Sample Chapter Five from our upcoming book, “The Secret to Immortality.” Discover the source of life and the basis of human immortality! Learn how to get the love you want and be the person you’ve always wanted to be.

The purpose of this book is to guide you toward immortality, to help you be your best and find the goodness of life.

Read each line below as a meditation. Go slowly; repeat what you’ve read. Let each reading take you to a stronger place of knowing who you are, of having the life you want.

Know your immortality, and find it in these words today– grow, evolve and be the person you’ve always wanted to be.

The Secret to Immortality is a simple process. You can do it.

You are immortal now.


woman-source of life

The Source of Life Is within Us

The source of life is within us as who we are.

We suffer and die when we don’t have our best to give, when we’re not alive with love. We die when we don’t know the source of life is within us as who we are.

When we pursue a goal with aggression and greed, we’re never satisfied, even if we get what we want. What comes by greed and force is quickly old; we soon want more.

We’re never satisfied by greed and forcing our way upon the world.

We gain eternal life by finding the source of gold at our core. Immortality comes by sharing the gold of our soul with the world.

When we act in concert with a Greater Power of grace and love, we become this Greater Power.

When the object of greed is the goal of our lives, we fail and cut ourselves off from our source.

When we look outside ourselves for who we are, for what we need, we’re distracted.

A look within will give us what we want.

Greed Is Never Good

Soon to Be Released

Greed collapses the world upon itself in ever failing consequence. With greed and selfish pursuit, the gift of life is hidden.

In time, there’s little left of the world if all we do is take.

We’re alive to create and give. When all we do is look for what we can take or acquire, we short-circuit our ability to contribute and be immortal.

Greed and selfish behavior disable our best abilities and take from everyone.

Generosity, benevolence and love invite the infinite to earth.

We’re Created to Give

We’re made to love, hope and care.

Think of someone who has a need you can fulfill. You’ll be loved and cared for, as you care for someone else.

You’ll improve who you are as you act to help someone near.

Where Does Immortality Live?

To activate the love and hope in ourselves, we must love and hope for someone else.

When we look outside ourselves for what we already have, we get farther from the thing we’re looking for.

We all have love and hope; it’s written in our genes. But we must love and hope for someone else, to activate the love and hope in ourselves.

Nothing happens without action; if we want to receive, we have to give. If we want a life that’s good, we have to offer something.

If we want love, we have to love.

In the love we give, immortality lives.

Receive the Gift

As we give away the good of our hearts, a cycle of grace is begun. Our lives improve, and we receive ten-fold the love we have given.

Grace is an unmerited gift. A state of grace is a place of continual giving and receiving, where these two actions become one state of being.

Eternal physicality is a state of grace.

A Bridge to Eternal Life

As we help someone, we’re helped ourselves. This cycle is a type of human grace.

As adults, we still possess the needs of a child. Yet in adulthood, we have the ability to meet our needs.

Most needs can’t be met alone, so we must find someone who has a need we can fill. As we help someone else, we fill a need in ourselves.

When we assist someone: we make friends, gain strength and build a bridge to the eternal.

As we help in the world, our feelings improve. When we offer assistance, we make friends who can be of help to us.

Our greatest self comes forth as we give our gift to the world.

Giving is how immortality grows.

Human Needs and Immortality

Together, we’re a Superpower; alone, we fade and die.

Life, at its best, is a reciprocal arrangement: giving and receiving by human engagement.

Eternal life is a similar giving-and-receiving as one single action. Living as eternal beings, we both give and receive a perfect love from a Greater Power. This Power is our soul, yet more than our soul alone. We are joined as one power, a Greater Power and ourselves.

Immortality is union, not a solitary action or lone accomplishment. Eternal life happens when we’re joined and not apart. Together, we are a Superpower; alone, we fade and die.

When we’re in union with life, there is a perfect peace where all our needs are met. We live with happiness, joy and freedom.

The Final Prize of Life

We are the prize we seek.

What we really want in life may be the deep and powerful love of our soul, the connection and gift this love provides.

What we really want in life may be the security, warmth and belonging of a Greater Love, a Greater Power that is more than we seem to be.

We can have all this.

Disconnected from this Loving Power, we may feel as a missing piece: adrift, unknown and not wanted.

What everyone in the world is searching for may be a greater connection, far greater than anything life can offer.

We can make this connection; we can have something better than life as it is.

As we make this connection, we have immortality. As we seek the right thing, we find an unending prize.

Connected, We’re Immortal

Connection can be made with Perfect Love.

Union can be found with Unimaginable Power.

Our soul and core self, has Eternal Life.

To connect with immortality, we must look within, fearlessly, again and again.

To connect, we must have a desire and be willing to do something new.

As We Heal, We Gain Eternal Life

As we mend, and come together within ourselves, we bind with all of existence. As we commune with existence, we find our immortality.

Connected, we have it all:

  • eternal life
  • goodness
  • strength
  • hope

In agreement, we live forever; death, suffering and disease extinguish themselves.

With acceptance, the wrongs of the world come to a close.

(This is the end of our Chapter Five sneak peak. Can you apply what you’ve read right now, here and today? Can you make these words your own, plant a seed and live forever? We think you can!)

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John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master