Hello, this is John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website,  immortalnow.com. Welcome to the Secret to Immortality Podcast. This simple meditation will guide you to the gold in you the strength, love and goodness of your soul.

Listen to this Meditation

Calm and Relaxed

With every breath you take, intend calm and relaxation.

Get calm and relax. Breathe easy, observing your breath and not controlling it. Calm and relaxed, observing your breath, in an out.

It’s important to be calm and at peace in order to experience your core, the deep self that’s Gold.

Don’t Control a Thing

Don’t control a thing; all you need is here.

You’re getting more relaxed and more physically calm. You can feel this calm in your body, relaxed and at peace.

Observe your breath, but don’t control it, calm and relaxed.

There Is Gold in You!

Within us, there is gold.

There’s peace, strength and everything good inside you; your true self is calm and relaxed.

There’s gold within us. There’s peace, strength and perfect love.

Immortality Book for You!

Qi Gong Book Cover ImageSee our book that shows you exactly what to do for human immortality, joy and peace: “Qigong and Spiritual Growth,” on Amazon

Discover your ability for healing, strength and deep inner calm. This book’s words, images and exercises can activate the best in you.

Find powerful tools to craft the life you’ve always wanted. As you read and do the exercises in this book, you’ll find your greatest gift!

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Your Qigong Master

This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I'm a Qigong Master and founder of the website ImmortalNow.com where we teach the Secret to Immortality.

Author of the books, Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth and Lessons in Love, my life mission is building mass awareness of our ability to live healthy, happy and immortal human lives.

At ImmortalNow.com, we teach the Secret to Immortality with mindfulness, Qigong and coaching.

We pursue this human possibility with singular focus and offer everything we have to you!

Discover the Secret to Immortality

To begin your path to eternal awareness -- we recommend you go to ImmortalNow.com; read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Intro Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Have the best day of your life.

You are immortal now!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master