Activate perfect life in every cell, muscle and organ of your body, so you can be immortal now: happy, joyous and free. -- #VisualizationMeditation #Qigong #law of attraction
Discover the Secret to Immortality: 1. Mindfulness for Immortality, 2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life and 3. Immortality Coaching. Dive deep into Mindfulness for Immortality.
Use the word, OM, to relax, be calm and manifest your immortal nature. As you say the word, OM; hold the idea of bringing forth your eternal self -- the wellness, good and happiness inside you.
Podcast #6: "Death Is a Con, a Fake Idea that's Wrong" - End death; create a world of happiness and eternal physical life. Accepting the idea of death as inevitable, brings death into the world.
Happiness is NOT found in pursuit, journey or material possessions - all are the same. Deep satisfaction comes from possessing yourself, the experience of authenticity.