
Immortality is the subject of this video—immortality of our body, mind and soul—living a life without illness, death or accident, and evolving by our own efforts.

Is Immortality Possible?

Immortality is very possible! It’s as simple as turning right instead of left. As humanity, over eons, we have been turning in the wrong direction. All we have to do is turn in the right direction… and we’ll get a different life experience.

How Is Life without Immortality?

What is the life experience that we all have now? If we’re lucky, we may live a long time and have good health, but eventually our health fails. The health of our family members and loved ones is unreliable and gets worse. Accidents happen. Eventually most of us die.

Love and Immortality

For Immortality, Turn in a Different Direction

Suffering is something most of us endure. We live in a world full of accident, full of seemingly random action and random behavior. But how do we live towards immortality—live in immortality? We turn in a different direction.

We’ve been turning in the way of death. We’ve been doing things that don’t support human life or any life at all. We’ve been doing things that don’t support the environment—plants, animals and healthy air. We’ve been living in ways that literally don’t support our life form, Homo sapiens.

What I am here to do, is tell you we can turn in a different direction—the direction of integrity, love and spirit—and not act with anger all the time.

Live forever

Anger Can Impede Immortal Growth

We’re all going to have some anger, but not making life decisions from anger and not making life decisions that destroy…  may be the best way to go?

To Act in Harm, Hurts Us the Most

As we destroy others, we destroy ourselves. To act, to hurt or destroy another human being… that act of destruction comes out of who we are. The active destruction of another person first takes place in ourselves, in us, and does the most damage to who we are, not the other person.

For Immortality, No Harm Is Best

To harm another person always harms us. We are harmed the most by our harmful behavior, not the person we harm. When we act out of anger, vindictiveness or hate, to hurt another person—we do that destruction first to ourselves, deep inside, to our bodies, mind and soul. We harm ourselves the most.

How to Structure Immortality in You

As our action goes forward into the world, there is an equal reaction that takes place inside us—this action is the foundation or platform of our acting out into the world. If we act out in love, we create love inside of ourselves. By our actions, our behavior… we literally structure our bodies, our brains, nervous systems, muscles, bones and organs… we structure all of these with love, when we love.

We structure ourselves with immortality when we act with immortal thought, love and care.

Immortality and Love

Mindless Disregard Impedes Immortal Thought

When we act with vengeance, hate and harm … or even mindless disregard for others… that’s what we’re creating inside ourselves. First we have a thought inside our head, then we act on it. This action creates a physical moving out, of ourselves toward the world. We are the persons impacted foremost by what we do, then the world is affected.

Immortal Action Makes Immortality

How do we act? We act with our thoughts, words and physical behavior. The more we think and act with harm, or mindless disregard, that’s what goes on in our minds and our bodies, and that’s how people start treating us.

The more we think and act with immortal thoughts, cooperation and good intent… the sooner immortality becomes our lives.

For Immortality, There Is another Way

There’s a way of life, of love… of consistent results and happiness, of well-being and strength. We get all this by turning away from injury, death and disease… and turning toward life.

We get love… we get the permanent love of our soul, that comes alive as we act more and more in good-will, with good-will in our life.

Immortality and More!

For more about Immortality and Love, see my websites: and

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master