Listen to the podcast, “Love Reveals Our Our Soul.” Discover how love activates immortality. Gain compassion, and do Qigong. Learn specific thoughts to propel yourself to freedom and joy. — #Qigong #LifeExtenstion #ImmortalLife

Love Reveals Our Soul of Immortality

The more we love, the more we know who we are.

Love revels our soul, our greatest power and strength.

True love is immortal, eternal and infinite in all it’s good … as are we.

A Compassionate and Immortal Life

Welcome to the Secret to Immortality Podcast, Episode #12, with John Harrigan — Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where we teach The Secret to Immortality.

This episode is all about love; with information, instruction and help on how to have a compassionate life of physical immortality on earth … where love is the most essential and important element for this type of soul expression.

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Timeless and Eternal

Love is timeless, a perfect essence we all crave and want.

Love is the core of who we are.

Without love, we’re on a course to suffer and die sooner or later, and that’s not good.

But we can love here and now, in this moment; and love creates immortal life on earth.

Be as Love

Love yourself, as you are today.

Just love, in your heart, your soul and body

Love in your mind, with every thought and direction you take.

Love with your words; love during unsaid frustrations.

Restrain your hate and aggression; love instead.

Have Love in Your Life

Image by Annie Spratt from Pixabay

Find Love in All You Do

Be as love in how you sit, how you stand and the way you silently walk.

Be as love.

We can find love in ourselves, in the world and each other.

Love is everywhere we look, if we look with love, if we activate the loving core at the heart of who we are.

Your Full Immortal Self

To have the love you are; to have the love of the world, and be your full immortal self, activate your love.

Activate your core of compassion by choosing to love each day, every moment and night.

Practice loving intent, loving thoughts and acts.

Listen more than you talk; listen with love and understanding.

Be a benevolent presence on earth.

Listen and observe the world with love, as who you are.

Could You Be More Specific?

Yet, more specifically, how do we love? How do we have the Love We Want and NEED?

How do we activate our loving core, bring our soul alive and live immortal in this world?

How do we do this? 

We do this by being willing to love, even when we don’t feel love, or want to love.

We activate our loving core by acting kind when we don’t feel kind, or want to be kind.

Awaken Your Greatest Power

We activate love, the immortal love of our soul, by using our will, in a gentle way, to bring our love to every circumstance and time of our lives.

We bring our immortality into the world by gently choosing to love throughout the day and night. By practicing love as we awake, live our day… and go to sleep.

Is It Easy to Be Kind?

When life is harsh and unkind, how do we love?

It’s easy to be good and kind if everything’s going our way. But often things don’t go the way we want.  

When our needs aren’t met, and people don’t treat us well, what can we do?

What do we do, to love, when life is difficult and uncertain?

A Simple Suggestion

This is our suggestion, a simple Qigong approach:

We sit down, breathe naturally and calm ourselves; we shut our eyes and focus to tip of our nose, eyes to nose.

From our nose, we look to our heart in ruby red arc, then feet to ground.

Eyes to nose, nose to heart, in a ruby red arc … feet to ground.

We repeat this throughout the day

What to Do Right Now!

NOW … think of love. 

  • Know there’s love in you.
  • Feel your heart beat.
  • See love in your body.
  • Notice love in the room.
  • Feel love around you. 
  • Know the world is love.

See yourself as a creator of love, not waiting for love, but a creature giving love forth from your soul; giving a Greater Love than your love alone.

A Force of Greater Love

Be a conduit for Greater Love, Higher Power love … God’s love for you.

See yourself as a physical focus, a collecting point for the gathering of love.

Know you are a body-of-love, a conduit and source of compassion in the world.

Be love, immortal and good. Perfect and pure.

Live as a loving soul in the world.

Stay with your love. Feel and respect the love your have.

Send Love to Your Body

Image by DarkWorkX from Pixabay

Take love into your body, send love to every physical cell, muscle and organ.

Have a brain that thinks and acts with love.

Behave and act with compassion.

Be a body of love, alive as who you are in the world.

In Charge of Your Life!

Our core is perfect love; this love is who we are.

Take charge of your life, and let love be you.

Be aware, and know your compassion … your heart divine.

You are love in the world.

Be love, as love. Give love to the world by simply being you.

Activate Your Soul of Perfect Love!

Immortality and Qi Goong
Within Us There Is Gold!

We’re born to live forever; happy, joyous and free.

The original design of our body does not include illness and death. Physical immortality is a fact we can live in this life.

The Secret to Immortality tells you exactly what to do for progress and strength on your own immortality path.

To get going with a bold new life: read our blog; see the book; try our course; join immortalityLAB and listen to our podcast!

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2. Book —
3. Course —
4. immortalityLAB —
5. Podcast —

Transcript of “Love Reveals Our Soul” Podcast

Speaker 1:
Love reveals our soul. The more we love, the more we know who we are. Love reveals our soul, our greatest power and strength. True love is immortal, eternal, and infinite in all its good … as are we.
This is John Harrigan, founder of with the secret to immortality podcast. This episode is all about love with information, instruction and help on how to have a compassionate life of physical immortality on earth, where love is a most essential and important element for this type of soul expression.
Love is timeless, a perfect essence that we all crave and want. Love is the core of who we are. Without love, we’re on a course to suffer and die sooner or later … and that’s not good, but we can love, here and now, in this moment. Love yourself as you are today. Just love in your heart, your soul and body. Love in your mind with every thought and direction you look. Love with your words … and frustrations unsaid.
Speaker 1:
Restrain your hate and aggression — love instead. Be as love in how you sit, how you stand, how you silently walk. Be as love. Find love in everything you do. We can find love in ourselves, in the world, in each other. Love is everywhere we look. If we look with love, if we activate the loving core at the heart of who we are. Love is our core. To have the love you are, to have the love of the world, and be your full immortal self, activate your love.
Activate your core of compassion by choosing to love each day, each moment and night. Practice loving intent, loving thoughts and loving acts. Listen more than you talk. Listen with love and understanding. Be a benevolent presence on earth. This is how we activate our immortal, loving, internal core. Be a benevolent presence on earth. Listen and observe the world with love as who you are.

[Due to time constraints, we’ve stopped editing the transcript here. If you have experience editing, and would like to volunteer, please contact us to hear about volunteer benefits.]

Speaker 1:
Yet more specifically, how do we love? How do we have the love we want and need? How do we activate our loving core? Bring our soul alive and live immortal in this world? How do we do this? How do we do this? We do by being willing to love even when we don’t feel love or want to love, we activate our loving core by acting kind when we don’t feel kind or want to be kind. This is the most powerful way to activate our immortality. It’s easy to be loving and kind when things are going well and we feel loving kind, but the most important and really deep progress you can make is by being loving and kind. When you don’t feel that way and you don’t want to be loving and kind, we activate love, the immortal love of our soul by using our will in a gentle way, gentle will to bring our love to every circumstance and time of our lives.
Speaker 1:
I’m going to repeat that. It’s so important. We activate love, the immortal love of our soul by using our will in a gentle way to bring our love to every circumstance and time of our lives. We bring our immortality into the world by gently choosing to love throughout the day and night by practicing love as we awake, live our day and go to sleep easy to be kind. It’s easy to be good to be kind if everything is going our way. But so often things don’t go the way we want. Our needs aren’t met. People don’t treat us well. So how do we love when life is harsh and unkind? Even if we try to be loving and kind, it’s always going to be a bit challenging, a bit difficult. Yet this is the essential work of the secret to immortality along with chigong along with our reading along with meditation, prayer, if that’s part of your practice, CI gong.
Speaker 1:
How do we love when life is harsh and unkind? We develop habits of love, habits of kindness and that love and kindness consciousness does come alive. Our core, that perfect core of compassion and love, that immortal essence of who we are awakens. It’s already there as who we are at the center of ourselves, but we have to act with love to awaken the love within ourselves. We act. We have to act with kindness to awaken that kindness in ourselves to find that immortal identity that already exists that becomes our flesh and body. So again, how do we love when life is harsh and unkind? We become mindful of how we’re thinking of how we’re speaking. We become mindful of our aggression, art, our competitive nature, our irritability. Why are we acting unkind or why are we not acting loving and with understanding? If we can do that, what do we do to love when life is difficult and uncertain?
Speaker 1:
While this is our suggestion is simple chigong approach this chigong technique combined with the way I suggest that you do, it can be very powerful and allowing ourselves to be loving and kind in awakening this immortal core. If you use the CI gong this way, and this is a little technique we sit down, breathe naturally and calm ourselves, it’s that simple. If you’re getting agitated, if you don’t feel comfortable, if you don’t feel that love and compassion, if you’ve never felt that, take a seat. Rest, breathe naturally and easily. Observe your breath, but don’t control it. And I’ll go through this exercise with you again and again and again in a variety of contacts with a variety of thoughts and words. This is how we bring our immortal core alive. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a Ruby red arc. And then let your attention fall to your feet and just pause at each point.
Speaker 1:
Relax, observe your breath, relax more. Observe your breath, relax, observe and breathe. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a Ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby red arc. Relax and breathe. Then let your attention fall to your feet. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground at any time during the day when you’re stressed or you simply want to connect with that deep core of loving immortality, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to crown that will get you connected again and again. We’ll suggest that and suggest that you do it repeatedly throughout the day. You can even do it. Don’t close your eyes, but you can even do it while you’re sitting at a traffic light and just mentally set yourself eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground.
Speaker 1:
Now along with me, think of love. Think of love all around you. We’re stable, we’re grounded. We’re in our soul. At our core a bit who we really are. So think of love. You have a creative ability and this exercise is taking you there. Think of love in cell of your body, in your hands. Loving your arms, loving your feet, legs, back, stomach, throat. Loving the room. Love and compassion all around you. Love in the world, love in the universe and beyond. Think of yourself as an immortal, being conscious with love. No, there’s loving you. Feel your heart. See love in your body, love in your house, your room, your office, wherever you are. Feel love all around you know the world is love. See yourself as a creator of love, not waiting for love, not waiting for love to happen, but a creator making love, bringing love into the world, a creature giving love forth from your soul, a perfect greater love than your love alone.
Speaker 1:
A conduit of love, not even so much as a creator of love, but a conduit of a greater love. Understanding that beneath all of creation is a perfect and unlimited love that we can express as who we are. End. I suggest it is who you really are. So through this simple exercise that we went through today, do it again. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground that quickly. You can do it. Get centered and stable to your core and feel your loving essence and the love in the world. See yourself as a crater, a giver of love, not waiting for love, but initiating that perfect, powerful love underlying all of existence. A creature, a human, you and I giving love forth from our soul. A perfect greater love than our love alone. A perfect greater love than our level lone CI gong. It’s secret to immortality.
Speaker 1:
Everything I teach, everything we do is about connectivity, getting unified with all of the world, getting connected, connecting disconnection. I suggest to you that death and dying, suffering and harsh of the calamity of the world is by being disconnected. When we’re disconnected from the source of who we are, from our soul, from our essence, from our Troy identity, we’re constantly searching as predators. We’re constantly searching for what we need outside of ourselves, who we are, satisfaction, fulfillment, excitement, food, shelter, et cetera, et cetera. And mind you, I still need a lot of this myself. I’m still very human and I’m going along this path with you in the secret to immortality, but more and more together we can get connected with each other, with the world, but also in solder ourselves neurologically, spiritually, when we’re connected in whole, we feel that perfect love. We feel that perfect good and who we are, our irritability, our impatience, our competitive natures fall away to an ease where we simply have a wonderful thing to give and that’s the love of who we are.
Speaker 1:
So again, eyes to nose, nose to heart, and her Ruby red arc connecting inside ourselves with our beautiful, perfect soul. Complete and infinite part of a greater soul, a greater love, a greater consciousness, whatever that is to you. I’m not here and we’re not here at the secret it and mortality to have dogma to tell you what to believe or think. You find that on your own. You can be an atheist, an atheist. You can be an atheist and that works just fine. You can be an agnostic, you can be extremely religious and devout and you still go. I used to know it was, knows the hard feet, the ground, and you still find that a mortal core connects with a greater love, a greater presence, a greater being. You, and it doesn’t matter what you call it, I call it a higher power, I call it God, but it doesn’t matter.
Speaker 1:
It can be just a deeper sense of self, but the importance is eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, that you are connected, more connected, more of a longing, more in love, more compassion at peace. Feel love around you. See love in your body, loving the physical room where you are, the office, your car. If you’re listening to this podcast out in nature, see better. That’s the best listened to this podcast in the woods or in a mountain or at the seashore where I live. Listen to the podcasts in see vision and understand that perfect greater love and all of creation. You know, it’s kind of hard to comprehend. See an experience that greater love of our soul, the immortality of who we are in a room, in a building made by man and woman. It’s hard to see and understand it, but often if we go into nature and you can find a peace with nature, that can be your cathedral.
Speaker 1:
It certainly is at times. Mine nature sort of shows us who we are and what’s inside us. That perfect love. So feel that love around you, your soul, your soul isn’t just within you. I would suggest that your soul, that immortal, eternal part of who you are, who we all are, is connected and part of everyone, every living thing, everything created and beyond and beneath all of creation. No, the world is love. You are love. See yourself as a creator of love. Again, I’m repeating this essential, important part. See herself as a crater of love. Don’t wait for love. We’re not babies. A child has to wait for love. It doesn’t understand. It’s still developing and growing. But hello, we’re all adults here. So, um, we’re creators. We’re creating our day, who we are, what we’re doing. So don’t wait for love, but be a creature, a human, a wonderful human being, giving love forth from your soul, your core, your core, the center of who you are.
Speaker 1:
A greater love perhaps then your love alone, a loved becoming and growing a love, unlimited divine, perfect, wonderful and so much and totally this love is who you physically are you, it’s very easy to dissociate to think of um, maybe another dimension, another place, the afterlife, where were we before life, etc. Etc. And I’m sure there are realities to all of that, but that’s not what we’re doing with the secret term. Immortality. And she gone were becoming physically immortal, fully actualizing our complete potential here and now. And when you, when you kind of split away to the afterlife to um, angelic Rao and angelic realms, when you dissociate into other universes and people, there may be an infinite number of other universes we can live in. We can express it and we may have come from, but we’re not doing that now. We’re, we’re unifying into one consciousness that immortal being we’re not splitting off death, I suggest is a, a splitting apart in consciousness.
Speaker 1:
Uh, it’s real, but it’s not real. I would suggest that death, when we kill someone, we create a death reaction in us and death becomes part of the creation. We have a kind of ugly, difficult creation that we’re all living in now, but we can move away from that to something gentle and kind by unifying and not splitting of heart, not breaking apart, not living in dying, living in dying a reincarnating if that’s what’s happening, just one physical being. That’s where we start with the secret to immortality because we’re connecting, we’re becoming unified, we’re calming down or becoming who we really are and we’re not becoming distracted. Separating ourselves and coming apart and participating in chaos. Killing and death be a conduit for greater love, higher power, love or God love. F, that’s your term for you. God love in you, expressing as you higher power in you, expressing as your own being a greater love.
Speaker 1:
We’re a conduit for that. And as we experience that love of our soul, we connect within ourselves. We come into one place, one being one immortal consciousness of now immortal. Now, if you haven’t been to our website, please go immortal We have a course there. We have immortality lab, a membership lab. You can join where you have a new and exclusive. She gone class every week in a new and exclusive immortality talk every week in addition to other, uh, goodies and benefits, uh, that you can find out about. So go to our website, immortal Always read our blog for free. We, um, after the fact, uh, put up our podcast there with the texts of the podcasts where you can read all the words that I’m saying now and I add a lot to that in addition to just the podcast. So check out our blog, um, look into immortality lab, the mem monthly membership where you can take part in a unique and special class and lecture for that lab alone, immortal
Speaker 1:
Be a conduit for greater love, higher power, love or God’s love for you. See yourself as a physical focus, a collecting point for love to gather to love gathers to us as we find our perfect core of love and the world transforms. See herself as a physical body of love, a conduit in source of human love in the world. Be love, immortal and good, perfect and pure. Live as a loving soul in the world. Stay with your love. Feel your love. Respect your love. Take love into your body. Send love to every physical cell, muscle and organ, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Have a brain that thinks and acts with love. Think, behave and feel with compassion. Act in BS compassion. Be a body of love alive as who you are in the world. Be a body of love alive as who you are in the world. Take charge of your life and let love be you. Be aware and know your compassion, your divine heart. Feel it. Touch it right now. Your perfect, loving heart. You are loving the world. Be love as love. Give love to the world by simply being you as who you are. Our core is perfect love and that love is you.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master