Discover how breathing awareness can lead to relaxation, calm and self transformation. Try a simple technique to experience your immortal power.

A Simple Technique

Try a simple technique to let go of stress, and experience the immortal power of your core.

This is the Secret to Immortality Podcast with John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website,

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Discover Your Perfect Breath

Our body knows the perfect breath — an immortal breath — of happiness, health and calm.

We don’t have to imagine what a perfect breath might be. We don’t have to create the perfect breath; but simply get out of the way and let our body breathe.

Let’s Begin

Relax and be calm. If you can, find a seat, put your feet on the ground.

Hands palm down, on top of your thighs.

Relax; and let your attention go to your tummy, your abdomen.

Observe your breath, but don’t control it.

Close your eyes.

Eyes to nose; nose to heart in a ruby-red arch.

Repeat. Be calm and observe your breath, don’t control it.

Welcome to the Podcast

You’ve discovered “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website, where you’ll find Personal Growth, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality.

The Secret to Immortality

Learn to be happy, joyous and free with eternal vibrance in your day.

The Secret to Immortality helps you unlock your full human potential.

This path to lasting life has three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting LIfe
  3. Immortality Coaching

With “Mindfulness,” you gain awareness of thought, word and action to create the life you want.

“Qigong for Lasting Life” is an ancient Chinese meditative art that focuses specifically on physical immortality.

“Immortality Coaching” strengthens and directs your progress by working with an elder farther upon the path.

Qigong and Immortality

Qigong is ancient Chinese healing art for strength, wellbeing and physical immortality.

Qigong and the Secret to Immortality are within your grasp.

Begin a life of compassion and eternal physicality. Go to and read the blog, see our book, try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now … really, you are!


In this episode discover how breathing awareness can lead to deep relaxation and calm. Find a simple technique to let go of your stress and experience the immortal power of your core.

This is the secret to immortality podcast. I’m John Harrigan Qigong Master and founder of the website,

`Our body knows the perfect breath, an immortalbreath of happiness, health and freedom. We don’t have to think of it or invent this breath, but simply get out of the way, and let the inherent intelligence of our body and this world, breathe our perfect breath.

Let’s find our perfect breath right now together. If you can, sit down, feet on the floor, flat on the floor. Hands on your thighs, palms down. With your eyes closed, simply relax. Simply relax; let yourself breathe. Your eyes are closed. Your body’s relaxed; your legs are relaxed, the muscles in your thighs, your calves, your feet, your shoulders, your neck, your head, your back and arms are relaxed.

And now focus on your stomach, your abdomen, and simply observe it. Don’t control your breathing but notice how your stomach moves when you breathe. If we’re relaxed and breathing easily, when we breathe in, our stomach will go out a bit. The diaphragm coming down when we breathe in. Our stomach will go in and our breath will go out.

Now, some people if you’re holding a lot of tension and stress, you may notice nothing happening to your stomach. But just know that as you do this exercise again and again, just relax and let go, and you’ll naturally feel your stomach coming out as you breathe in, and your stomach coming in as you breathe out.

And the lungs are expanding a little as we breathe in, our muscles around the lungs, around the chest. And as we breathe out, those muscles contract.

What we’re doing now is we’re becoming aware of our perfect breath. Getting well; finding health, healing, deep peace and satisfaction.

We breathe in. We breathe out, and don’t controlyour breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, just observe your breathing.

Central to this exercise of breath awareness, and it’s a simple but powerful and essential exercise … central to this exercise is that you’re absolutely not controlling anything. You’re not controlling your breath. You’re not forcing yourself to breathe in your nose and out your mouth.

There’s no technique; there’s no thought whatsoever. And that’s the secret, and that’s the power.

Inside you, I suggest you have the perfect immortal breath, that is the perfect immortal you breathing, and it’s in your neurology; it’s in your brain. Your body knows how to do it.

Now your body may have not breathed this immortal breath in a long time. Your body may have not breathed this breath in decades. So just observe your breathing quietly, without judgment. With love, compassion and forgiveness. Just observe how you breathe.

And that’s the exercise.

[Due to time constraints, we’ve stopped editing the transcript here. If you have experience editing, and would like to volunteer, please contact us to hear about volunteer benefits.]

Unknown Speaker 4:26
you’re observing how you breathe in and out. By simply observing and not controlling a thing. You have a greater control a greater you that will breathe with you breathe for you. You have a greater consciousness, our greater consciousness mine yours, together everyone in the world. We have a greater consciousness that we defeat and stifle by the use of software Well by the overuse of software by fear by aggression by competition by predation, killing and eating our kill, looking outside of ourselves for all our needs, when everything to be had is within you as you and to find that you within you, all you have to do is allow it to emerge and get out of the way observing your breath, eyes to nose, nose to heart and your ruby red arc, feet to ground. Breathing easily, quietly, gently in and out with the eyelids shut. Pretend you can see through your eyes, the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose. Visualize a ruby red arc going out three to four inches and curving back into your heart. Gently always, just In any exercise in any teaching gently, eyes to nose, nose to heart and ruby red arc. Lets your attention fall down your feets your feet rooted deeply into the ground, maybe 10 feet. Maybe more than that maybe less whatever comes to you rooted as a tree.

Unknown Speaker 6:22
You’re grounded. You’re in love.

Unknown Speaker 6:27
centered in love. Mind heart connected, letting go letting yourself breathe naturally freely. blessedly. The Immortal you the greater you and me is the physical person that we are. It’s nothing supernatural, just the opposite. It’s just a person that is not involved in predation in hunting, killing in trying to be Rich and trying to be famous and grasping and trying to take away anything we look out to get for ourselves at the cost is something else or someone else takes us out of our soul into confusion and stress and then we become full of fear conscious or not that will be killed because we will be killed eventually. The terms someone dying of natural causes, I was talking to someone who has a loved one that’s getting close to passing away and this person was understandably unnaturally very upset. And I was trying to explain to this person who had not was not really familiar with death in his life that death is a horrible thing that there’s no such thing as dying of natural causes. If you’ve helped a loved one or an elderly person. Most illnesses are rather slow and painful and even An elderly person does not die unless something kills them. And my suggestion is, that is not the way life wants to be lived. My suggestion is, being killed ourselves or killing other things is not a fair and accurate use of life and who we are that there’s another way and that’s the secret to immortality. While I’m speaking to you, observe your breath, don’t control it.

Unknown Speaker 8:33
Observe your breath,

Unknown Speaker 8:34
the immortal you.

Unknown Speaker 8:38
A greater consciousness which I suggest is your true consciousness, our true consciousness. A larger self which is our real self. The small self is afraid the small self must find food. The small stuff self must find shelter the small self must gain status in a social world to ensure survival and to ensure survival of our families. The small self is always on the hunt for something for someone in some way. And I suggest to you the small self brings about death in the world corruption calamity inside ourselves.

Unknown Speaker 9:27

Unknown Speaker 9:30
reap what we sow what we do is happening inside us every second. What we do is taking place inside us first before we ever do it into the world. My suggestion is peace, compassion, love knowing that we are a mortal people. This is an eternal world, a garden of Eden that we have shaped into a difficult place. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 9:54
we see the beauty

Unknown Speaker 9:57
the love

Unknown Speaker 10:00
perfectness of life, but it’s always a fragment. It’s always momentary, there’s always hell to pay and literally is how when, when we’re not aware that we’re harming ourselves and others, it’s still happening and we don’t escape it. When we’re not living in our full consciousness of love and eternal compassion, there’s a consequence. We can’t do something harmful to the world and not have that harm acting in ourselves and not having that harm reverberating. in nature. I suggest you whew we write the code that life forms write the code we instruct the natural world, how to behave by our by how we behave, our thoughts, our words, by our actions, the solution to suffering to death, which again and again, I hope you get that the secret to immortality is saying that love Perhaps Christ and Dallas masters in the mountains of China, Kabbalah teachers, death is wrong is unnecessary. It’s not how we’re designed to live to be. Any child doesn’t expect that they’re born to die and suffer. A child well treated, believes they’re in a heavenly world and they are. But we’ve changed it around we’ve rewritten the rules for the Garden of Eden. So it acts harmfully on us at some time in some way. And somehow.

Unknown Speaker 11:37
So breathe in love, compassion, purity and strength. And let out that breath thinking nothing. Breathe in perfection, joy and happiness.

Unknown Speaker 11:55
Breathe out nothing.

Unknown Speaker 11:58
Breathe in the perfect to you the joy and happiness of all the world. feel it in your cells in your muscles in your body, all your organs. Breathe in beautiful and perfect life and know that life that beautiful and perfect life is you. Gorgeous and complete. I should eyes to nose, nose to heart and to Ruby right to our feet to ground. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, observe your breath. Let go of your thoughts to have a greater thought, a greater consciousness that is not controlling. I suggest that when you get into your eternal self, the core of you eternal consciousness. It’s not about controlling anything. It’s not about getting chores done. It’s not about being in a hurry

Unknown Speaker 12:55
so you can have

Unknown Speaker 12:57
what you want and think you need to have Suggest in greater consciousness and that eternal physical consciousness in your body feed on the ground in this world as you right now, I suggest that in that eternal consciousness, we’re not controlling anything. And by not controlling anything with an eternal consciousness,

Unknown Speaker 13:21

Unknown Speaker 13:22
goes naturally and well, by not controlling anything and relaxing. observing our breath, we start to feel a compassionate awareness emerge from our core. And it may not happen to you today or right now, but if you like the idea, stay with it. Go to our website and mortal we have a membership where every week there’s a new qigong exercise in lecture and other surprises and things to help you in your daily life. That’s on the website. Immortal now calm and our podcasts which you’re listening to

Unknown Speaker 14:05

Unknown Speaker 14:06
and we have a book to read you can find on the website we have free videos and articles of course on the blog eyes to nose nose to heart feet to ground you notice I’m interweaving in a way this exercise but really not I’m trying to take you with me to eternal consciousness to what I suggest is your real consciousness as the real physical you nowhere else but here and now for the ground. observing your breath we’re here right now at peace in love. compassionate, safe protected and I often talk about qigong qiong if you go to our website immortal now calm you can read about it. Qigong is an ancient Chinese healing art that I took Teach for immortality that comes from my teacher in China in Dallas immortal masters in the mountains of China. I teach Qigong for immortality, a little love. It is what I’m doing now. Eyes to nose,

Unknown Speaker 15:15
nose, the heart, feet to ground. But it’s not so much an exercise is just getting your consciousness grounded into your eternal core of who you really are. Nobody likes to run around with racing thoughts. I must do this. I must do that. Oh my god, Am I safe? Is this gonna get me? Is that gonna get me? Am I gonna have a wonderful life? Am I gonna get the things I want? Am I gonna find the right partner? I suggest you don’t have to think about any of that ever. That you have a greater consciousness that is simply the real you. The eternal, immortal you and sometimes I talk about strength, eternal Strength, peace, love strength when we do QiGong, how it grounds us makes us strong and aware. But as you get into the eternal you, it’s not really a strength like a muscular contraction and lifting weights and guns and superheroes, one person stronger than another, the most powerful strength that we have of human immortality of who we really are. It’s not really a strength at all. It’s just an eternal consciousness where there is no stress. There is no contraction. There’s just absolute peace. And I suggest to you the more in peace we are, the more at peace, in love with compassion and goodwill. We become immune to hardship and harm. We become untouchable to hardship and harm and I don’t mean this in a magical thinking why we’re

Unknown Speaker 17:00
She’s am I’m immortal, and no one

Unknown Speaker 17:03
can harm me. Not at all. And that’s completely wrong. It’s as I relax, get honest, and get to my core and allow the core of me to express as I work through my fear. As I work through the harms that have been done to me and the harms have been done to my relatives and all of humanity, as I learned to let go of that into a compassionate embrace, the creation has for me, I simply feel goodwill and love everywhere and in everything in myself in my flesh and everyone I look at. I can easily love everyone there is now in so can you now we may not like what everyone has become. And there may be hardships and ugliness that take place in our life but We

Unknown Speaker 18:00
don’t have to

Unknown Speaker 18:00
hate those

Unknown Speaker 18:02
poor souls that do wrong things. We can instead have compassion for how they’re trapped in that

Unknown Speaker 18:10

Unknown Speaker 18:12
of harming themselves and other people. We can have compassion understanding for how people are trapped in a consciousness where they think they need to war to fight, even a couple in a relationship, having arguments or

Unknown Speaker 18:27
silent disagreements,

Unknown Speaker 18:30
a couple in a relationship where they are not in touch with their love their hearts, where love is not being expressed, but we can change all that ourselves. We’re not about changing other people. We can teach them something if they’re eager to learn and want to know what we have. But I suggest to you that we really can’t control anything in the world. And why would you want to jump in with a swirling moron of hell. Just stay as who you are and people will notice and want to be with you or they won’t. It doesn’t matter. We choose what we think. And I assure you you can it may take some practice. Just listen to the podcasts, read the articles. There is a course you can take an introductory course at our website. Immortal now calm along with immortality lab, the weekly lab for a new qigong class every week for a new talk and we publish our best social media posts. We’re on Facebook and Instagram a few times a week putting up a post for inspiration and guidance and hope. observing your breath right now as I’m talking to you. Observe your breath. Relax, be at peace. feel a warmth of protection and care All around you, that is you. That is your soul that is everything You are everything I am everything everyone is everything. The creative world is a joy, a happiness of freedom. A bliss, just a powerful, wonderful forgiving, healing, feeling, idea and consciousness that is you.

Unknown Speaker 20:28
We are immortal now.

Unknown Speaker 20:30
bless you and keep you until the next podcast.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master