Perfect peace is our nature, a wonderful calm and ease. Breathe into that peace. Relax and be calm as who you are.

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Peace Is always Here

A peace that passeth understanding is who we are in our heart, body and soul … a perfect peace, a beautiful understanding.

We are at peace, perfect and secure.

Welcome to the Podcast

You’ve discovered “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where you’ll find Personal Growth, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality.

In this podcast, you’ll find daily meditations for strength and calm plus weekly Immortality Talks on the Secret to Immortality for happiness, strength and lasting life.

The Secret to Immortality

Learn to be happy, joyous and free with eternal vibrance in your day.

The Secret to Immortality helps you unlock your full human potential.

This way to lasting life has three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting LIfe
  3. Immortality Coaching

With “Mindfulness,” you gain awareness of thought, word and action to create the life you want.

“Qigong for Lasting Life” is an ancient Chinese meditative art that focuses specifically on physical immortality.

“Immortality Coaching” strengthens and directs your progress by working with an elder farther upon the path.

Qigong and Immortality

Qigong is ancient Chinese healing art for strength, wellbeing and physical immortality.

This day, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality are within your grasp.

Begin a life of compassion and eternal physicality. Go to and read the blog, see our book, try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now … really, you are!


[Volunteers please! Due to time constraints, this transcript is abbreviated. If you have experience with editing, writing or social media; please contact us about volunteer benefits.]

Perfect peace is our nature, a wonderful calm and ease.

A peace that passeth understanding is who we are in our heart and our body, our flesh and our soul, a perfect piece, a beautiful understanding.

I’m John Harrigan, Qigong master and founder of the website,

We are at perfect peace; every cell of our body from head to toe, every muscle, every organ.

We live in peace, a peace, that passeth understanding in the eternal now, the physical now that lasts forever.

Observe your breath. Let yourself breathe. Don’t control your breath, simply observe it, and the perfect breath of perfect peace will naturally emerge as you breathe.

Have a seat. Relax, hands on thighs up near. Knees, palms down. Breathe in and out through your nose closure eyelids. Imagine you can see gently easily to the tip of your nose. From the tip of your nose vision a ruby red arc going out about three to four inches. Coming back into your heart and hold this vision for a moment. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and ruby red arc. perfect peace and love peace and love Let your attention fall down to your feet that are on the floor, flat on the floor, the bottoms of your feet flat to the ground. and visualize yourself routed into the earth about 10 to 15 feet. Doesn’t matter where you are second third floor of your house 50th floor of your office building. Simply Imagine you’re sitting on the earth in a light firm chair.

Relax but upright. Your feet on the ground rooted deeply to the earth grounded hole alive and secure eyes to nose, nose to heart and Ruby read our breathing is relaxed and free but we’re not making it relaxed and free. We’re not controlling our breathing. We’re allowing that perfect breath to emerge. We are at peace, grounded to the earth to who we are and our body to the soil belonging where we are.

perfect peace, perfect love.

Perfect grace.

We are immortal now.

[Volunteers please! Due to time constraints, this transcript is abbreviated. If you have experience with editing, writing or social media; please contact us about volunteer benefits.]

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master