Wizard of Oz came to believe he was the image he projected, and not the man behind the curtain, he would be as any other person on earth.
If the Wizard forgot he was at the controls, he would be only human, just as we.
As we awaken, like a sleepy Wizard, we see that we’ve been at the controls all the time, making our lives as they are.
For Immortal Life, We Suggest

Our suggestion for immortal life is to keep your soul where it is, not investing in perspective, but being who you are. This may provide a wider reality than you imagine.
For eternal awakening, we suggest investing in your Self, and knowing who you are. To make this happen, focus within throughout the day.
Do Qi Gong, and learn the power of asking for what you want:
- Ask of yourself
- Ask of the world
- Ask of a Greater Power
When we ask for what we need, we connect to a greater resource.
Ask every resource you know. Ask in strange and unusual ways.
If you have no traditional faith, think of an all powerful resource, and ask it for help. Imagine an all powerful you, and ask that you for help.
Ask and ask again for what you need. The world is here to give, and so are you.
Ask for something you can give away.
Our Immortal Soul
The idea of “soul,” or deep and eternal self, has been around a long time in different religions, philosophies and writings.
Here is a small quote of one person’s Hindu perspective:
“Atman means ‘eternal self’. The atman refers to the real self beyond ego or false self. It is often referred to as ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ and indicates our true self or essence which underlies our existence.” (Professor Gavin Flood, BBC)
[Related: “Self Knowledge,”]
Dogma Is Perspective and Not Reality
The reality of life is you.
A word of caution, dogma or blind belief are perspective and not reality. The reality of life is you.
Follow your heart and soul. Look within. Evaluate; take stock and inventory your life.
Are you living true to who you are, or following another’s path that might be wrong for you?
Walk your path. Yes, it can be hard, but harder still is not honestly expressing who you are.
[Dogma: “Prescribed doctrine proclaimed as unquestionably true …”]
How to Have the Best
For the best perspective, look within.
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