Be grounded, safe and secure. Discover peace in your body and head, with gentle and relaxing thoughts. Know your soul of perfect love.

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Welcome to the Podcast

You’ve discovered “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong master and founder of the website, where you’ll find Personal Growth, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality.

In this podcast, you’ll find daily meditations for strength and calm and weekly immortality talks on the Secret to Immortality for happiness, strength and lasing life.

The Secret to Immortality

Learn to be happy, joyous and free with eternal vibrance in your day.

The Secret to Immortality helps you unlock your full human potential.

This way to lasting life has three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting LIfe
  3. Immortality Coaching

With “Mindfulness,” you gain awareness of your thought, words and action to create the life you want.

“Qigong for Lasting Life” is an ancient Chinese meditative art that focuses specifically on physical immortality.

“Immortality Coaching” strengthens and directs your progress by working with an elder farther upon the path.

Qigong and Immortality

Qigong is ancient Chinese meditative art for strength, wellbeing and physical immortality.

Qigong and the Secret to Immortality are within your grasp.

Begin a life of compassion and eternal physicality. Go to and read the blog, see our book, try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now … really, you are!


Observe your breath. Relax, be calm. Have a seat and close your eyes.

Relax, breathe in and out. Observe your breathing, but don’t control it. Relax and be calm.

This is John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website, with your daily meditation.

Observe your breathing, relax and be calm.

Relax, feel your body relax, your mind and thinking relax. Let go of your thoughts. Feel your thoughts, visualize your thoughts flying away, and your brain at peace, your body at Peace.

Your heart relaxed, your tummy is calm, all of you relaxed and calm, at peace. And in this peace, we find ourselves. In this peace, we know our soul, our perfect core of love, compassion, happiness and ease.

Observe your breath, relax, be calm.

Feel this calm deeper and deeper within you, a deep and wonderful calm, a peace including every muscle in your body, every organ.

With your eyes closed — eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc …three to four inches out as it curves into your heart, that ruby red arc.

Eyes closed, visualize you can see through your eyelids, as though they were not there, to the tip of your nose. From the tip of your nose, a Ruby Red arc curving out a bit and into your heart.

Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart.

A heart of strength. That heart perhaps red, beating alive, in perfect rhythm.

Let your attention go down to your feet, flat on the floor, the soles of your feet. Visualize yourself rooted deeply to the earth, 10 to 12 feet, like a tree, like the roots of the tree.

Observe your breath, in and out; calm, alive and well … your perfect breath giving you life, a life of ease, comfort, of bliss, of happiness and grace.

Bless you, for your day.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master