Create the World You Want!
We shape and create our world with every thought we make.
Conscious or unconscious, every thought, word and deed makes our life what it is. All of life is sculpting the world by decisions and direction all of life takes.
Make the Best Decisions
How do we make our decisions every day? Do we follow the crowd, walk aimlessly about… or chose the direction we want? At the end of the day, do we shape our future, or does unconscious habit make our fate?
Do we make our decisions by conscious choice or by default—letting impulses, habit and anger lead the way? What do we chose to create every day?
Get What You Want
What do we want from life? The world will give us our dreams if we chose what is best for ourselves, what is best for the world. A good and beneficial idea gathers strength from all of life.
Harm is short lived; love endures.
Dreams Do Come True
The world will give us our dreams if we dream well, if our thoughts align with tendencies of good design. Life will give us what we want if we chose thoughts, words and deeds that contain our desire.
Create a Wonderful Life!
To create a life that is good requires good thought, good words and good action throughout each day. If we fail, we can start again.
Tendencies of good intent evolve a world we all will want.
(Photo Credit: Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net)