Be immortal now. Love is the secret to lasting life. Discover how to express immortal love in your body and the world. #Qigong #LifeExtenstion #BeImmortal

What this Episode Has for You

Love is the secret to immortality.

Dive deep into love, perhaps deeper than you’ve ever gone before; deep to your core of bliss, eternity and hope.

Welcome to “The Secret to Immortality Podcast,” Episode #15, with John Harrigan — Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where you’ll find The Secret to Immortality.

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Love Is the Secret

There is deep and perfect love in everyone.

There is perfect love in you. There’s deep love in the world. Feel this love; be this love in everything you do.

Heal, get well and strong; find your immortality now, in your deep and compassionate self.

Your core is pure compassion and the source of all that is. Honor this love; bring your compassion to your physical body and the world.

Magic from the Inside Out

With deep immortal love, love yourself. Love yourself from the outside in, from the inside out. Love yourself all around.

To have the immortal good of you, love deeply into you.

Love deeply from your deepest self into all of your life.

The Secret is Revealed

Can I Tell You a Secret?

Welcome to immortal life!

The Secret to Immortality is within your grasp; in fact, it’s with you now as who you are.

Never look too far for the best of who you are; it’s with you all the time.

Deep inside, we have our best.

To be immortal now, there’s nothing to become. We need not be a guru or a saint. We need not live in a cave and meditate.

We are immortal now.

Begin New Life Today

To start a path of eternal life on earth, go to and read the blog; see our book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now.


Speaker 1:
“Deep Immortal Love” — With deep immortal love, love yourself. Love yourself from the outside in, from the inside out. Love yourself all around.Love is the secret to immortality. To have the immortal good of you, love deeply into you. Love deeply from yourself into your life. Love is the secret to immortality. There is deep love in you. There is deep love in the world. Feel this love; be this love in everything you do.
Welcome to “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with me, John Harrigan: author, Qigong master and founder of the website,; where we teach personal growth, Qigong and The Secret to Immortality, lasting physical life on earth. In this podcast episode, we’re going to dive deep into love, perhaps deeper than you or I have ever gone; deep into our eternal core of bliss, security and compassion.
In love, there’s nothing to lose. In love, there’s nothing lost. In love, we have it all. We have ourselves, our eternal core and compassionate being. We’re surrounded by a big and perfect love. — Now, let’s take this love, this essence of who we are, our eternal being that we’ve talked about so far in this podcast episode. Let’s take this deep, eternal, beautiful love and ground it into our day, our lives and our physical bodies with a little Qigong exercise. —The exercise begins now: relax, sit down, close your eyes, observe your breath, and if you’ve done this before, we’re going to do it again and again. This small, simple Qigong exercise is how we actualize our physical immortality. By doing this one small, simple exercise again and again, it becomes automatic, a part of our autonomic nervous system where we become this physical perfect love in the flesh. The exercise for deep, effective, powerful love in our bodies, our minds in our daily lives is this…

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Relax, observe your breath, don’t control it. Just observe your breath. You have that immortal, beautiful breath of you inside you. It knows how to breathe. Your body knows how to breathe. You don’t have to force it, teach it or control it. That immortal, perfect breath really is already there physically in use. So eyes to nose, relaxed breathing, eyes closed, the breath. Observing, breathe easily, deeply, naturally. Notice how easy that immortal breath is. Eyes close, feet to ground, eyes closed. Imagine you can see through your eyelids without stressing a thing focused gently. Don’t cross your eyes, but focus gently on the tip of your nose. I Liz, close eyes to nose, nose to heart. In a Ruby red arc. See a Ruby red arc going out from the tip of your nose and curving in to your heart. That curve goes out from the tip of your nose, about three to four inches or so. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby red arc,
Speaker 1:
eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a Ruby red arc, a beautiful Ruby red color arking inward and to your heart. Don’t think a thing. Relax. Breathe easily now feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. You’re rooted deeply into the earth with the perfect, strong and beautiful chigong essence of who you are. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a Ruby red arc. Feet to crowned, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Relax, breathe easily. You are who you are with deep love. We bring heaven to earth with deep love. We unearth our soul and give it to the world, but when we hate and kill, despise or resent, we turn against ourselves and end the world. When we hate and kill, despise a resent. We turn against ourselves and end the world. When we don’t love, we shut ourselves from the source of life, from the possibility of anything good, misplaced aggression.
Speaker 1:
The harms and wrongly excludes wrongly excludes others. Life, happiness and good misplaced aggression that harms and wrongly excludes harms ourselves and disconnects us from our loving flow, from the flow of life in the world and everything good. When we compete against another life in favor of our loan against that life, we end both that life and ours slowly, quickly or somewhere in between. When we compete against other forms of life against that life, we cut ourselves off from grace and love and eventually we die. This is how death, hardship, disease and suffering are created and made. It’s not like death. Disease and suffering are a fact of life that we have to work so hard against that external reality, acting of hotness wrongly. No, I suggest we are creating this form of life, our bodies and the world. We are the physical world. As much as we are the very bodies we occupy, we occupied the physical world, the natural world in the same place.
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It is who we are. So when we turn against other forms of life, we’re dismantling the creation’s ability to work in favor of who we are. We’re giving instructions and writing code, computer code to the world we live in to act in the same horrible fashion that we do, that we do. So think of love, perfection and beauty. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Notice I intersperse in weave that she gong simple chigong exercise into these lectures, these talks and I do that so you can begin to understand how just one simple Xi gong exercise can make all these ideas, all these talks, all these meditations, physically real. When we compete against other forms of life, we cut ourselves off from the grace and love of the world. We poison ourselves. We give flawed computer code to our bodies and the natural world and we suffer.
Speaker 1:
On the other hand, eternal life moves in cooperation with all of life, eternal life. The essence of our core, that perfect bliss that’s always there as who we are, that love, compassion and happiness. Yes, happiness, joy, not fleeting, happiness, not Disneyworld, happiness, but deep soul happiness that’s always there. That eternal life of ourselves naturally moves in cooperation with all of life and then all of life acts together in this beautiful concert of cooperation, perhaps evolving to something greater. All of life together in agreement, individuals acting together in agreement. Have you ever been with a group of friends or maybe even a work group or family? Were you all really honestly agreed to be doing what you’re doing? A project of vacation and adventure or something as simple as cooking together with another person? Have you noticed the joy and power of that moment when two forces, two intelligent forces of life, two people or more are gathered in a common purpose of goodness and love.
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Something beautiful happens than when we’re alone and just trying to cert through the day by ourselves. Eternal life moves in cooperation with all of life. Naturally we move in cooperation with life, with other people, other forms of life, nature. We’re designed to exist in cooperation and concert with all of life, with all of creation, with this universe, with every universe that exists and beyond. We’re designed to live at peace without fighting ourselves or anything else in perfect love. Eternal love, I suggest is a deep and wonderful feeling. It’s a great and fantastic love. I suggest it’s the love behind all love. When you love a child, love of Pat when a couple is in live, yes, there’s a biological element, but that love is also very real. Yet the problem in relationships in the problem in the world today that creates suffering and harm is that we start to wrongly and confusingly compete with each other. Even in a marriage or a personal relationship. When two individuals start competing in wanting their own way to the exclusion of the other person’s way or by ignoring the other person’s away, then you get discord, conflict, harm, hurt, feelings, loneliness, estrangement, separation, and that leads us suggest to harmfulness disease, suffering and death. You don’t need to have that. I don’t want it. I would hope you don’t want it.
Speaker 1:
My background, my bachelor’s degree is in psychology. My master’s is in family relations and I was a counselor. Working with children and families and relationships are a primary interest of mine. Human relationships, people, relationships. Everything goes better when we’re in a good relationship because we’re designed to be in relationships, relationships with each other, other humans, all of life, all the world deep. Permanent love is in our soul and it’s designed to be shared and it really isn’t there to use an experience this deep and perfect love unless we’re sharing it and giving it. It’s an interesting situation, almost a contradiction that deep and perfect love of ours can’t really appear, come out and be in our bodies and lives in less. We’re actively sharing it in some manner, in some way. We don’t have to have a perfect relationship. We don’t have to be in a relationship as much as me, we may want, but there’s something we can do to extend grace, goodness and love to another human being, another animal, another form of life or a landscape or a mineral, mineral reality like a mountain. We can love something in this world. Every moment. We can connect with life every moment and find that love and perfect goodness in ourselves as we share it with that life and perfect goodness of the world. Eternal life moves in cooperation with all of life. It Turnell life moves in cooperation with all of life, our true selves, who we are. That immortal core moves in cooperation naturally with all of life and becomes something greater every moment. But when we compete against another life, we end that life and ours
Speaker 2:
again. [inaudible]
Speaker 1:
eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a Ruby red arc, feet to ground, relax, be calm, observe your breathing, eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby red arc,
Speaker 1:
eyes to nose, nose to heart. And a Ruby red are. We’re now breathing that perfect human breath of immortality into flash, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, grounded in our perfect core, our perfect selves, the perfect beauty and bliss of who we naturally are. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. We’re alive on this earth. Perfect physical beings. Happy, free, enjoy us. Eyes to nose, nose to heart. And now Ruby, red arc, feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Eternal life moves in cooperation with all of life with deep love. We bring heaven to earth with deep love. We unearth our soul and give it to the world. Eternal life is within us as who we are, eternal life. But when we compete within ourselves to love every day, we always win. So there is a place for Shuman aggression, human motivation, human oil and human comp competition. As we use it to better cooperate with ourselves inside and better cooperate with the world, we can be very aggressive in a wonderful compassion and beautiful way. We can be very motivated in a wonderful, compassionate kind and understanding way to be of assistance to some aspect of life. When we compete within ourselves to love more every day we always win when we compete within ourselves to love.
Speaker 1:
Can you love right now? Do we feel like loving every moment, every minute of the day? Do we feel like acknowledging the immortal, beautiful core of who we are every day, all day long? It’s difficult. It’s challenging, but within that challenge in difficulty is incredible opportunity. Really the harder it is to love an act with immortal good, the harder it is in a given circumstance to do that, and we do it, we grow, we develop, we strengthen, we access our soul so effectively the difficulties of life are really opportunities to strengthen our physical immortality are deep and compassionate love. When we compete with ourselves to love more every day we always win in a beautiful, wonderful manner. Love more love more than who you are than who you think you are. Love more than you think you can love more, love, love more than you think you can be.
Speaker 1:
Love into the world. Love yourself into the world, love others, and allow that love to grow into physicality, love, restores, and heels. I suggest you really the only healing thing there is in a lasting way is deep compassion and love. So think of love for a moment. Compassionate, deep, wonderful love and feel the healing effect that ha that has, that love, that is in your soul, connected to this life by your body and mind that love that is connected to all the love in the world, to the beautiful souls of everything that exists in all of life, in animate our animal. There really is no distinction. That’s a human idea that doesn’t exist. All of life is here to love ourselves. All of life is here in love, love restores and heals. Love returns. Everything that’s ever been lost. The experience of loss, the suffering and pain of that is a cut off, a disconnection.
Speaker 1:
And when we have this eternal love of our soul, everything is returned. And you may say how that’s possible. How is that possible? I suggest to you it is. When we’re in that deep eternal love, we don’t experience anything being a loss. We simply experience the fullness of who we are, the fullness of our love. There is no law. There is no loss in deep, eternal love and physical immortality. There’s only something to give, something to share, but again, it’s not necessarily easy. It may be easy this moment for you and me, but we go out into the world and there are challenges because it’s a world of pre predation. It’s a world that is harshly and wrongly crated. Yes, you may have an entire lifetime that goes rather well, but most of us don’t. If we live a long time, we have loved ones, we have friends, we have causes, we have involvements where there’s suffering calamity and competition.
Speaker 1:
Life forms, eating other life forms to survive doesn’t create a good karma for us or anyone, so let’s turn that around with the secret to immortality. Let’s turn that around with love and compassion. We have the website and mortal I suggest you go there and see what’s available. We have our blog every week. We have meditations you can find through our blog, our podcast that’s also available on Apple podcast. Avail yourself of all the wonderful, good things on our website, immortal we have an introduction to immortality core. She can find there. We have immortality lab, a membership, a monthly membership. You can join. We suggest that you do stick in a long time to put it together in that immortality lab. We have a unique, original and exclusive. She gone class every week. We have a unique and exclusive immortality talk every week just for members of that lab. We have other goodies in surprises to help you on your way. God bless you and keep you your higher power. May find it. Use it and employ it. Do peak to become immortal. Now, see you in the next podcast.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master