Discover your deep and lasting love, the eternal core that’s you! Try a technique to bring your love alive!

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You Can Live Forever

To live forever — happy, joyful and free — love everyone

Love with all your soul and might. Love strongly, gently, day and night.

Love is the secret to lasting life, because lasting life is foremost love.

List of Things to Love

Love everyone and everything.

Love your mother. Love your father, sisters and brothers.

Love your losses. Love you gains.

Love the world and everyone in it.

Love your neighborhood.

Love everyone who has ever harmed you, disliked or rejected you.

Love the world, and love it again.

Forgive and let go … stop resentment, hate and jealousy.

Repeat the above list with forgiveness. Replace the word, “love” with the word, “forgiveness.”

Love Unimpeded

The purpose of this exercise is to allow your core of immortality to emerge.

I suggest your core is love, eternal love unimpeded.

True love wants to love. True love needs to love.

However, when we reject our love, stifle and impede it; we die a slow death.

True Love Is Returned

We need to love in order to live. If we love with our soul, our soul of love, that love is returned.

Perfect and immortal love is a two way street: it gives as it is given.

Eternal love is infinite and unlimited … it feels incredibly good.

Welcome to the Podcast

You’ve discovered “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where you’ll find Personal Growth, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality.

In this podcast, you’ll find daily meditations for strength and calm plus weekly Immortality Talks on the Secret to Immortality for happiness, strength and lasting life.

The Secret to Immortality

Learn to be happy, joyous and free with eternal vibrance in your day.

The Secret to Immortality helps you unlock your full human potential.

This way to lasting life has three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting LIfe
  3. Immortality Coaching

With “Mindfulness,” you gain awareness of thought, word and action to create the life you want.

“Qigong for Lasting Life” is an ancient Chinese meditative art that focuses specifically on physical immortality.

“Immortality Coaching” strengthens and directs your progress by working with an elder farther upon the path.

Qigong and Immortality

Qigong is ancient Chinese healing art for strength, wellbeing and physical immortality.

This day, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality are within your grasp.

Begin a life of compassion and eternal physicality. Go to and read the blog, see our book, try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now … really, you are!


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To live forever with happiness, joy and freedom, love everyone. Love with all your soul and might love strongly love gently day and night. Love is the secret to lasting life. Because lasting life is love and little else eternal love, joy, happiness and freedom.

This is John Harrigan Qigong master and founder of the website,, where we teach the secret to immortality. And that secret again, is to love to love deeply from your core, your core of immortality, and the more we love, without condition without expectation without demand or desire, the more we love, the closer we get to our immortal core to that lasting perfect Heart of who we are.

And as we love, we bring that perfection of our soul into the world into our flesh and body. So we have a body of love, a body of loving physical substance in the world. So the secret to immortality the secret to joy, happiness and freedom.

The secret to being happy no matter what, no matter where you are, is to love to love everyone and everything. And I’m going to take you through a little exercise that may seem impossible, it’s not just do it. So follow with me think with me as I say the following words and do what I say if you can love everyone and everything.

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There is nothing in the world. You can’t love. There is no one in the world. You can’t love Appreciate and have compassion for the worst people in the world are the ones who are farthest from their soul farthest from love farthest from joy and happiness. The people that do bad things are the same. The people that are the farthest away from who they are their own soul. They’re kind of crazy. So we can have compassion and understanding that they are kind of locked out from their own soul from their own perfection. And they chase after that, by external acquisition, by war by robbery, and even doing that in legal ways.

Everyone in society is competing. There’s always somebody else that would prefer to have your job and not have you there. There’s always somebody else that would like to own things that you own. When everyone doesn’t have the same opportunity, and that’s a fact of life. So love every one in everything. Love Your mother, love your father, no matter what they did to you or didn’t do no matter what they provided or didn’t provide, even if they weren’t present in your life, love your mother, love your father. Love your sisters and brothers. Love your loss. We all have loss. Life is about loss every day. There’s something we don’t get. And not getting something is a loss.

Love your gain..

Don’t forget to love the good things that you’ve received. Think about the good things that you’ve received in your life and love them, appreciate them. Pause and write them down. Gratitude lists have been proven to be very effective in psychological and sociological literature, right a list of everything you’ve been given.

I’ve been given my physical life I’ve been given today my health, my breath, the ability, the ability to breathe, I’ve been given the ability to talk to move my fingers and arms and if you don’t have fingers and arms, and some of us don’t you may have legs to appreciate you may have a heart, a liver, a stomach, a spleen that you can love.

There’s something you can love if you can hear these words. Love everything. Love your losses love your gains love the world and everyone in it you can begin with the room you’re in a car wherever you are. Simply love yourself. First feel the love, strength and power and you in your soul, your eternal nature, your immortal core, feel the love and that that is You loving choosing to love and let it go into the room. You protected you’re strong, you’re safe but you can love still anyone and everything. Let your love be in you feel it notice that and live in it. Love everything in the room if no one’s in the room, love the physical objects in the room.

Love a lamp if it’s there, loves the speakers if you have speakers, love your phone if it’s in front of you. And if you’re listening to this from your phone, love the physical objects around you love the air, love the sun, love the night love the moon. Start with yourself and love safely with power and strength. And then let that love. Continue in a compassionate consciousness outside of your body. That love includes your body but love out from your body into the world into the atmosphere, the air, the oxygen Jen, your room, loving to the streets, love your neighborhood. Love people you don’t like her trust in the neighborhood. appreciate those you do love. appreciate those who are nice and good to you in your neighborhood. Love the neighborhood good and bad. have compassion for everyone that is there and struggles. Love and keep loving. Love all day and night. Again love everyone and everything and love your mother. I love my mother love your father. I love my father. My mother wasn’t perfect. My father wasn’t perfect and they have both passed away at this time. But I love them nonetheless. I love my sisters. I have three I have no brothers, but I always wanted one. So I love that grief. I love that sense of loss. I love that Reasonand desire for a brother,love and love more but start with yourself.

Then go out into your family then think of your loss love that then think of your gain what you have. I have everything I could want a need right now as who I am. I have everything. Love the world and everyone in it. Let your love go out around the planet. I love the world and every one in it. I love everything that there is. love everyone who has ever harmed you disliked you or rejected you. Love everyone who has liked you who has treated you well and who has welcomed you.

Love the world and love it again.

Forgive and let go. Forgiveness is the key to love forgiveness. Love, forgive yourself forgive others. Forgive when we forgive, we let go of unnecessary self protection.

We are biologically designed and it’s a good idea to remember who has hurt you who has stolen from you who has burned down your house because you need to protect yourself. But probably no one at this moment is about to physically hurt you burn down your house, or steal your wallet.

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So there’s no one really you can’t forgive at this time and this moment, you let go of that self protected resentment, anger and fear that’s designed to protect us that’s designed to help us you let go. You let go. Forgive and let go. There’s a dog that just started barking as we’re into this podcast Episode, I have to hear that bark and I have to let go I have to not be angry at the owner. The dog is barking a lot in its lifetime and often when I’m recording so I have to not react to that but I can’t not react I’m gonna have a reaction so I immediately let go. I love that dog. You may have heard the bark I love the owner of the dog. Now is there anything I have to do? Should I go over and talk to the owner? No, nothing illegal nothing wrong is happening. So I have to let go. If I want my love to flow if I want to feel my loving core, my generosity and good I can’t hold on to resentment, hate and fear. I can’t hold on to usually unnecessary self protecting behaviors.

Forgive and let go stop resentment, hate and jealousy. resentment, hate and jealousy again, all our negative emotions have a role to play. We are designed as apex predators and that’s where we get in to problems and part of the secret to immortality what I’m teaching you this moment and in this podcast episode is to let go of the predator in you we have a biology our brains are designed to chase down animals, kill them, eat them, or our brains are designed to fight for new territory and to kill for a new territory. It’s amazing that worldwide people behave as well as they do. Because again, we are biologically designed as apex predators. But if we can’t calm down control, that predation, that predatory behavior, the joys of life, the bliss the happiness and freedom will never come when we’re out. As a predator, we may work really hard compete in school, get a good job, compete on our job, learn a trade, start a business, we may compete very well with other businesses taking their territory, keeping them out of our territory, acting like a predator day and night in a very legal and well approved way, which doesn’t help our eternal core emerge. So the secret to immortality and everything I’m teaching you is to calm that predator, the apex predator within you and start to be aware of how are the little ways that I act as a predator. I may have a soft voice, I may walk gently.

I may be really kind and raise a wonderful garden in the front of my home. But I may be harboring unknown resentment, fear and anger that I plaster over. With this facade of kindness, and passivity, yet, when I talk with someone I’m never giving, when I’m with people, I’m never with them. I don’t have love, I don’t have kindness. I don’t have understanding truly for other people, so I can’t really be of help to them.

When we stifle ourselves out of fear, resentment and self protection, we can’t be giving of ourselves and we all need to be giving, to be loving, to be communicating, to be talking to be understanding of each other so we can work together and bring down the world of predation, and instead structure and give fourth and eternal creation by accessing our eternal sore, our eternal core, our eternal sore are tricky to say, our eternal souls of love. It’s not a love that demands something, you know, we are so much redditors. Anytime we’re in love with something, there’s there’s a whole list of stuff unconsciously that we want. And we expect some of it, we may get in a lot of it, we never well, so there’s resentment. I didn’t get this. I didn’t get that then people reject us. We may be in love. The other person may be in love with us too. But they’re not understanding us. They’re rejecting our knees. They’re rejecting our personhood. Very few people are perfect in relationships, because they’re acting as predators. There’s always this greed to get what I want. There’s something I want to do today. There’s something have to get done. My work has to be accomplished. I have to do this. I have to get that. I suggest you. Most of those desires and needs and fears are predation, apex predator behavior, and action. Anything we do not to love anything we do not to communicate, not to understand others, not to hold our tongue and listen, anything we do to not be our eternal selves on Earth. In a garden of Eden, anything that gets in a way that is, I suggest predation, apex predator behavior,we’ve done Far, far too.

In being an apex predator, I think we’ve got over seven and a half, maybe 7.8 billion people now. And there are consequences for that there are consequences for not caring for ourselves. And of course, it’s common sense caring for the neighborhood caring for the environment is caring for ourselves and each other and, and wanting things at the expense of our neighbors and the environment is predation. We are undoing predation. Every step of the secret to immortality so what did I go through today to review a little bit?

love everyone to live forever to be happy, joyful and free love everyone let that perfect love of your soul emerge. Love with all your mind loves strongly love gently day and night Love is the secret to lasting life because lasting life is love. The Garden of Eden is a lovely place. And I suggest we live in the Garden of Eden but we have slowly transformed it with predation with going after what we want, at the expense of everything else and that simply kills us and poisons the world. What do we do we teach at the website, immortal we teach the secret to immortality because you should have immortality Every child born expects that they are immortal. They don’t expect to die. They don’t expect suffering, death, hardship and wrong to be in the world that every child born expects to be loved and cared for. As every single adult and all of you listening to this, you deserve to be loved you should expect to be loved. You should expect a world of pleasure and good and Eden you should expect to feel good.

love and love more forgive love your parents, your father your sisters and brothers. Love your body love yourself. Love the room here in love your neighborhood love everyone who has ever harmed you disliked or rejected you love the world and love it again. Forgive and let go stop resentment, hate and fear. Just say stop. When you feel a resentment go Stop. Stop resentment sit without Force without opposition. If you start to hate or dislike, or not want something or someone say, Stop hate, stop jealousy. Repeat all these suggestions and write them again and again, if you go to our website, we’ll have a post of this talk the talk will be called love everyone you can if it’s not in the recent post blog post, simply go to the search engine part of the blog post page and type in love everyone and you’ll come to this podcast and all of these things I’ve said will be written down

love your mother love your father, sisters and brothers.

Love everything. And everyone love your neighborhood love everyone who has ever harmed you disliked you or rejected you. If you can think of anyone think of your workplace If you can’t think of anyone think of your home, think of your childhood and the people at school, love the world and love it again forgive and let go. Stop resentments stop hate and stop jealousy. You can I promise you repeat this list. The purpose of this exercise in this talk today is to allow our core of immortality to emerge. And the name of this talk is love everyone.

The purpose of this exercise is to allow our core of immortality to emerge. Anytime we love without expectation, it works. I suggest our core is love, eternal love unimpeded. And the whole purpose of this exercise is to take down the impediments, the walls that are preventing you from loving yourself that are preventing you from enjoying who you are. are in loving in the world that are preventing you from being your immortal self in the flesh.

Love eternal, good, immortal love wants to love. It needs to love. The love in your soul I suggest wants to love it needs to love and work today taking down impediments that are preventing ourselves from loving. When we reject our love stifling unimpeded, we die a slow death. That’s how we die. We die by never fully having who we are alive in the flesh. We die by never knowing who we are fully alive in the flesh. And for some of people, for some of us, our lives may be going fairly well. Pretty good rather nicely, but we have a plan to die and I suggest you a plan to die accepting death as inevitable. Twist a corroding thread thread of hardship, accident and disease throughout your body life and those around you. For the secret to immortality we need to let go and slowly dissect and reject the unconscious or conscious expectation of death. And even if you do end up dying and even if some of us who practice this diligently and there have been millions doing this through throughout the eons, if some of us do die, that’s okay. But we have to contribute to the Gestalt to the totality, of eternal life to make it happen. And as we all work together, on the secret to immortality as we all work together,on eternal physical life, there comes a point where there is A Critical Mass where it just automatically takes place.

You don’t have to work every day to love everyone to love everything. It’s progress, not perfection. As you do this, it does become a habit. And the goodness that you practice does get on autopilot. You don’t have to struggle through this every day and night every day and night. Some days you’ll have to struggle with it some weeks you will, but in general as we work together in a group, as we work together in a nation in a world, all this becomes automatic, it becomes a habit eternal life is a habit a child is born, expecting immortality expecting eternal life expecting love, goodness and kindness. And that’s what the child gots.

All we’re doing with a secret to immortality is sort of undoing the wrong creations. We have made. Love wants to love, love needs to love. When we reject our love, stifle our love, or impede our love, we die a slow death. What I’m teaching you here today is to live fully, completely, wholly with pleasure and bliss every second of your life. Because that’s how we’re designed to be. That’s who we really are. We need to love fully and unimpeded in order to live. And no one can stop us from doing that from having that type of love. But ourselves. If we love with our soul, our eternal love is returned. Eternal Love is always returned. Eternal Love is a non stop, give and take. There’s no risk if we love with our eternal soul that love is set in motion it returns as soon as it begins. We need to love in order to live fully. If we love with our soul, our eternal love that love is returned. Perfect and immortal. Love is a two way street it gives as it is given. There’s really no separation, or distance, eternal, perfect, immortal love gives as it is given. We don’t have eternal love and then expect to get something magical back. We are the magic. We are the source of good. We are the font of infinite bliss, compassion and love in the world. It has nothing to do with getting things back. All you get back in life is death, suffering and hardship.

When we think we don’t have our soul. We’re always trying to acquire something, a good job, a new car, a better house, food to survive. We’re always trying to Find something that will help us live outside of ourselves. When we expect something, we’re cutting off that immortal part of who we are. Hold yourself in perfect love, and pursue your needs in that fashion. think first about giving your love to the world that will calm you down, that will give you peace. You will find a way to get what you want and need. A ternal love is infinite and unlimited. It feels incredibly good. It makes life so much easier in every way. Just think of it a moment and I’m about to end this talk. And I want to I want you to take away this thought. Just think how would the world be when everyone helped each other when anyone who had any need was given What they needed today and right now, even with over seven and

a half billion people, we still have the means to take care of each other. We still have the means to be good to the world to undo the ecological harm we’ve done. We all can prosper today simply by turning around the force of predation, the mindset of predation and instead thinking of how we can love someone, when you if you go to the store today, if you meet a stranger, smiling little bit, wherever you are, in whatever way a smile is appropriate. But Don’t frown and don’t look hostile. If you’re in a rough neighborhood, at least, be neutral and don’t be threatening people. One step at a time, creating heaven on earth. Again, I’m John Harrigan Qi Gong master and founder of the website immortal now calm There’s a lot more for you at the website at Memorial We have hundreds of articles literally, we post some podcast episodes.

on our blog

we have a course and immortality you can take that was decades in the making all that’s on our website immortal now calm,

and we have a weekly

lab that you can sign up for where every week we have a new Qigong class and our website will explain to you what she Gong is. It’s part of my practice. I have practice for decades with a CI gone Grandmaster from Beijing China teaching techniques for physical immortality. You can have all of that immortal now calm. I’m John Harrigan cheek on master. wishing you the bless wishing you the best blessings and freedom for your day in a week. Bye

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master