Discover a Greater You, a higher power presence of love, strength and compassion.

Try this meditation for immortality with John Harrigan, founder of the website,

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We have a Higher Power in our heart and soul, in the world taking care of us; protecting us with love, direction and comfort. A Higher Power presence is within us.

Can You Imagine?

Think of a Higher Power, of your deep eternal self within you … in your body, brain and eyes; feet, heart, soul … everywhere.

Think of a Higher Power, God, Father, Mother, if that’s your faith or inclination … the Greater I Am, the I Am that is You …  a Greater You, the deeper you; the wonderful, eternal immortal power of your soul.

Imagine a Greater You.

Qigong Master

In this podcast, you can meditate with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where we teach the Secret to Immortality, Qigong and Personal Growth.

The Secret to Immortality

The path to living as your eternal self is simple, anyone can do it! You are immortal now.

To get going with the Secret to Immortality:

  1. See our Book
  2. Read the Blog
  3. Try our Course!
  4. Do some Qigong

…and listen to our podcast!

For more of the Secret to Immortality, try our website:


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Higher Power Presence … meditation for immortality, number four with John Harrigan, founder of the website,

We have a Higher Power in our heart, in our soul … in the world, taking care of us, protecting us with love, direction and comfort … Higher Power presence.

Think of a Higher Power, of your deep eternal self within you, in your body in your brain and your eyes, feet, hearts soul, everywhere, Higher Power. God, the Father, the mother, if that’s your faith, your inclination, the Greater I Am the I Am that is you … the greater you, the deeper you; the wonderful, eternal immortal power at your soul.

Higher Power Presence … this Higher Power is you, yet maybe greater still? Can you feel it? Can you seek it? Can you want something more than you may be this moment? Can you have that, a higher power presence in your life? It’s here perhaps already.

The Father, the Mother, the You that is deep within you … the first and primary source of all the real-true- you … the being of who you are … of you, of me, of My Father, My Mother, God, Buddha

Whatever you choose … there may be a higher power, a higher version, a deeper, more powerful version of you, of who you are … to be found simply by looking within. … by wanting something more than you have, by needing something more in your life.

Do I feel my soul, my primary presence and being within me?

Can I have my soul, my immortal self in the world, in the flesh, in my body, well and whole?

God, higher power, greater me … the first, the primary movement of all existence, that is who I am …

The primary essence of me, of life, of the world; I am of God; I am a perfect soul. I am in the world; loved, alive, protected, wanted.

I am with the presence within my higher power being.

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John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master