The Secret to Immortality is a three-step process that includes 1. Mindfulness for Immortality, 2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life and 3. Immortality Coaching. Discover how mindfulness can give you peace, strength and eternal physical life.


What Can Mindfulness Be?

Mindfulness for Immortality brings awareness of our immortal core.

With the Secret to Immortality, we add something powerful and profound to the popular idea of mindfulness: being conscious of our immortal physicality and the powerful effect this has on our lives.

Mindfulness for Immortality facilitates progressing awareness of our calm and steady core. This practice helps us embody compassion, contentment and eternal life.

[Progress: to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage.] Merriam-Webster

The Problem with Mindfulness

… incomplete and misleading as commonly understood.

The popular term, mindfulness, is simple: it means being conscious of who and where we are, in the moment, in a calm and natural way. Yet, this concept can be incomplete and misleading as commonly understood.

Even with a disciplined practice of mindfulness, we may be conjuring up our own creation to an extent. Our conscious and unconscious mindset can direct our mindful experience along a death directed path … as peaceful and aware we may feel.

Into Heaven and Out

In a mindfulness practice that doesn’t include immortality, we may journey to Heaven or Nirvana; but after this journey focus back to our earth bound lives, where we continue to act with death supporting behavior.

Having a heavenly experience doesn’t mean that our earthy interpretation of this event is accurate, or God sent. We may still be doing harm and progressing our lives to a death deciding outcome.

As long as we support death, we’re responsible for the outcomes we create: confusion, hardship, pain, etc.

[Engender: cause or give rise to … ] Oxford Languages

What Is the Way of Death?

Death sustaining behaviors are:

  1. Harming anything or anyone
  2. Not being nurturing and kind

As simple these death creating actions may be, the outcomes are catastrophic — within ourselves, in the world and nature.

A lack of awareness in how we behave, allows the way of death to grow — spinning off infinite manifestations of pain, confusion and hate.

As we harm and kill, for any reason or excuse, we use our soul to destroy itself and everything else: calamity, chaos and hardship ensue. Life gets out of control.

In a way, there may be only one path to death: to harm anything, anyone or yourself; preventing nurturing and growth.

Anything that precludes life, leads to death. A belief that death is the inevitable end, strangles life. We’re never fully alive, but on a path to our own demise.

[Preclude: prevent from happening; make impossible.] Oxford Languages

Freedom from Hardship and Pain

As we free ourselves from harming the world, hurting ourselves and others; love will naturally emerge. Eternal life slowly becomes our life, here and now on earth.

Awareness is the key to freedom: awareness of how we harm ourselves, the world and others.

The way of death is to harm. When we harm or kill, we destroy the expression of life.

The way to death is by doing harm, in any way. Harm we do to the world or others will harm ourselves and lead to death.

We undo harm by not acting with harm ourselves; as we do, timeless love will naturally emerge. This is axiomatic, if we do it. Love is always here — infinite love, joy and freedom; but we’re hidden from love as we act to harm.

[Axiomatic: self-evident or unquestionable] Oxford Languages

As we look toward love, it appears. As we move toward lasting life, it emerges from our core and all creation.

A Little Common Sense?,

Critical thinking and self inquiry are required for any journey of personal awakening. A wrong idea can seem right, appearing to be an unchangeable fact when it’s not; such as a flat earth, the sun circling our planet or death as an inevitable end to life.

Death, and the trials of life, may seem imposed by divine decree or the work of nature; but we are the ones creating our problems. We can end these problems at any time.

… make this work our way of life.

With the Secret to Immortality, we bring a stop to the ways we harm. Awareness grows and infinite love encompasses us — if we work at it, and make this work our way of life.

The Secret to Immortality can be demanding, as we understand our collusion with death. Yet, this understanding gives us freedom to restore ourselves and remake the world.

[Collusion: secret agreement or cooperation, especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose] Merriam-Webster

Victims of Our Own Deceit?

We may feel God possessed, but act without regard to life.

It’s deceitful to present a path-to-awakening that does not consider our participation in death creating behavior. To say routine demise exists by a deity’s design, or the laws a nature, is a displacement of human responsibility, and an insult to any benevolent power.

To deny our creative powers, and how human choices affect the world, is dangerous. It’s a type of denial, a refusal to see how harm can multiply; and how one good act can evolve to a torrent of goodwill.

It’s possible to experience Nirvana, Heaven and God; then return to a worldly practice of destructive behavior. We may claim that our acts of condemnation are dictates of a higher power, but these wrongs belong to us alone.

Be Greedy for Bliss

You can practice mindfulness diligently, but if you hold to the belief that death is the natural outcome of life, this belief will impel you … drive you to its destination.

Instead, be greedy for bliss and the best of life, have a willingness to work for this: mindful of your thoughts and words, aware of how your behavior contributes to life.

As wonderful as life can be, good times are never lasting. Hardship awaits us all, if the volition of our lives leans toward death.

[Volition: the power of choosing or determining : WILL] Merriam-Webster

Joined to the Force of Death

If you are joined to the force of death, at a fundamental level; the force of death will be the underpinning of your mindfulness practice; regardless of the bliss, calm and awakening you may experience.

You can be progressing in spiritual or personal growth, and still be participating in the formation of death.

Any practice that does not look at how we create death, may be missing an important piece.

Turning around and facing the eons of death’s work, can be challenging. Yet, as long as we hold to the concept of death as unchangeable, and not a consequence of our actions, we will suffer.

The glaring problem with mindfulness, as practiced today, is that our participation in death remains under the rug, denied and ignored when it is having it’s way. Any practice of mindfulness, honest and forthright, has to include the desire to be aware of how we harm and end all life.

Mindfulness as a way to relax and feel good, falls deeply short. When mindfulness is only a palliative journey, it ignores the creative force we direct.

A mindfulness that awakens us to how we harm and create death in the world, will free us and transform all of life.

A Different Type of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, at its best, includes awareness of how we’re creating physical reality.

We can be mindful, here and now, in deep peace; and take joy in how we author the worst of life, as well of the best. This awareness can bring a smile to our face, and even laughter at its simple truth … as realize how we’ve suffered, never needing to again.

Mindfulness for Immortality adds something more: an awareness of our deep and eternal core of physicality, seeing how we create the natural world and ourselves — how we choose to live or die, suffer or relax. A mindfulness that unveils our eternal identity, is what we suggest.

With Mindfulness for Immortality, we take responsibility for the nature of the world, as well as ourselves. We develop awareness of how we’re creating, at a fundamental level.

As we gather awareness, heaven on earth comes forth … a bit, a bit more, then all-at-once.

With Mindfulness for Immortality, we find the secret to happiness and bliss, at micro and macro scales, within ourselves and everywhere else.


The Popular Term

The term, mindfulness, has found its way into the popular lexicon. The popular term, mindfulness, can seem complex and difficult to understand; with a plethora of courses, classes and certifications.

What is the popular, mindfulness, that we hear so often, in different media contexts?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines Mindfulness as:

The practice of being aware of your body, mind and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm.

The popularity of the idea of mindfulness has exploded in the past 30 years. It has many different sources and can be traced, historically, to just about any religion or spiritual practice.

Mindfulness belongs to no one, cannot be classified or certified; cats do it, monkeys do it, etc. Mindfulness is a natural practice of consciousness we can observe in myriad forms of nature.

Mindfulness is natural human behavior, that we naturally do, unless captured by urban landscapes, fear and terror. Computer screens and smart phones that take us out of our natural mindful consciousness.

Mindfulness can remind us of who we are, and take us to our core consciousness, of bliss. Mindfulness is NOT a secret at all, and never has been; mindfulness is our native human awareness that leads to growth and pleasure.

Just do it, practice mindful awareness; but doe it with an understanding that we are creating reality, that we are responsible for everything within ourselves and in the outer word; we are responsible for how nature behaves.

Definitions and Meanings

Simple mindfulness, the popular topic, is taught at many universities. You can get certified as a mindfulness practitioner and teacher. There are many different sources and places teaching mindfulness.

Wikipedia on “Mindfulness”:

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training (like Qi Gong).

Any practice that brings a greater awareness of ourselves and the world can be a powerful assist. The many mindfulness articles, books and courses have their value … but let’s keep it simple.

Powerful human ideas are easily understood. Mindfulness is no exception.

Don’t Be Confused

confused woman
Great Ideas Are Simple

Mindfulness is awareness; it’s a simple concept and can be understood by anyone, in a simple way.

… mindfulness is awareness, the practice of being conscious in the moment.

Simplicity, or oneness, is a powerful approach to life. Simplicity can bring us to the core of who we are — an immortal awakening, with eternal consciousness of being. Mindfulness is always simple.

Keep the idea of mindfulness simple. It’s not complex or hard to understand.

Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment, practiced over time.

As you practice the present moment, you can discover the immortal now and physical immortality … if that’s your aim.

How We Fragment Ourselves

The “Immortal Now” is an effortless place of ease.

The complexity of life can fragment our consciousness, making us stressed and distracted. Mindfulness for Immortality can repair this fault.

We can search too long and far for the one thing closest to ourselves — our deep and eternal being, our immortal core.

With the subject of immortality, keep it simple. There’s nothing complex about the Secret to Immortality.

If a concept in the Secret to Immortality seems complex, it’s not. A problem can arise when we struggle to understand; as we do this, we can fragment ourselves … leading to the feeling of complexity, overwhelm and stress.

Struggle creates fragmentation and distraction. Instead of struggling, act with ease and calm.

Our best selves emerge when we’re at peace.

When you feel overwhelmed — relax, step back and be mindful. Stop your effort. Take a break, and return.

[Related: 20 Definitions of Mindfulness]

There’s More than You Think

Mindfulness for Immortality is the same as the general term, mindfulness, yet it’s more … much more. Mindfulness for Immortality goes to a farther depth and greater reality, including immortal life in physical form.

Mindfulness for Immortality builds heaven-on-earth, right where we stand.

With Mindfulness for Immortality, we practice living in the moment with positive presence. We practice getting calm and becoming aware of ourselves. We embody peace and strength, yet there’s more to “Mindfulness for Immortality.”

The Key to Immortality

bird holding key
We Hold the Key!

Mindfulness is the key to immortality, being mindful of what we’re creating by our thoughts, words and actions.

Mindfulness is how we relax, let go and find our core. With mindfulness, we gain awareness of how we give our time and attention to the world.

What Are You Tending to?

What our mind tends to, or gives attention to, is mindfulness.

We are always aware of something. Our attention is drawn to where we look. We focus or distract our awareness in many directions. What our mind tends to is mindfulness.

Mindfulness is as simple as can be: it’s a growing awareness of how we direct our attention in the world. Yet, Mindfulness for Immortality gives us peace and the experience of our own immortality.

Mindfulness is our greatest power, our best creative gift and the most meaningful practice we can do. Mindfulness is what we give our attention to.

Be Calm and Find Peace

In Mindfulness for Immortality, we get calm and find peace; we experience our inner core … then we inventory our thinking, speaking and actions. We look at how we are acting:

  • As a mindless predator in the world?
  • Or an eternal being of strength and good?

Finding deep calm and living in the moment can feel wonderful, yet still support an eventuality of death.

Calm and a sense of peace can exist with a mind and body that are still planning death and participating in harmful actions.

Actively Transforming Life

In Mindfulness for Immortality, it’s not enough to simply be calm and detached … instead we want to be at peace with our Higher Selves … where we’re actively transforming the world.

In Mindfulness for Immortality we become aware of how we’re creating. We choose the world, life and bodies we want.

Is There More to Know?

Mindfulness for Immortality is part of the three-fold Secret to Immortality path:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life
  3. Mentorship and Coaching

Mindfulness for Immortality goes a bit deeper into life than you may find in current mindfulness approaches.

With Mindfulness for Immortality, we add a final piece, a deep and fearless look at the truth of creation. We begin to see how we are creating life and how it behaves. We see our role in making a world of hardship, death and accident.

We take responsibility for who we are, what we do and where we live:

  • Self
  • Action
  • Planet

With Mindfulness for Immortality, we step back from death and move in a different direction. We are mindful with a purpose. We direct our lives and how we create.

Qi Gong is a powerful tool for creating Mindfulness for Immortality.

[Related: Your Free Qi Gong Video]

A Defining Piece

The piece that the Secret to Immortality adds to mindfulness is personal development and an active role in how life plays out.

The missing piece in spiritual approaches, modern day mindfulness and popular personal growth is the reality of immortality and the problem of death.

It is as if we fear to look death in the eye and say, No, this is not who I am or what I’m going to do. Death, in any form, is not for me.

Too often, we passively accept a fate of physical death, as if it’s natural and inevitable, when it’s not.

Death, hardship and chaos are things we’ve created by how we think, speak and act.

Depending on our inclinations and ideals, we may passively accept death as an unchangeable ending, that leads to:

  • The unknown
  • A place of heaven
  • Complete oblivion

Yet physical death can be altered to ever-lasting-life for everyone. We teach you how to do that at

Stand Up for Yourself

Accepting death cuts short our greatest human ability and purpose.

It can require a bit of courage to look around the planet, assess our lives, and say, No, none of this is right. Death, hardship and suffering are not the natural way of life. There’s surely something better, more sane and good, we can choose besides death … isn’t there?

When we accept death, we surrender our potential and don’t realize our role in creating this world.

When we accept death, we never have to fully grow or deeply care about our lives … about other people and this planet. To be sold on death, as an essential act, denies us the best of life.

Is Death an Addiction?

Let’s End Our Addiction to Death!

Death comes by unconscious habits of demise practiced over time, by thoughts and actions that don’t fully support life.

We suffer and pass away by purposeful ill-will or unconscious neglect where we don’t know the harm we’ve done.

  • Accepting death cuts short our greatest human ability.
  • Accepting death denies ourselves who we really are.

We may wrongly see death as an escape. Yet, death is nothing more than self denial, a denial of our immortal quality, the same thing the addict does to ignore the making of his or her plight.

Death accepting habits will kill us, exactly as addicts chasing their next using experience. Yet, a better choice is here. We can live happily, free and physically immortal … if we choose.

We can end our addiction to death.

We Never Have to Die, yet We Do?!

door opening
There Is another Way

When death is thought to be the plan of God or nature, and not of our making, we deny our human power and the fact that we create this world.

When we’re planning a life that ends in death: we never fully care, love, or commit to ourselves, the world or anyone else. We fall short of our true humanity.

Death, disease and human suffering are a harsh reality we can change.

Accepting death, as natural, creates a reaction in our bodies: it shifts our physical form and instructs us to die.

When we buy into death, we accept wrong-doing in the world we would normally not accept … this unnecessarily continues hardship.

Death Is Never a Way Out

Death might be seen as a way out of troubles, suffering and horror … yet it never is.

Death is a sentence to continue the hardship of this world — to repeat the cycle or death-and-rebirth endlessly until we discover that we are the way out.

How long do you want to be engaged in this pattern of death-and-rebirth … this needless pain and suffering of our making?

The wheel of death-and-rebirth is not God’s plan to teach us anything, instead it’s human folly.

There is better way.

We Recommend

For happiness, joy and freedom, we recommend you join us with the Secret to Immortality.

Read our blog archives, future posts and try our course below.

Watch the videos on our YouTube channel.

Join us on our Facebook page, where you can comment and participate with the community.

To get going with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest the following:

  1. Do Qi Gong
  2. Try the Book
  3. Read Our Blog
  4. Watch Our Videos
  5. Apply for Coaching
  6. Join our Facebook Page

Stay Tuned!

We wish you the best, and look forward to seeing you on this journey of inspiration, hope and lasting life!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master