Instant Self Growth Video, #2 — “Words Create Immortal Life.” Be immortal now! Words create reality; learn the talk to make eternal life on earth. #Qigong #LifeExtenstion #ImmortalLife

Our Words Create Our Bodies, Mind and World

As we’re mindful of how we think, speak and act; we gain control of how we create. As we become aware of this manifestation process, we ignite our immortal core.

Becoming aware of how we speak, within ourselves and in the world, gives us control of life’s creative power and allows us to access our deep personal soul, our timeless and lasting selves.

Video: “Words Create Immortal Life”

The Secret to Immortality

To get going with the Secret to Immortality: read our blog; see the book; try our course; join immortalityLAB … and listen to our podcast!

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  2. Book —
  3. Course —
  4. Immortality LAB —
  5. Podcast —

Video Transcript

Make good word a habit.

Chose immortal thoughts to direct your life.

Repeat good words throughout the day.

Words are the creative machine we use to construct physical reality.

Words create our bodies and physical form.

Use words to sculpt the life you want.

Physical immortality happens by the words we use.

Death, hardship and pain are formed by harsh and defiant words.

Words write the code that controls our world.

Words direct all life.

Be mindful and create the life you want of happiness, joy and immortality.

Begin immortal life.


John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master