Discover your Higher Power Consciousness, the key to physical immortality. Move from death and hardship to happiness, joy and freedom. Find your core of immortality and manifest this reality in body, mind and planet.

Video Introduction to this Article

Use this video as a Guided Meditation to energize your path to happiness, peace and eternal physical life!

The Secret to Immortality is this: we are immortal now, at our core. As we access our core, and let it play out, our physicality naturally progresses to immortality.

To activate your immortality, we give you a powerful “Secret to Immortality” process that includes:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life
  3. Immortality Coaching

Read on to discover how these three areas work together to take anyone from struggle and uncertainty to a joyful, happy and physically immortal life.

Our Core of Immortality

There’s a Higher Power consciousness at our core; this core is immortal.

Right now, together, let’s go to our Higher Power Consciousness, this better person whom we are.

What do you see and how do you feel as you experience your eternal soul, your Higher Power Being?

I feel a wonderful and perfect love that includes everything in existence. I experience a peace that passes understanding and a knowledge beyond all knowing.

What do you experience?

The Higher Power Experience

When I experience my Higher Power, I experience myself as a perfect and eternal love, a love that is shared with my Higher Power.

This Higher Power consciousness gave rise to me and placed me on this earth, before you today.

It appears to me that this Higher Power consciousness gives rise to every living thing, the mountains, earth and sky.

A Perfect and Eternal Love that’s Shared

A Power Shared

I share my Higher Power’s consciousness as my own consciousness and being. Yet, I ‘m an individual and this Higher Power I experience is his own being.

This Higher Power and I share the same life. The quality of this life again, is perfect love and immortality.

An Eternal Place, a Heaven on Earth

When I’m with my Higher Power, I’m in a powerful and sacred space … infinite yet well defined.

In this Higher Power place, there is no time or physicality as we know it, yet this Eternal Consciousness is more real and immediate than our typical awareness on earth.

In this Higher Power place, everything exists in what I call the Immortal Now, thus our website name,

This Higher Power place can seem a bit like heaven or Nirvana, yet this Eternal Place is here with us now.

  • This Higher Power place is everywhere as everything.
  • This Higher Power place includes the unexpressed.
  • This Higher Power place gives rise to physical life.

All the power of this Higher Power is ours … if our thoughts, words and actions agree with this power.

This perfect and eternal place is in this world as our bodies and all of life. Look for it now!

There Is a Higher Power within Us.

The Source of Existence

Our source is now. The source of our being, at this very moment, is eternal.

This immediate place where we are most ourselves is now; this now is an immortal place where we’ve always been.

A Suggestion that Works

I suggest that the true nature of our physical bodies and the physical earth — is eternal — where we’re designed to live as immortal beings on an immortal planet, similar to the Garden of Eden.

I further suggest, somewhat like the Garden of Eden story, our bodies and this earth are actually perfect places where life grows and evolves without flaw.

Oops! We Rearranged the Garden of Eden

Oops! We Rearranged the Garden.

Over time we rearranged the Garden of Eden and our bodies, by harmful ways of living.

We created a harsh reality by thoughts and behaviors that did not fully support life. We created death and disease by killing and simple behaviors that ignored life.

We created this flawed and difficult world by:

  • Speaking harmfully
  • Thinking harmfully
  • Killing our own form of life
  • Killing other forms of life

By doing harm in various ways, we gave rise to a killing vortex of suffering and chaos. A wheel of karma was made where the cycle of death and rebirth emerged.

I suggest getting off this wheel of suffering and misguided manifestation. We’ll show you how; keep reading this article to discover exactly what to do.

The Way Out of this Trap

… to glorious life and wonderful being.

Ouch! I Don’t Like this Trap.

There is a way out of this troubled reality; there is a path to glorious life and wonderful being.

This path is what we call, the Secret to Immortality. It’s what I’m teaching you right now, in this article.

The first step of the way out, the first progression to becoming our true immortal selves, is illuminating our unconscious march toward death … taking a look at our thinking and physical actions.

Most of our harmful thoughts and actions are unconscious: we do them without thinking or awareness, by habit.

Death is one such habit: Day by day we make the choice to die, but usually don’t know it.

Expecting death, as the inevitable outcome of life, is choosing to die. When we expect to physically perish, this expectation has a strong effect on our body and the world.

When we vision eternal physical life, our bodies respond in a happy and lasting way; try it.

Take a Daily Inventory

Look at your day, week and year; how are you doing? What are you creating by how you think and act?

Are you moving toward death or eternal physical life? Are you holding yourself in pain, or moving toward freedom, happiness and immortality?

Is there something new you can do to improve yourself and the world? Can you do something gracious today? Can you change your life-course just as little, from death to lasting life, right now?

With Our New Course, “Introduction to Immortality,”
You Can Activate Your Immortality.

Course: Introduction to Immortality

Qi Gong: A Powerful Assist to Immortality

A powerful assist to immortality, a help with spiritual strength and calm — is Qi Gong for Immortality.

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese healing art for: woman sit qi gong yin yang image

  • Balancing Energy
  • Improving Health
  • Physical Immortality

I’m a Qi Gong Master and teach Qi Gong. You can find further information about Qi Gong and a free Qi Gong technique I teach HERE.

[Related: Free Qi Gong Exercise Video for Immortality]

Restore Eternal Life on Earth

We’ve strayed a bit from our design of happiness, joy and eternal physical life.

We can recover our immortal selves and restore the Garden of Eden. We can do this with a Higher Power focus that includes prayer, meditation and Qi Gong.

Learn Exactly what to Do

This website — the blog articles, videos and books — can guide you in this process of recovering your immortal physical self.

As we restore ourselves to this eternal state, the earth and all physical things transform in agreement with our form.

As we restore ourselves, we take the lead in how this world creates itself.

Save Yourself; Rebuild the World

To awaken your immortality and save this planet, we suggest the following:

  1. See Our YouTube Channel
  2. Try the Course ~  Introduction to Immortality Course
  3. Look at Our Book ~ Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth.



Bonus: "Technique for Instant Calm"

For relaxation, take deep breaths in sync with this gif.



John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master