Try this sneak peek of our upcoming book, “The Secret to Immortality.” Discover how specific thoughts, words and actions activate your eternal physical nature. Heal, be strong and deeply calm. Learn Qi (Chee) Gong for physical immortality.

The Story of Our New Book

We were revising the book, “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth.” As we progressed, more and more new material presented itself.

The book was transformed and changed to such a degree that there will be a new title, “The Secret to Immortality,” that evolved from the previous book.

The new book, “The Secret to Immortality” will be available in a few months. From time to time, as we approach publication, we’ll post a blog based on this book.

Below is the Introduction and Chapter One from the new book, “The Secret to Immortality.”



In this book, you’ll discover the Secret to Immortality: how specific thoughts, words and actions can activate your eternal physical nature: creating happiness, joy and freedom.

With the Secret to Immortality, you’ll discover how to heal, be strong and deeply calm. You’ll learn Qi (Chee) Gong for Immortality.

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese healing art for developing physical immortality.

[Related: Free Qi Gong Videos]

The words, images and Qi Gong exercises are designed to activate your best and allow your eternal nature to express.

The author, John Harrigan, is a Qi Gong Master and has practiced Qi Gong for Physical Immortality over two decades. John will show you how to make Qi Gong your practice for a better life.

[Related: About John]

Discover how a simple change of course can direct your path to eternal physicality.

Every chapter has a central thought of immortality and powerful image to contemplate. There are simple readings for transforming your life to a new and exciting state of happiness , strength and longevity.

The images and readings of this book have gifts and valuable insights to supercharge your path to eternal physical life.

If you’ve wanted more from life, to be all you can be — to heal, be strong and know the secret of existence — this may be the book for you!

Discover powerful tools to craft a world you’ve always wanted. As you read and try the exercises, you’ll find your greatest gift: the immortal you of happiness, joy and freedom!

See you in Chapter One!

Chapter One

We Are Immortal Now

What this Chapter Has for You:

  • The Path to Physical Immortality
  • Eternal Bliss, Love and Happiness
  • Activate Your Core of Lasting Life
  • Qi Gong for Immortality and Strength

Eternal Physical Life

Physical immortality is a fact we can live in this life.

We’re born to live forever: happy, joyous and free. The original design of our body does not include illness and death.

Illness and death are habits that evolved over time, as our bodies and minds were used in ways that did not favor life.

Let’s Put an End to Death

A cycle of death and rebirth is created when we harm, kill or cause injury to ourselves or any other form of life.

Killing dissociates life — making disunity, fragmentation and wholeness pulled apart.

With the first historical act of killing, eons ago, cycles of death and rebirth were ignited. We can end these cycles of hardship and suffering.

Nothing about death is necessary, needed or imperative. Death takes us away from the truth of who we are. Death deceives, confuses and denies the fullness of life.

We’re perfect as we are, without the need for injury, sickness and death.

We can be immortal now!

The Path to Immortality

Immortality is primarily a choice we make, a choice to break free from thoughts, feelings and actions that lead to death and suffering.

The Secret to Immortality is nothing new; most wise women and wisemen throughout history have discovered and taught this truth. The Secret to Immortality is a part of most wisdom traditions.

The central ideal is that we’re creating a world of death, disease and suffering; and we can change this equation. We can advance ourselves, nature and reality by changing how we act.

We can choose benevolence, grace and love; and set our course toward a better life.

The Secret Is a Three-fold Process

The Secret to Immortality is a three-fold process that includes:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life
  3. Immortality Coaching

“Mindfulness for Immortality” considers the thoughts, words and actions that make physical immortality happen.

With Mindfulness for Immortality, you’ll discover a powerful process of self-reflection where you learn the difference between immortality building and life ending behaviors; some of these differences are surprisingly subtle.

As you practice Mindfulness for Immortality, an ability to think and act with immortality will arise.

Qi Gong for Lasting Life

Qi Going is an ancient Chinese healing art with the purpose of creating physically immortal bodies that are free of pain, disease and death. In this book, you’ll discover a simple yet powerful type of Qi Gong for Lasting Life.

The third part of the Secret to Immortality is Immortality Coaching. It helps to work with a more experienced person, farther upon the path. With Immortality Coaching, you work one-to-one with an expert who mentors you upon your way.

Upon completion of our course, “Introduction to Immortality,” Immortality Coaching is offered.

Let’s Make Something Good!

As creative beings, we need to do a little creating to get immortality happening.

We need to think about a physically immortal life: how would this life look? How would immortality feel in our bodies? What would the day-to-day reality of eternal life be like for us?

For immortality, we need to act with the intention of immortality, having eternal physical life a goal and direction that we live. We need to want some outcomes of immortality such as deep personal strength, healing and joy.

Is there something you want from immortality?

A Decision to Be Made

For eternal life on earth: all we have to do is change a bit, create new habits and shift our path.

Really, what do you have to lose? You can have a life of certain death: of suffering, pain and hardship; or you can live with benevolence, grace and physical immortality.

You can have an exciting experience of powerful love — or suffer and die. Which do you want? What will it be? Is this really a difficult decision?

For eternal life on earth, all we have to do is:

  • Change a bit
  • Create new habits
  • Shift our path

There’s certainly nothing to lose by trying to have a better life. Let’s give it a try, right now!

Greatness to Discover

In this book, you’ll discover how, without knowing it, you may be choosing a life of hardship, pain and death.

Most of our thoughts and behaviors are unconscious habits. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but a way to automate our lives and not have to think through every insignificant action. Yet, when we are unaware of habits directing our living form, we may get into trouble.

A Habit Is Not the Truth

Death is a vortex of wreckage that we can undo.

Habits of belief, thinking and behavior can seem real and unchangeable truths, but they never are.

The earth was not flat, nor the center of the universe. The moon was not made of cheese.

As foolish as these ideas are, they were thought to be facts, and a death sentence waited if you challenged one of these specific “truths.”

[Related: Galileo Galilei (1636)]

A Vortex of Wreckage and Harm

Today we have a similar problem with death: some might fight for the idea that death is an unchangeable outcome of life, preordained by a deity or nature, and certainly not to be vanquished by human intention, thought and behavior.

…the acceptance of death forces humanity to remain victim to a harsh and unnecessary reality.

Yet, the “Secret to Immortality” suggests the idea of death is wrong … that the acceptance of death forces humanity to remain victim to a harsh and unnecessary reality.

We suggest, instead, that death is a habit of thought, belief and action, not an inevitable fact of life.

We see death as something we can stop, not an unchangeable reality.

An Easy Assumption, A False Conclusion

It’s easy to assume death is going to happen for us all; that’s how it looks, doesn’t it?

We might imagine that science, one day, could solve this problem; but on our own, there’s not much we can do.

Well … that’s incorrect!

We don’t have to wait for science to solve this problem. We can change the world and ourselves today; we can live with immortality.

In reality, no one has to perish.

Death is not the truth, a teachable moment or inevitable human fate.

Death is a misappropriation of energy, time and space.

The end of life is a vortex of wreckage and harm that we can undo.

[Definition of vortex: something that resembles a whirlpool. “the hellish vortex of battle”—]

An Action to Take

Immortality is a choice to make, an action to take … and so is death.

Presently, we’ve used our creative abilities to form a harsh world of death and destruction. However, we can use this exact same creative ability to make something different!

Some might argue that evolution is a fact, that things are progressing just fine as they are. We would say, how sad to accept such hardship and mass victimization.

We suggest that life can progress much better if we write death and brutality out of the “code of life.”

The Secret to Immortality writes death out of the algorithm for living; it’s a simple edit that anyone can do.

By choice and action, we can change life to a nurturing reality, a Garden of Eden and heaven on earth.

It’s our choice to make, an action to take — in this lifetime.

Three Parts to Lasting Life

This book includes all three parts of the Secret to Immortality: 1. Mindfulness for Immortality,  2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life, and 3. Immortality Coaching.

With Mindfulness for Immortality, you’ll learn powerful thoughts, words and actions to progress upon your path:

  • Powerful Thoughts
  • Instructive Words
  • Immortal Actions

With Qi Gong for Lasting Life, there are simple exercises to activate, strengthen and stabilize your immortal progression.

For Immortality Coaching, imagine I am with you in the words of this book: assisting, helping and motivating your journey. Imagine my teacher and his teacher are with you in the Wu Dang Mountains of China.

Further, we have a website,, where you can read our blog articles, take an “Introduction to Immortality Course” and discover how to get one-to-one Immortality Coaching.

Directions for Using the Book

The book is designed to be inspirational and thought provoking, with exercises to help you build a life of immortality.

As you read the book, go slowly and take your time; contemplate each short reading. Use the readings as meditative tools.

The Qi Gong exercises can help you improve your life with greater strength, serenity and peace.

A lasting life has simplicity, ease and comfort.

As you read the book with understanding: your feelings, thoughts and the world around you may change in a powerful way.

What’s ahead in Chapter One

Chapter One, below, is composed of eight short readings; read each one and pause. Relax, and let the meaning come to you. Let the power of every sentence speak; allow your feelings and thoughts to respond.

In this chapter, you’ll discover an exercise, Qi Gong for Immortality and Peace. It is deceivingly simple. However, daily practice can produce powerful results.

How to Use “Immortality Readings”

Every chapter has a section of “Immortality Readings,” simple statements to activate and strengthen your immortality.

Read each statement slowly, as a meditative tool. Ask deeply of yourself, for the meaning of the statement you have read. Ask further how the statement can affect your life. Ask of your deep and inner self; wait for a response.

When we ask for something, we set in motion a response. Creation gathers in support of a noble thought or gesture.

First, read the statements for meaning; then read again a few times without the need to understand, as you would repeat a mantra.

Treat each statement as a meditative tool for transformation. Try not to use your mind too much, expecting intellectual understanding.

Understanding and comprehension may come, but it’s not a necessary goal.

Transformation is the key; too much thought and effort can inhibit this important personal change.

Use each statement as a transformative tool to bring you along, in an effortless manner, to what you seek.

If a statement has a special grab, or attention getting quality, stop at that statement. Allow yourself to pause, let your pause take you to a greater strength, a better place of brilliant life and immortal being.

If you’re ready for Chapter One, let’s get going with the readings.

Chapter One: Immortality Readings

At our core we’re immortal, with infinite love and absolute peace.

Our Immortal Core

In all of us, there’s a core that’s calm and eternal. At this core is love, a perfect love that knows the world.

At our core, we’re immortal and the best of who we are. Deep inside, we’re strong.

At peace, we find ourselves and experience eternal life.

Be Calm and Understand

At your core, you exist in a perfect and eternal state.

To find this core, meditate or go for a walk. Hike in the woods; sit by the sea. Spend time with your child. Think of love, and do Qi Gong for Immortality and Peace.

At your core, you’re immortal.

Who We Are

At our core, we are a perfect love; we’re at peace and serene.

At our core, we’re absolutely who we are.

Qi Gong for Immortality and Peace

Immortality and Peace
  1. Find a quiet place; sit, relax and close your eyes.
  2. Observe your breathing but don’t control it.
  3. With eyes closed, focus to your nose.
  4. From your nose, focus to your heart in a ruby-red arc.
  5. From your heart, focus to your feet.
  6. Think of love and deep lasting peace.
  7. Know that you’re immortal; sense it.
  8. Be yourself; breathe in and out. Relax.
  9. Again, think of immortality and peace.
  10. With eyes closed, focus gently to your heart.
  11. From your heart, focus to your feet.
  12. Breathe in and out. Relax and be immortal now.

As you do this exercise, think of love, peace and immortality. Vision love and peace surrounding you in support. Feel your body as immortal. Then repeat.

Do this for 3 minutes or more, and repeat 2 times a day. The exercise is deceivingly simple but powerful with time.

Practice One Idea

If we practice one idea, just a little, we can change our mind, body and lives.

The idea we’re practicing in this exercise is peace, love and immortality; they are all one thing, aspects of a singular idea, experienced in the immortal now.

When we’re authentic and living our truth, we may find that perfect peace and eternal love are qualities alive as who we are.

As we are who we are, the immortal qualities of our soul can physically express.

In the Beginning

At the beginning of this exercise, we think of nothing and simply observe our breath. Next, we think of love and peace. With each breath, we let peace and love emerge.

We then sense our immortality; we vision and confirm the eternal nature of our core.

Don’t Control a Thing

As you do this Qi Gong exercise, don’t control a thing, relax. Observe your breathing, but don’t control how you breathe.

Gently watch your breath. Observe each inhalation. Watch as you breathe out. Relax the muscles of your stomach and throat.

Be yourself. Don’t try to make anything happen.

You are immortal now.

Observe each Breath

Observe your breathing, and do nothing else.

Don’t control your breath. Simply breathe and observe while thinking of love, peace and immortality.

Our Natural Rhythm

Immortality lives in every breath.

This exercise will take your breathing to a natural pace as you relax and meditate.

Your body knows how to breathe. You’re built with instructions for the perfect breath.

As you relax, your natural breathing leads to your core of bliss and immortality.

As you relax, you’ll feel secure and calm.

In each breath, your immortality lives.

Find your immortality. Embrace it, and be the person you were born to be.

The Instinct of Eternal Life

Get out of the way, and allow your perfect breath to breathe.

To live our perfection, the peace and joy of who we are, we need only get out of the way. We need only surrender the fight.

In our primitive nature, we may run away or fight, acting as a predator.

In some form, fighting or running away can be our reaction to just about everything. It’s a survival instinct, but this instinct leads to our death and creates a world of endless harm.

We have a better instinct at the core of who we are; this instinct is eternal life.

As we breathe in natural cadence, our core of immortality awakens.

As we allow ourselves to breathe without demand, we have a greater peace.

As we let ourselves breathe with ease and immortality, we naturally love.

In this perfect love, we find eternal life.

The Peace of the World

As we breathe in a manner of surrender and ease, we find ourselves. We know our love and the peace of the world.

As we breathe with ease and comfort, our eternal love and peace come forth.

Every Breath Improves Our Lives

As we do this exercise, we join each breath.

We synchronize our breathing with eternal life.

We unify and belong as we breathe and relax.

As we breathe from our core of peace and immortality … we join the world.

A Beginning Has Been Made

With this simple exercise, you’ve begun a path toward eternal life and lasting peace. You’ll improve and advance as you further read the book.

Good luck and best wishes with this new and timeless path. As you practice what you’ve learned, you’ll know a greater reality. You’ll discover a lasting joy and unlimited personal power.

The End of Chapter One

Let’s transform the world and live a life of immortality!

This is the end of Chapter One of our forthcoming book, “The Secret to Immortality.”

Please comment below or on our Facebook page, here.

Before we publish the book, let us know:

  • What Do You Think of the Book Cover?
  • What Do You Think about Chapter One?

Thanks so much! We need your feedback to make this book the best possible reading for you.

Are You Ready for Immortality?

To get going today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest the following (with links):

  1. Read our Blog
  2. Watch our Videos
  3. Take the Course
  4. Apply for Coaching
  5. Join our Facebook Page

If you want further insight, power and strength: you may want to try our course, “Introduction to Immortality.”

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John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master