I’m writing a new book, “12 Steps to Immortality.” In this book, you’ll discover how to awaken your physical immortality, develop perfect peace and strength. I’ll share a bit of my new book — as I write it — every week, right here in the blog.

For You Today

Today you can read from the book’s “Introduction,” and discover how I got started in my search for the Secret to Life and Human Immortality.


The Secret to Life: We’re immortal and made
to live forever — joyous, happy and free.

From my earliest years, I wanted to know the Secret to Life.

I felt I’d lived many lifetimes and had never achieved our full human potential, never discovered the truth of who we are and why we’re here.

Many Lives and Many Lessons

As a boy, I remember looking in a mirror and seeing lives I had lived numbering more than a thousand. I could experience and consider all the lifetimes in one moment, simultaneously, exactly as I’d lived them. I saw I had missed the mark in every life; I had failed to realize our full human potential and discover what life was really about.

My Intention

I intended, with all my soul, for this life to be different: to discover the Secret to Life and achieve our fullest human ability.

The Secret to Life

As I viewed my past lives, I had been rich, poor, noble and common. I had lived every possible human existence. Yet, I always had fallen short, never pursuing or finding the hidden truth of this creation.

With all the conviction of my being, I planned this lifetime to be a quest for the meaning of existence, making each day count.

I knew when I discovered the Secret to Life — and fully understood it — I would share this secret with the world, as I do with you today.

See you next week when I share the story of how I met my first mentor in my teens and began the path to human immortality.

[Related: New Book, “The 12 Steps to Immortality”]

Every week I’ll send you a new book excerpt, so you can read the book as I write it!

Our New Book!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master