What Is Forgiveness?
Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. U.C. Berkeley, Greater Good Magazine
Most of our anger, fear and resentments don’t help us; they’re relics of the past.
When we’ve been injured, emotionally or physically, it’s easy to hold on to our reaction much longer than that reaction can be helpful to us.
It’s easy to get stuck in defensive responses that are out of date and no longer of service. Forgiveness unlocks the door and lets these stressful postures leave our lives.
The Key to an Immortal Life

Forgiveness is the key to immortality. When we forgive, we let go of stress, harm and fear; we open our lives to a Higher Power.
Forgiveness allows us to feel our soul, the immortal love at our core. As we experience our core of love, it can flow freely through our body and mind.
What Should We Forgive?
When we forgive, there are four helpful areas to focus upon:
- Forgiveness of Others
- Forgiveness of Ourselves
- Forgiveness of the World
- Forgiveness of a Higher Power
When we forgive — we let go, release and accept a part of ourselves that has been lost.
Forgiveness is not about the person we forgive, it’s about ourselves: how we feel, breathe and function throughout the day.
The Cost of Resentment and Blame
Without forgiveness, we’re enslaved.
When we’re holding on to injury too long, we have shut the door to our Greater Selves. When we don’t forgive — anger, resentment and fear tie us in knots and don’t let us fully live or experience ourselves.
It’s hard to be immortal, healthy and well if we don’t forgive.
Where Injury Leads

Injuries lead to feelings or anger, fear and self defense.
After an injury, as we move to safety and the threat is over, we can let go of our defensive stance. We can accept what happened and know we are safe. We can realize the threat has ended.
In our efforts to survive, it’s natural to protect ourselves. Our problem arises when we are in a defensive posture of attack, blame and fear … that is no longer helpful.
It’s easy to get stuck in blame and anger. It is natural to hold resentments, fear and upset feelings that become unconscious habit. Yet, to be happy, well and strong, we need a way to assess our defensive nature, and let go when it’s no longer needed. The exercise below, “Forgiveness, Love and Grace,” will show you how to do this.
Cut Off from Our Best
When we’re stuck in a defensive posture too long, we cut ourselves off from our soul: our core of power and love.
Forgiveness is essential to recover ourselves, to feel love again and progress to eternal physicality.
Blame and resentment can sometimes be directed toward ourselves. As we grow and awaken, it’s natural to find we blame ourselves for this and that.
Self blame is a natural happening that can actually be helpful if we are doing an honest assessment of how we can improve ourselves. However, chronic self blame that we acquire by being injured, is a toxic response we need to remove.
Aggression toward Ourselves
Examine the judgments you hold of yourself. How do you feel about who you are, what you’ve done in life, your achievements and failures?
What makes up the real you? Do you feel of value inside? Do you feel of value to the world?
As nice as we may be to friends and loved ones, we’re designed, biologically, as predators: to run down, kill and eat what we find … to defend our territory at all costs.
We live in a predatory world with killing on our dinner plates and waring nations destroying themselves, so it is natural that we might turn our aggression upon ourselves.
An Unconscious Problem
Every human has a strong biological trait of aggression. Aggression, or competitiveness, is so natural, we may not be aware of it. Much of our aggressive behavior may be unconscious, and some can be directed toward ourselves.
For a world of immortality, aggression can be a problem. Aggression and the competitive urge are designed to help us survive and propagate, but aggression and competition can lead us all to death … so we need to be careful, wise and aware of how we use these natural powers.
A Potion of Death
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay
Forgiveness is essential for immortal life.
Harmful judgements and aggressive acts can take us to death.
A mind and heart that have not forgiven are holding a potion of death. This potion contains ill-will and hardship that are continually released.
Forgiveness removes this powerful toxin from our lives. We need this toxin taken away to feel our best: to be happy, joyous and free.
To have a life of immortality, we need the toxins of blame, hate and fear released; forgiveness lets this happen.
Forgiveness is essential for immortal life.
Governed by Perfect Love

Physical immortality is governed by Perfect Love and Grace.
To be immortal, we don’t have to be perfect, but we need to understand our potential and ask this Perfect Love to care for us, to teach us and give us strength.
Try the exercise below to help you forgive while activating love and grace. The secret to this technique is that you ask for what you need.
In this exercise, we’ll be asking for Perfect Love and forgiveness.
The greatest gifts come to us by asking for them. Asking for what we need is the secret to everything.
To get what you want, ask and ask again. Pray yourself into the Presence of Love, then ask for what you need.
Exercise: “Forgiveness, Love and Grace”

This is an exercise for discovering forgiveness and letting the consequent freedom of this forgiveness lead you to love, grace and deep inner healing.
To begin:
- Sit down
- Relax
- Get quite
- Be calm
With eyes shut, look out toward your nose, imagining a ruby read arc going from your nose to heart. Hold this visualization for a few minutes, as you breath in and out.
- Breathe … in and out
- Don’t control your breath but simply observe it
- Relax with each breath; be yourself
- Let your attention, with eyes shut, go to your feet
- See your feet grounded deep to the earth, in a solid and stable way.
- Relax; breathe in and out
- Find yourself at peace
Now … think of love: it’s color, feeling and location in your body.
- Ask for love
- Feel love in your heart
- Breathe in and out Perfect Love with every breath, 3 times
- Breathe in Perfect Love
- Breathe out Perfect Love
- Relax and be calm
Ask for forgiveness. Ask for forgiveness in you, the world and everyone who lives.
See forgiveness surround you. What color is it? How does it feel? Does it have a pleasing scent?
- Breathe forgiveness in and out, 3 times
- Breathe forgiveness in
- Breathe forgiveness out
- Relax and be calm
- Ask for forgiveness
- See forgiveness in the world, in your body and mind, with everyone on earth.
- Have love, forgiveness and grace
- Feel how your breathing has relaxed
- Know the release of active forgiving
- Have the freedom of love and forgiveness
A healing process has begun: you are loved and forgiven.
With grace, get up from your seat and live your day.
Are You Ready for Immortality?
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If you want further insight, power and strength: you may want to try our course, “Introduction to Immortality.”
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