Abundance is a gift we have inside, a fullness and joy of infinite good. In this podcast, try a little Qigong, and discover your gift of abundance!

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Infinite Supply

Within us, we have infinite supply of everything there is: unlimited love, unending life.

Life itself is perfect, but we twist life in knots by thinking who we are, and what we need, is outside of ourselves … when it isn’t.

An Appealing Idea!

The idea of abundance is natural and appealing to everyone; we all sense there is something true about infinite supply … the proverbial cornucopia.

Yet, there is a surprise, so obvious and true, we never expect it.

We are the infinite supply, the front of unending good. Inside, we’re an unending gift to ourselves, each other and the world.

Yet, we need a way to find ourselves and know our infinite potential. To discover that good “way,” listen to this podcast now.

A Hard but Wonderful Truth

In some ways, as harsh as it may sound, the Secret to Immortality is about growing up and acting adult.

Most of us are looking for something, somone, a deity or god — to heal us, give to us, provide, etc. … when all along, we have this given ability.

You Are a Font of Plenty

We are fonts of Greater Good, of all there is to have and behold.

We are conduits and emissaries of a Blessed Reality. Yet, we turn our backs on our true nature and act as children who can do nothing for themselves.

For a better world, for an immortal life … we have to grow up and act with our birthright as givers of Sacred Life; not taking from the world, not expecting someone else to be and do what we are able to do.

The Secret to Immortality is about “growth,” where we grow up and act as adults, givers of The Infinite that we contain as ourselves, that we have as we’re connected and whole.

Welcome to the Podcast

You’ve discovered “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website, ImmortalNow.com, where you’ll find Personal Growth, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality.

In this podcast, you’ll find daily meditations for strength and calm plus Weekly Talks on the Secret to Immortality for happiness, strength and lasting life.

The Secret to Immortality

Learn to be happy, joyous and free with eternal vibrance in your day.

The Secret to Immortality helps you unlock your full human potential.

This way to lasting life has three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting LIfe
  3. Immortality Coaching

With “Mindfulness,” you gain awareness of thought, word and action to create the life you want.

“Qigong for Lasting Life” is an ancient Chinese meditative art that focuses specifically on physical immortality.

“Immortality Coaching” strengthens and directs your progress by working with an elder farther upon the path.

Qigong and Immortality

Qigong is ancient Chinese healing art for strength, wellbeing and physical immortality.

This day, Qigong and the Secret to Immortality are within your grasp.

Begin a life of compassion and eternal physicality. Go to ImmortalNow.com and read the blog, see our book, try the course and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal

Tags: #WeeklyTalk #Qigong #GuidedMeditation #Podcast


[Volunteers please! Due to time constraints, this transcript is abbreviated. If you have experience with editing, writing or social media; please contact us about volunteer benefits.]

Abundance is a gift we have inside — a fullness of happiness and joy, of infinite supply. We have infinite supply of everything there is within us: perfect love perfect life.

This is John Harrigan, Qigong master and founder of the website, immortalnow.com.

Life itself is perfect by nature, but we transform life by thinking who we are, and what we need, is outside of ourselves when it isn’t.

That chase for something else, for something new, for something more, is part of predation, hunting down and killing, getting what we think we need to sustain ourselves and live.

And by killing something and consuming it in order to give ourselves life … that is doesn’t work out for the creation or life form itself. And what we’re suggesting with the secret to immortality is that life itself is perfect. You’re perfect. I’m perfect, everyone’s perfect. But we transform the creation, by our actions by our thinking by what we do.

When we act out in a harm to somebody else at any level, when literally almost all life forms are killing another life form to feed themselves. This is sort of life force turn inside out, and it simply doesn’t work for anyone. You have a successive feature of birth and death, birth and death and birth and death.

With the secret to immortality we’re suggesting that life can evolve, life can grow, we can become more in every way that we need,without suffering and Without hardship, without disease,

there really isn’t a lesson to learn through suffering and hardship other than suffering, hardship and death aren’t necessary aren’t needed, and aren’t really part of the overall design of creation.

If you look at the world in history and science, and that’s my background, science and history, life is always pushing to evolve … no matter what life, our consciousness, greater consciousness is evolving in a way I suggest. It appears to be, and it will do that. And if the way it has to do it is with life killing life, things will still evolve that way, but let’s not do it that way. It’s not necessary. It’s there’s nothing, there’s no requirement. There’s no lesson to learn and suffering again. Other than that,it’s not a great idea.

So we’re looking towards the eternal, towards our eternal soul, towards our eternal being, towards the eternal nature of life itself, eternal consciousness. And that’s where I’m taking you today.

[Volunteers please! Due to time constraints, we’ve stopped editing the transcript here. If you have experience with editing, writing or social media; please contact us about volunteer benefits.]

In this podcast,1 in this immortality talk. I’m taking you through what I say to a mindfulness of your own eternal nature. And later in this talk, we’ll go into a simple Qigong exercise that I often take you through to get a little closer to that core, the core of self, the core of our being.

So let’s go on here with a little instruction on infinite supply.

And that’s the name of this podcast, infinite supply.

who we are is an infinite supply. We are by nature, the core of our being a cornucopia where we have everything to give, everything to be, but by not knowing that, not experiencing ourselves … we’re in a constant panic to find ourselves somewhere else, in something else, in some other location, in some other world, in some other outfit, in a different place to eat … we’re never satisfied, because we’re always chasing the next meal to feed ourselves, whatever that meal is going to be … it maybe just a new movie, a new something.

We’re chasing for newness all the time.

Biologically, human beings seek novel experiences, it calms us down. But we’re looking for something that’s actually inside ourselves.

I suggest once you start to experience yourself. There’s constant newness, continual newness, newness and the experience of self when we experience ourselves, we’re connected to everything that exists, an unending font of love, of newness of becoming, of giving, of connecting, of belonging, a perfect bliss.

And I think everybody’s senses this, everybody senses there’s more to be had in life,

we want a better place to live, we want a better job, we want a better relationship. And all of this, I suggest is simply we’re looking for our soul, we need more, we’re in a constant state of needing more.

And when we reach outside of ourselves, look outside of ourselves. We’re kind of creating a whole another universe to explore and all we’re really looking for is ourselves.

So at some time, we have to stop creating new worlds to live in, a new lifestyle, new lifetimes, and just look gently, easily, kindly look into who we are, and find that infinite, eternal being. That is ourselves.

Life itself is perfect, but we transform life by thinking, who we are. And what we need is outside of ourselves when it isn’t, it’s inside as who we are. The idea of abundance or infinite supply, the name of this podcast is natural and appealing.

Again, the idea of abundance, there is a lot written about abundance, a lot of books related to the idea that we can have this we can get that you can get that and

I want to kind of get you away from that idea of abundance, you know, anything you imagine, you can get anything. If you think about you can be Yeah, that’s true. You know, you have to think about a building before you design it, then you have to design it. You have to think more and have architectural plans and a blueprint, sort of.

Yeah, we have to think about something if you want a career you have to think about that career. You have to learn In the career, whether it’s in school or on the job, yeah, you have to think about it. But with the secret to immortality, I want to kind of get you away from the idea. I want to get you kind of away from maybe a supernatural idea of abundance, getting more I can get more if I do this and that now, the abundance is in you as you and that may be a little a little disappointing if you don’t understand what I’m saying. The Infinite font of everything you’ll ever want to need is within you as yourself as we are connected to all that is and everything else.

So it’s a different take. It’s a different spin on abundance. I’m not I’m not saying hey, you can get anything you want in the world and you can have anything you like. You just have to think about it and do this and do that. Now everything there is in the world. everything there is to lie infinite how Happiness, bliss becoming an abundance is in ourselves as who we are, as we’re connected to ourselves, as we’re part of the world and connected to all of that world and more. So the idea of abundance is natural and appealing to everyone. We all sense there is something true about infinite supply the proverbial cornucopia. So we’re all looking for something outside of ourselves. And scientists are looking for this something outside of themselves and scientific inquiry and that’s my background is doing a very good job. Eventually, science will will discover everything I’m talking about and even more than the secret to immortality, but it’ll take some time and you may

not live long enough, and you may want to have a better life before that happens. So the idea of abundance is natural and appealing to everyone. Everybody senses it. I think, you know, there was a video you may have watched the secret and then they have this Secret book. And, you know, the idea that thoughts are things and certainly there are they are. That’s the first part of the three parts to the secret to immortality is mindfulness for immortality, where we become aware and that’s what we’re doing now of how we think speak and act, where we become aware of how that’s creating our life, creating our world, creating this physical reality. So let’s change what we’re thinking right now. And change our inner dialogue and change our behavior. Even within this path, podcasts, change the way you’re sitting. Change the way you’re holding yourself up. to agree and be in alignment with this idea of abundance that is inside you. As your soul your perfect bliss, not you alone. I would suggest to you there is no such thing as you alone alone, we die.

Just think of your body our body is composed of cells of organelles which in which are inside cells of molecules of atoms. We are a collective beingour consciousness.

We need oxygen.

And we give out carbon dioxide Breathing in and breathing out. And we’ll do that a little later. In this podcast, a little exercise, but the idea of abundance is natural to me should be natural to you. We want abundance. We want more, we need more and it’s appealing to everyone. We all sense there’s something true about the idea of infinite supply. It’s like, there may not be infinite supply, but is there anyone in the world who doesn’t want infinite supply of something? Whether it’s happiness or materiality, or the proverbial cornucopia, you know, it’s that kind of horn divided That has fruit and goodness coming out of it. who we are is the infinite supply. The infinite supply is here it is real, the fountain of youth is real to it’s the same thing inside all of us who we are as the infinite supply, the font of an ending good, the font of on ending good is who we are. That’s what we are inside an ending good infinite supply and unending gift. That’s who we are to ourselves, to ourselves, each other and the world as we find ourselves as we do a bit of Qigong with the secret to immortality as we practice mindfulness for immortality, as we do some Qigong coaching with an elder father upon this path, we find ourselves we experience our infinite being our infinite soul. Were there infinite supply of everything of who we are.The font of unending good.

That’s us. That’s what we find with the secret to immortality. That’s what we are inside infinite supply, the font of unending good. And unending gift is who we are is all of life. Yet we need to have a way to find ourselves and get to this place I’m talking about right now. It’s like, okay, that’s a good idea. And if you like the idea, and you buy into that that’s part of mindfulness for immortality. But how do we really get there? And idea is great, but it’s just the beginning, or it’s just one part. How do we get there? How do we know and experience this infinite soul? We get there by simply wanting to that’s the first step. Do you want to experience your eternal soul yourself in the flesh physically as who you are. Do you want The secret to immortality Do you buy into the idea


suffering, hardship and pain aren’t really necessary for life and in fact, aren’t the nature of life at all. It’s just what we do with life. I suggest life is pure, infinite and good, but by our decisions that are a bit wrong, cruel, and brutal, we go to war, we hunt down and kill. We act unkind to our families and our neighbors. We take the beautiful pureness of life and twisted and contort it to our own means. And so part of what I’m suggesting our teaching now is that you kind of untie your contortions the way you’ve been hurt and twisted. And we become more mindful looking at how we’re thinking and how we’re behaving and speaking Really acting with kindness and purity throughout the day, it sounds impossible. It’s not but it’s very tough at first, and even for me at times, because I’m I’m hardwired as a human, I’m fully human. And as humans, we have evolved, we have transformed ourselves into predators, where we are designed to hunt and kill. We are designed to fight and to get irritated to get what we want and to exclude others to defend territory and fight for it.

All that’s goingon inside of the nicest people in the world. And the secret to immortality success of successively takes us layer by layer towards that infinite, perfect, beautiful loving soul that we are that loving physical person. So we’re we’re less harmful. We’re more aware, you know, simply being quiet, not saying anything. That’s helpful. But that’s not really the answer. The answer is when we do speak, speak with kindness when we are silent, make sure that silence is appropriate, good. and caring.

Even silence is a behavior How are you silent with your loved ones? are you silent at the office and in life, even silence can be harmful. But it is successive awareness and I’m still working on that myself. been working on it for a lifetime and perhaps many before us, but I’m still working on it and getting to that eternal place and helping you do it to who we are, is the infinite supply that we all seek and want. materiality you know, people being really are very materialistic. Nothing wrong with that. That’s just the nature actual human direction of people trying trying to find their souls. So they’re trying to find it through greed. And maybe people find that through war through fighting, find it in pursuing material goods. But I suggest that’s probably not the way to find your eternal self, but maybe eventually.

But we want to do this in this lifetime if we can, or we want to make progress, if we can. who we are is the infinite supply the font of unending good. That’s what we are inside and unending gift to ourselves, each other in the world. What we are inside is an unending gift to ourselves, each other in the world. So how do we get to this wonderful place you just keep listening to my podcast again, we have free Qigong exercises on the website and mortal now.com We have a book you can buy. We have a highly recommended introduction to immortality course, about three decades in the making that’s available on our website. We also have a membership called immortality lab. It’s a membership immortality lab, a monthly membership, where every week we have a brand new lecture and a brand new Qigong lesson. QiGong is a large part of my work a large part of the path toward immortality that I’ve learned and I have to share with you. I have a QiGong master from Beijing, China, that I’ve been studying with him practicing with for over 23 years, and his lineage, excuse me, his lineage, his immortality comes to me and that comes to you. We’re all related. We’re all connected. And we’re all in this together doing this together. With that in mind, Qigong, a gentle moving meditation or you don’t have to move at all and I’ll take you into a little Qigong that I tried to introduce in most of my meditations and most of my lectures.

So let’s finish up herewith a simple Qigong exercise, you would sit on a seat, sit on a chair, if you can, your legs not crossed. They’re flat on the floor.

You close your eyes and imagine you cansee out your eyes to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose. Imagine you can see a ruby red arc going out about three to four inches from that tip of your nose and curving in towards your heart and just hold that visualization for a bit. Eyes to nose your eyelids are shut. Don’t stress Don’t strain but imagine you can see through your eyelids to the tip of your nose or ruby red art going out about three to four inches coming into your head. Heart, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red are just hold that beautiful vision, eyes to nose, nose, the heart and a ruby red art you don’t have to see the vision perfectly. You don’t have to be able to vision it at all just know that’s what’s happening. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc. After you’ve held that for a while and your hands this entire time your hands are flat, palms down on your thighs up near your knees. Doesn’t really matter. You don’t have to have the perfect position. Maybe you can’t be in a chair. Maybe for some reason your feet can’t be flat on the floor. Just mentally visually go through the exercise. It’ll work just fine. Your eyes can be open you can be at work and just need to calm down. This exercise will do it. Eyes to nose, nose to heart feet Let your attention now fall down your body to your feet, feel and experience your feet rooted deeply into the earth about 10 to 15 feet like the roots of a tree, eyes to nose, nose to heart and Ruby read our feet to ground routed about 10 to 15 feet. And again, it’s not exactly if you don’t like a tree in the trees roots, just imagine yourself routed into the earth. There’s no perfection involved. In fact, our mind really isn’t involved much in any of these Qigong exercises.

This is a simple Qiong exercise. You can do this anytime in any place. You can do it throughout the day again and again when you need to get grounded. When you need to get connected, eyes to nose, nose to heart. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a beautiful way in a grounded way feet the ground at ease. Relax, observe your breath. Don’t control it. breathe through your nose in and out through your nose, not your mouth. Don’t control a thing. This is all about kind of letting go and relaxing. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a Ruby read our forgiveness, love and joy. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc.

You’re letting go of stress and pain of injury and harm. You’re letting go of everything bad that’s happened to you that you have ever done and that has ever been done to you. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red our feet to ground flat on the ground. We’re connected to the earth. We’re part of this world. We’re in our beautiful body perfect and good. mortal and kind, infinite soul eternal. Eternal is probably a better word to describe that, you might say infinite soul, but infinite can kind of create the idea of like way wide open space and that isn’t it. It’s we’re right here right now. Eternal, timeless. I would say, I’ll use the word infinite from time to time, but it’s really eternal and timeless, eternal self, the timeless self. The now, you know, we have some great authors and throughout all time, spiritual people and philosophers have talked about the importance of now even in psychology. Everything does take place now. Always. We’re right now as you’re listening to me, it’s now every moment of your life will be now now as When we have the power to change the power to become who we are right now, the eternal now the name of our website is immortal now.com that name is there for a reason. I think you figured it out by now, immortal now.

And we teach the secret to immortality, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc feet to ground and to finish, put your hands together like in prayer and

move your hands around

a circular direction, creating friction with your palm and focusing ci and just give your face

that she facial, but

I’m giving this podcast and Coronavirus time so don’t touch your face. Just put your hands maybe about an inch away from your face and imagine you’re touching it Cause there’s a virus in the air don’t want to touch your eyes or your nose or your mouth. Love, kindness, joy, eternal good bliss, happiness, ease and comfort. That is the life I suggest. We’re all designed to live. That’s what our bodies naturally want to do. Our bodies want to create a blissful, happy, kind and wonderful experience for ourselves, our physical bodies and who we are in these bodies, can be and I suggest is made to be a happy new, blissful, wonderful experience. every millisecond of the day. You can have that I can have that. I promise you. You’ll get there if you aren’t there already. That’s the end of this weekly immortality talk on the podcast. The podcast is called the secret to immortality podcast. The website again is immortal now.com and go to the website, you’ll find blog articles and you’ll find links to the podcasts there. You’ll find our book, Qigong, and spiritual growth. You’ll find our course and you’ll find immortality lab. You’ll find free videos free, a free cheat Gong video five organ breathing you can begin today and you’ll find information about Qigong explaining exactly what it is. Again, at our website, immortal now.com we teach the secret to immortality. The secret to immortality is comprised of three parts,

part number one,

mindfulness for immortality, part two Qigong for lasting life. In part three, immortality coaching and you can learn all about that on this podcast day by day and week by week, but also and in much more depth at our website, immortal now.com bless you and keep you. That’s the end of this podcast episode.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master