Abundance is a state of mind where we know ourselves fully. Dive deep to your abundant soul; find unending peace and love! Discover a greater resource you never knew you had.

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Infinite Life Is in Us

Who you are, right now, is enough.

Abundance is a state of mind, a state where we have all-of-ourselves and know who we are.

Who you are, right now, is enough. You have everything you need and want, inside yourself, as who you are.

In our soul, we have an infinite supply of everything; we are an unending font.

Abundance is a state of mind, having all of ourselves and knowing who we are: abundant, full and complete, an unending supply — that’s our soul; that’s our perfect self.

Whatever happens in the world belongs to the world. But we belong to who we are, and we have who we are inside.

For true abundance, get into yourself and find the fullness of your soul.

Controlling Behavior Hurts Us

Even if we have enough, we still feel scarcity and fear.

By controlling things too much — by using our will too much — we cut off our soul awareness, feeling scarcity and fear. Even if we have enough, we still feel anxious and deprived. This feeling of anxious need comes from a disconnect with our soul, our deep self.

One way to reconnect with our deep self is with meditative breathing in our Daily Meditations.

To Relax, Pause and Observe

When you feel stress, emember to pause and observe your breath. The act of observation with allow your breathing to reset in a more calm and fulfilling manner.

Your body knows the perfect, abundant breath. Your body knows the deep and eternal soul that you are … and your body wants to breathe an immortal breath, if you can just get out of the way.

We get out of the way by simply observing and not controlling things, starting with our breath; then we can observe and not control most things in our lives.

Let Go of Stress and Fear

There are few things during the day that we really have to do, that we really have to control with application of will.

Most of our involvement with fear and concern, most of that involvement is with things we can back away from … things that we don’t really need to be involved with.

Get to your soul of abundance.

Abundance is a state of mind, having all of ourselves and knowing who we are.

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Welcome to the Podcast

You’ve discovered “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website, ImmortalNow.com, where you’ll find Personal Growth, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality.

In this podcast, you’ll find daily meditations for strength and calm plus weekly Immortality Talks on the Secret to Immortality for happiness, strength and lasting life.

The Secret to Immortality

Learn to be happy, joyous and free with eternal vibrance in your day.

The Secret to Immortality helps you unlock your full human potential.

This way to lasting life has three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting LIfe
  3. Immortality Coaching

With “Mindfulness,” you gain awareness of thought, word and action to create the life you want.

“Qigong for Lasting Life” is an ancient Chinese meditative art that focuses specifically on physical immortality.

“Immortality Coaching” strengthens and directs your progress by working with an elder farther upon the path.

Qigong and Immortality

Qigong is ancient Chinese healing art for strength, wellbeing and physical immortality.

This day, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality are within your grasp.

Begin a life of compassion and eternal physicality. Go to ImmortalNow.com and read the blog, see our book, try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now … really, you are!


Abundance is a state of mind — having all of ourselves and knowing who we are.

Relax, be calm. Observe your breath, and think of the word “abundance,” … fullness, having what you need and want.

Relax and breathe. Observe your breath, and think of the word, abundance.

Observe your breath, in and out.

Who you are, right now, this instant … is enough. You have everything you need and everything you want inside yourself as who you are.

Abundance is a state of mind, having all of ourselves and knowing who we are: abundant, full and complete, an ending supply. That’s our soul. That’s our perfect self.

Whatever happens in the world belongs to the world. But we belong to who

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master