Unlock the power of our video: “The Flow of Immortality.” Use this article and video to activate your physical immortality. Get the hope, strength and eternal life that’s yours.

Immortality Has a Flow

Immortality has a flow, a place and presence in our lives.

There’s a feeling of eternal life inside us; this feeling exists as our deepest selves.

Discover the flow of immortality within you; it’s your soul and true identity, the real you.

The following video will help you find the presence of eternal life within you.

Video: “The Flow of Immortality”

Can You Feel Your Physical Immortality?

If you could feel the flow of immortality this moment, in your body, how would that feel?

Where would this feeling be within you?

Would the flow of immortality be everywhere at once, or in one specific place?

Would the flow have a direction it was moving from, a direction it was moving toward, or not?

Imagine feeling physically immortal, now.

Is there a Sound to Eternal Life?

If there’s a sound or silence that reflects immortality, how would that sound or silence be?

How would the silence feel to you? What would that sound be like?

If there’s a sound of immortality within you, would the sound be audible, or could the sound be silent?

Is there such a thing as a silent sound?

Perhaps silence and sound can be one-and-the-same, living as perfect life within us.

Life Has an Eternal Origin

Every action of life reflects its origin of immortality.

How has your life been going? What direction have you taken, and where do yo want to go?

Do you sense your eternal origin? If you do, is there goodness to your perception?

What does the quality of your life reflect? How is the feeling and thought within you today; is it yet something good? Do you want something more?

Is eternal life — in physical form — a choice for you, something you might want? Would you like to forego hardship, pain and death to have something better?

Find Your Flow of Immortality

In some way, we have to seek eternal life to have it. We have to take that first step toward immortality to have lasting life.

To have physical immortality, we recognize that, “Yes, eternal physical life is for me. It makes sense, and is what I’m here on earth to do.”

I took this step purposefully, at age 16, as I was mentored by a wise-woman elder involved in her own immortality.


Immortal life is a choice and decision to be made, day by day.

Eternal physical life happens with the understanding that we create reality.

Immortality activates with the knowledge that nature reflects what we do, within us and in the world, enhancing our actions exponentially.

Imagine Immortality; See It Come to Life

The process of imagining can create awareness of something preexisting and real, that we did not before see.

For eternal physicality, there’s no need to become something different. We’re immortal now, as we are. Yet, we need to seek immortality, to find it’s flow within us.

Feel your flow of immortality, now. If you don’t feel it, that’s Ok and perfectly normal. We can create something real by first imagining it.

Imagine you feel the flow of immortality: how would it feel, and where would this feeling be in your body?

We can get the flow of immortality going, within us, by imaging the flow. The process of imagining can create awareness of something preexisting and real.

Imagining can help us focus our lens of awareness and better see something that actually exists.

Imagining can direct our awareness to something real we may not have been looking at, sensing and knowing.

Imagining can be the first step in creating something new. Further, imagination can empower something that already exists.

Use you power of imagining to enhance, build and further activate your immortality. For best results, do this every day.

Why Choose Eternal Physical Life?

What do you want from life: joy, happiness and freedom … or living and dying without awareness?

Could a world of war, starvation and pain be wrong? Is it time for us to change how the place we live acts upon us?

Could we all have a purpose of improving this world, to be all we can be, to have the best of life in a strong and permanent way?

A personal decision of immortality directs our fate: shaping our thoughts, lives and bodies. What decision will you make?

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Breathe In and Out Eternal Life

If you want to be immortal now, breathe in and out eternal life with every breath. Try this simple Qi Gong technique, right now:

  1. Breathe in eternal life and pause
  2. Breathe out eternal life
  3. Repeat with every breath
Breathe In and Out Eternal Life

Be aware of immortality; see it in every breath you take. Breath in immortal air; breathe out eternal life.

Connect immortality within your body and to the world; breathe in and out, joining all of life.

See each cycle of breathing as an immortal act that sustains you: helping you grow, be strong and fulfilled.

Feel the excitement of life with every breath. Understand you’re happy and well.

Know that you’re immortal now.

Feel the Flow of Grace and God within You

Feel the flow of grace and God within you now. Breathe grace in; breathe out into the world.

Breathe in the force of life. Feel the flow of grace and God within you. Know this grace is you.

As you breathe, know every cell of your body is alive with vitality and good.

Feel the Flow of Grace and God within You

Your Higher Power is your flesh, your physical heart and soul.

The Higher Power of the world is you, as yourself.

We share this Power, so does earth and all of life.

Feel the flow of grace as you breathe and live each day.

All of Life Is Good

When we obstruct our own force of life, distress may arise.

All of life is good; but how we direct our lives can create problems.

How we act can obscure who we are and bring unneeded challenge. Yet we’re alive, and the life in us is benevolent, kind and all-giving.

Life is not neutral; it has a bias to live. Life wants to breathe, develop and grow, as do we.

Yet, we can misdirect our living force by not honoring ourselves. We can slowly form a twisted fate by not acting with the best intent.

We can lose touch with life and the best of ourselves; we can miss the wonder of our being. Yet, all of this can change the instant we change what we do, think and say.

You’re Made of Perfect Life

Know that you’re perfect as you are, deep within.

Know the wrongs of life are something we’ve created, not hardships imposed upon us.

Our will is free. Life is here to assist, aid and conform to how we act.

We can freely harm ourselves or choose to live with immortality. It’s a choice we make every second of each day.

The world before us is what we’ve created. Every act of life is first created by our acts.

Know You’re Made of Perfect Life

Yes, our inherited biology can give us trouble. How we’ve been treated as children and adults can be a further problem.

We suffer by what came before us; we’re injured by what other’s have done. Yet, all of this can change if we decide to change it.

The hardships of life can be turned around to something good and powerful.

The harms and injuries we’ve had can heal and become strengths. Problems solved and difficult times endured can produce wisdom, comfort and hope.

We’re perfect as we are. The only thing that ever needs to change is how we express ourselves.

The world conforms to what we’ve done.

Let’s do something good and everlasting.

Understand You’re Made to Live Forever

We’re made to live forever.

We live in the Garden of Eden, but have rearranged this fertile ground.

With the Secret to Immortality, we restore the earth to everlasting life.

With the Secret to Immortality, we turn around the force of death. We understand that every cell and particle within us is made to live forever.

Understand that Every Cell and Particle of You Is Made to Live Forever

Our present problem, however, is that we’ve corrupted the code to life and altered our original design. We’ve directed earth and the forces of nature to perform with flaw and antagonistic behavior.

Yet, we can learn from our mistakes.

We may have gone too far in the wrong we’ve done, but we can redesign the world by making making some important changes.

Discover How You’re Born to Live forever — Happy, Joyous and Free.

Course: Introduction to Immortality

Return to Love

We correct our mistakes by changing how we think, speak and behave.

  • We can restore the earth, and live as immortal creatures.
  • Step by step, we can heal and emerge as something better.
  • We can structure benevolence into the world as an over-riding rule.

The first step to such a shift is understanding the deep nature of ourselves, where we experience total love.

Total love is the secret to ever-lasting life. Total love is our soul and fundamental human quality.

This powerful expression of love transcends death and unites all life.

There’s Good and Glory in Everyone on Earth

It helps to know that everyone has goodness and a glorious soul.

When we experience our deep selves as love, we realize the goodness and glory of everyone on earth. We see the world as benevolent and good, wronged only by how we choose to act.

There Is Good and Glory in Everyone on Earth

The world reacts in the same way we act. Life obeys our command; it can do nothing else. Our thoughts, words and actions write the code of life.

Just as our arms, legs and feet usually act as we command — nature and the world do the same. The world and nature comprise our living body and follow our lead.

We are the mind controlling life, instructing nature and ourselves how to be. We write the code that tells life what to do.

We Have a Core of Gold and Constant Blessing

The purpose of the video in this post, is to bring you closer to your core, to find your gold and experience the blessing that you are.

We all have gold inside, our core has perfect light and good. Yet, the feeling of our soul, this wonderful love, can be elusive and something we may have never had.

We Have a Core of Gold and Constant Blessing

As I lived my life, I slowly lost touch with the good in me. I became focused externally and wanted success in life with my job. It was largely wasted time and foolish pursuit. The right job, a good house and car do little to feed our soul or give us life.

As time passed, I became aware that relationships were the basis of satisfaction and happiness. I came to see that our human connections — their quality, presence or absence — were the source of happiness, calm or discomfort.

A Child’s Perfect Soul

A bit lost in pain and struggle, I became a father. Having a daughter, and loving her, brought me back to life.

I had so much love for my daughter that the love in me grew. As a father, I became a part of the world and understood myself.

More than anything I had imagined becoming, a father was foremost who I was. Fatherhood was my core identify and deepest self; fatherhood was who I really was.

To Love-and-Be-Loved

We can love-and-be-loved with anything we choose.

In life, it became apparent to me that our souls are all we have to give or get. I saw that sharing love with each other, from our true depths, dissolved hardship and brought forth eternal life.

I discovered we can love and be loved with anything in the world. We can love the sun, as it rises and sets. We can love the people we meet, both good and bad. We can love silently or aloud. We can love others as we love ourselves.

I relate to the world — and love life the most — from the perspective of fatherhood. Your perspective will come from yourself, your place in the world and the challenges before you.

Compassion Is the Basis of Life

If our spirit is not moving in the world, connecting by good works, it’s difficult to experience the goodness of life.

There’s nothing that can’t be loved in life. But most of all, to be happy, we need to love ourselves and experience the magnificence of our own spirit, as we share it with the world. This can take some work, practice and time.

Compassion Is the Basis of Life

The video of this post is designed to awaken the love in you, so you can experience your gold and share it with the world.

We all have gold inside.

We all have gold at our core — gold to enjoy for ourselves, and gold to share.

The most glorious experience of life may be sharing our gold with someone who has gold to give. This process is love: when we’re loving another person and sharing life, regardless of circumstances or fate.

We always can love.

Choose what You Most Want

We can always love if we chose to love. We can practice love every day and improve.

  • As we love, the world responds by loving us.
  • The feeling of love is everywhere in life.
  • As we choose to love, the love in life loves us back.

We can love-and-be-loved anywhere and any place we want.

To love-and-be-loved is the basis of life; it’s what life is always doing. To love-and-be-loved is the connection our world is always seeking.

The Power of Connection

Love is being connected.

Engaged with love, and sharing, is how life works. A life of love is true connection, where everything is joined and at ease.

By Rawpixel.com / Freepik

Not love is when life fails and becomes strained, when stress arises and people kill.

Be filled, instead, with the love of yourself and the world, then give it away.

Choose something good to do for someone else, and do it with love. Leave expectations out of your motives.

Discover your love at the core of you. Join yourself with the love of a Higher Power.

Be filled with the love of yourself and the love of world.

Life at Its Best

When we experience the wealth of our soul, we have an automatic urge to share what we’ve found — a great and perfect love.

Life, at its best, is the sharing of love with all life.

The “Circle of Life” is the love, in all forms of life, sharing itself. All of life sharing love is the Circle of Life.

The Circle of Life has never included death, but is instead a unified field of constant giving.

As we share love-with-love, we enter an immortal place; our lives transform, and our bodies ignite. Our vision and knowing clarify.

As we share love-with-love, all that exists becomes good, and we enjoy life.

Life, at Its Best, Is the Sharing of Love with All of Life

To love-and-be-loved is how life works; it’s the basis of existence.

The “Flow of Immortality” is love, as it moves through ourselves and earth.

Energy is defined as “interaction between poles of opposition.” Love from two-or-more sources, involved with each other, can be described the same.

Something great is born when we share love with love.

When love is in-love with love, for any reason, there’s an infinite energy that grows and strengthens unrestrained.

Discover More about the Secret to Immortality

We have three suggestions for further help with immortality:

  1. See Our YouTube Channel youtube.com/c/JohnHarriganImmortality
  2. Try the Course Introduction to Immortality Course
  3. Look at Our BookQi Gong and Spiritual Growth.

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John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master