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Greater Meaning, Strength and Ease
… coming into union with life.
Currently, I’m writing a memoir with the working title, “The Secret to Immortality: Memoir of a Qigong Master and His Mission of Lasting Life for Everyone.”
While writing this memoir today, I discussed how to turn tragedy and loss into gold and valuable personal growth. Here’s a bit of what I wrote: “Spiritual development and self growth, of any kind, are a connecting process of becoming our true selves, unifying with the greater part of who we are.”
All human growth is connecting the disconnected, joining and coming into union with life.
A Healing Connection
Compassion, Love and Strength
Spiritual development and self growth are a connecting process where we’re joining within ourselves and to the world — connecting to a greater power and larger sense of being.
As we connect, we become who we really are, connecting with something profound; something wonderful, glorious and supportive.
Self growth, done right, leads to connection; and connection gives us compassion, love and strength.
In Union with Ourselves
… connecting heaven to earth with our physical being.
The Secret to Immortality has three parts. The first part is Mindfulness for Immortality, about becoming more connected to everything, by how we think and how we’re aware.
The second part is Qigong for Lasting Life, an ancient meditative art for healing and deep personal growth; for connecting heaven to earth with our physical being.
[Extra Info: What Is Qigong?]
Immortality Coaching lets you connect further with with a mentor farther upon the path. All of the Secret to Immortality is about connection, joining and union … becoming whole.
Profound and Deep Results
As a Qigong Master, I teach a powerful way of connecting to the most important aspects of ourselves, connecting at a deep and important level with the world and creation.
Self growth of any kind is a connecting process of becoming our true selves, connecting up with the greater part of who we are. Qigong and the Secret to Immortality help this happen.
[Extra Info: A Qigong Video]
You Can Get What You Really Want
… in search of greater connection.
Connection, union and joining. Everything we seek in life may, in finality, be connection. Even someone who’s greedy and power-seeking may have the same basic desire as someone spiritually seeking. All anyone may be after is greater connection.
An avaricious and grasping person is seeking greater satisfaction, imagining money and power will make him or her feel good. But anyone who has had substantial money and power knows it gives, at best, fleeting fulfillment. Fame is the same, a vacant acquisition.
Every Desire Is the Same
Somehow and some way, everyone in the world is seeking greater connection, to be connected to something — a new partner, a better job, more friends, customers for a business; more wisdom, strength and power; food to eat and shelter, etc. Every desire in life is a want for greater connection.
Every good pursuit in life is desire for connection: a greater love, a greater understanding or personal growth. Every destructive urge in life is an equal desire for something that will satisfy. The difference between a good and destructive notion is simply understanding and knowledge of what will best fulfill us.
We are all motivated by the desire to connect, with the expectation that the connecting to what we want will improve our lives. Good-willed or destructive, the motive is to connect.
The Secret to Healing and Strength
What we teach on our website,, is how to transform the world from predation to grace — ending suffering, hardship and death. We teach a process of connecting that can lead to immortal life.
We show you how to transform this world by how you think, speak and act. That’s what the three parts of the Secret to Immortality are about. Looking at how we’re thinking, how we’re speaking and acting … about changing our behavior and adding new behaviors like Qigong and coaching.
All of this is designed to connect in a manner that benefits everyone, to heal and give strength to the world.
The Cure for Any Problem
Illness is disconnection and imbalance
In a developing child or adult, connection is what’s happening. All growth is about connecting and expressing … about developing new connections in our brain, connections within our organs and bodies as we grow and develop. It’s all about connection.
Illness, pain and suffering are a consequence of broken connections, or connections that were never made.
Personal growth — getting well and strong — is a process of growing together within ourselves and with the world.
The best of life is the consequence of being connected. We can all connect to wellness, strength and hope; to our core of eternal life.
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A Book that Shows You How to Heal, Be Strong and Connect
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Discover your ability for healing, strength and deep inner calm. This book’s words, images and exercises can activate the best in you.
Find powerful tools to craft the life you’ve always wanted. As you read and do the exercises in this book, you’ll find your greatest gift!
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Your Qigong Master
This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m a Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach the Secret to Immortality.
Author of the books, Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth and Lessons in Love, my life mission is building mass awareness of our ability to live healthy, happy and immortal human lives.
At, we teach the Secret to Immortality with mindfulness, Qigong and coaching.
We pursue this human possibility with singular focus and offer everything we have to you!
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To begin your path to eternal awareness — we recommend you go to; read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!
Have the best day of your life.
You are immortal now!
Complete Podcast Transcript
Hello and welcome to the Secret to Immortality Podcast. This is John Harrigan Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where we teach the secret to immortality.
Today’s episode is called Turning Tragedy into Treasure. I’ll talk about the difficult times we all face and how we can use these situations to energize our search for greater meaning, strength and ease as who we are.
I’m currently writing a memoir with a working title, “The Secret to Immortality: memoir of a Qigong master and his mission of physical immortality for everyone.”
While writing this memoir, today, I shared a specific technique to turn tragedy and loss into gold and valuable personal growth. Let me read you a bit of what I wrote, “spiritual development and self growth, of any kind, are a connecting process of becoming our true selves, connecting up with the greater part of who we are in the world.
Again, spiritual development and self growth of any kind, are a connecting process, where we’re connecting within ourselves, and connecting to the world, and hopefully to a greater power and larger sense of being … becoming who we really are, connecting with something profound, something wonderful, glorious, motivating and supportive. Self growth, done right leads to compassion, love and kindness.
Spiritual development and self growth of any kind, are a connecting process. Everything that we teach at our website,, is about connecting.
The secret to immortality has three parts. We teach again, and again, the first part is mindfulness for immortality, and that’s about becoming more connected to everything, by how you think and how you’re aware. The second part is Qigong for lasting life, an ancient meditative art of personal and spiritual growth.
I’m a Qigong Master, and teach it as a profound way of connecting deeply to the most important aspects of ourselves; and connecting further at a deep level with the world, all of creation and beyond.
Self growth of any kind are connecting process of becoming our true selves, connecting up with the greater part of who we are in the world.
Connection, connection, everything we’re seeking in life, I suggest to you is connection, even somebody that’s greedy, and powerful. And that’s all they’re after, they are seeking a greater connection. They may not know it, but they’re seeking a greater satisfaction, the imagine money and power will satisfy them. But any of you that have had a lot of money, and a lot of power, know that it doesn’t, just for a very short period of time, and then you want more money, more power, more material possessions, but I suggest you Everyone, no matter what we’re doing, everyone in the world is seeking greater connection, to be connected to something, to be connected to friends, more friends, to be your business, to be connected to more customers to be connected to love, compassion.
Everything good in life, every pursuit is connection. And what I teach about in on our website,, and the secret to immortality, what I teach is about how we can transform the world from a world of predation, where every animal every micro organism is chasing down hunting, killing and eating another one. I talk about how we can transform this world by how we think, speak and act. And that’s what the three parts of the secret to immortality are really about. Looking at how we’re thinking, how we’re speaking, how we’re acting, about changing our behavior, behaviors, and adding behaviors like Qigong, and coaching. All of this leads to connection.
illness, is when we’re not connected correctly. We’re not connected for balance for wellness, in a developing child, a developing animal, a developing plant of any type, growth and development for F Everything in every one is about developing new connections, connections within our brain connection, connections within the organs of our bodiesas they grow and develop. It’s all about connection.
So keep that in mind. As I continue here, I’m going to read a little bit more from the work I was doing on my memoir today that applies specifically to the subject of this podcast episode, quote, life, its difficulties, challenges and loss. The tough things that happen in life to us and to everyone are in fact, opportunity for becoming in more for becoming more of who we are.
Life, its difficulties, challenges and loss, our opportunity for becoming more of who we are. As we suffer and struggle we can reach out and look within. As we struggle and suffer, we can reach out and look within asking for something greater than who we are than who we may seem to be at the moment. When we’re struggling, when we’re suffering.
When we’re experiencing a personal loss in our lives. In response to that suffering, what we’re suggesting is that, when you’re ready, you can reach out and ask for help reach out and ask for support, understanding, whatever it is that you need, there is usually somebody is somewhere somehow, that can help you in what you’re doing. As we suffer, we can reach out and look within, we can do both of those at the same time, we can reach out and physically asked for help. And at the same time, we can look within asking ourselves for something greater a greater ability to cope and to grow, to understand and to deal with the pain, the loss and the uncertainty that’s troubling us, we can ask for something greater of ourselves of a higher power of your understanding of a god if that is how you live your life in what you understand. It’s important that we ask something that we look farther outside of ourselves and deeper within, when we’re facing struggle and hardship.
Quote from my writing today, as we suffer, we have the opportunity to reach out and ask for help to connect to a greater power and purpose. As we suffer, we have the opportunity to reach out and ask for help as someone, anyone, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, whoever you know, if you don’t know anyone that can help you search for someone that can help, there’s probably someone available. As we suffer, we have the opportunity to reach out and ask for help to connect to a greater power, a higher power within yourself, maybe a greater sense of who you are. God, if you’re religious or even not religious, whatever those words are for you, when you’re struggling when we’re struggling, it is a terrific opportunity, believe it or not, to look for something more so you can cope. And so you can benefit benefit from the hardship and loss. I suggest every hardship and loss in life that comes our way.
Whether it’s a health problem of our own health problem of a loved one, or terrible things that can happen. Any difficult thing that happens is an opportunity for growth. And that sounds like a tough thing to say. And I wouldn’t say it to somebody at the beginning of their struggles with a given situation. But as we’re dealing with a problem or a struggle, we can start to deal with it in a productive way. Asking for help. The greatest situation in life are situations of struggle where we are powerless to solve them, where we are powerless to overcome them, where we are perhaps broken beyond repair. And we have no human ability to make things better. And in that Darkest Hour, that dark and difficult time, the end of the road of human possibilities. We have the opportunity to ask for something greater of ourselves than we ever thought possible. We have the opportunity to find something in life, more able to help us to solve our problems than we ever knew. existed
by not having any possibility of fixing a situation, we have the best opportunity of our lives. The first time a situation like that a life circumstance like that happened to me. I share in some blogs on my website, the first time where I was at a data and I really couldn’t go on living was when I was 15, turning 16 my birthday was in June, and that summer of my life, and a year before then, I had a really a tough, calamitous experience. With a bad street drug. I thought I was getting LSD I heard you can have spiritual experiences and see God and I was naive and young. And I thought, well, I’ll give that a shot have been meditating for a long time. And that’s good, but let’s try everything available. And I ended up with something that was just a really poorly concocted street drug with I was sold too much strychnine, too much methamphetamine. And I guess a lot of LSD, I had a really difficult, terrible experience, I ended up with a lot of nerve damage. It was painful, it was overwhelming. day to day, minute, by minute, I could barely go on. I couldn’t get any medical help. I didn’t know how to ask people, when I told them what had happened to me. They didn’t know how to respond today. If you go to emergency room or a doctor, they know immediately what to do to help you in such a situation. But I didn’t know how to ask for help, how to get help.
So after a year of dealing with that, and I’m telling you, it was overwhelming pain that became emotional, psychological, physical, total pain of being alive, I just couldn’t take it anymore. So a year after that calamitous, terrible experience, I had reached the end of the road, and I literally couldn’t cope. So I reached out, within myself, if that makes sense. I reached out within myself. And I said a prayer literally, I said, God helped me or I’m cashing in my chips. And I totally meant it. Because I couldn’t continue to live. The instant that I said that I some I found myself next to my higher power, the higher power at that moment of my experience. And I would say it was maybe in a place of Nirvana, a higher power that was maybe kind of a traditional being higher power, being a god, perhaps, I was with what seemed to be God to me. Clearly, it was my father, my maker, and in this timeless place of infinite bliss and love, compassion. I was at peace. I was as though I had always been there. It wasn’t as though I traveled there and got there in an instant, or in a few instance, is soon as I made that odd prayer, for help. To deep within myself and into the world. I was aware of who I was next to what I would call my father, in a timeless, perfect place. I had always been there. And it may seem strange, like it’s kind of like a near death experience. I had never left this place. And I’m still there now. And what I’m doing with the secret to immortality, on our website, immortal now calm, is I’m teaching you how to get to this perfect place, Nirvana, heaven on earth, as who you are in a physical body.
But I was in this perfect place, maybe Nirvana, you don’t really have to call it anything. But I have a Episcopal background, Episcopalian background. So to me, I call it a spiritual experience a god experience in a place like heaven or Nirvana. I don’t know how long I was there, it doesn’t really matter because there’s no time or space. But like a lot of near death experiences where people go to a place like heaven. There was no time or space. But it was more immediate, real and literal
than life on Earth. I would say life and Earth is kind of hazy to this spiritual, perfect place. But what I’m doing with the secret to immortality, is teaching you how to get that to that perfect place, teaching you how to get to that perfect place right here. And now as you are and that’s the purpose of these podcasts. That’s the purpose of the meditation podcasts that come with these talks as you see them and it’s the purpose of everything I do and everything we do on our website, with books with courses. With a membership, you can join a monthly membership, where we have a new Qigong lesson every 10 days and a new talk, more intimate, more deep, more powerful than what you’re getting here, perhaps. Again, I had this really tough life experience, it pushed me to the edge. When I was 16, a year after the accident, really, and I looked deep within myself major made an urgent plea, an existential, ask to be saved. And I was in this perfect place as who I was a perfect being. There was no illness, no hardship, just an infinite powerful love.
After being in that place for some time, I slowly started to focus, I was still in my body, it was in my body on my bed when I made that prayer that request to live. And I slowly started to focus back to my body, it was like, you can imagine, maybe you’re really into a great book, or you’re really into a really good movie that’s absorbing all of your absorbing all of your attention. And you maybe take a break to go get something to eat, or maybe answer a phone call. And your attention sort of resolves back to reality. That’s what I did, I didn’t leave my body, like some people seem to do in near death experiences. It wasn’t a near death experience, just some similarities, I started to focus back in my body. And as I focus back in my body from this heavenly experience, as I focus back to my body in that bedroom, I had all the infinite love and power of heaven and of my maker in me physically in my body in the world.
And as I thought about problems in the world, a family member who was going through a struggle and everything I thought about other problems, I thought about the full force of what I would call this heavenly love and power, not my own, but the power of all of heaven, just coming through me as a conduit into all of the world. And as I was experiencing that I went, ah, okay, this, this is what happens to this spiritual masters that we read about. And my guess is that spiritual masters aren’t masters of anything. They’re just people like you and me, who have become really connected, connected to a beautiful love, a beautiful power, a compassionate goodness. So that that becomes the predominant part of all their physical being. That’s what I’m doing. That’s the work I’ve been doing all my life. And that’s what I’m teaching you to do on our website. And right now, on this podcast. As I resolved back into that room where I was physically, I just had the power of all of heaven, of God, and every good thing as part of me connected to that. And I realized, you know, I grew up in a Christian church, and I said, Okay, this is what Jesus was doing. And this is what Jesus was asking us all to do. And then I realized my life purpose, that moment, I realized my life purpose was to heal and recover from this pretty tough injury I had. And I knew it was gonna take me many decades, 30 or 40 years, I knew I had to heal and recover, put myself back together with higher power, help, and then share and teach this beautiful love of heaven on earth and how we can have an immortal existence. It’s how I suggest, life is really meant to be, as I resolved back into the reality of my bedroom,
I could feel and notice I was healed about 1/3. And I realized, okay, I’ve been given a wonderful gift, a 1/3, instantaneous healing miracle. I suggest to you, it was not a miracle, I suggest that life itself is a miracle, that you’re a miracle. I’m a miracle, everything is a miracle. But I reached out in a time of desperate need, asking for something in an existential way to continue my life. And what I’m saying to you all is that every life problems small and large is an opportunity to find a deeper self, a deeper part of our being, maybe a more accurate you and me that stronger, more compassionate, more aware, more giving more able, every hardship I suggest to you, when we’re all living in a difficult life with hardships, problems and difficulties. Every hardship is an opportunity to go to a deeper and more fulfilling level of being. And the idea is that after we go through this hardship, you, me, everyone, after we go through this struggle in difficulty, we have more to give in the world we have more to do in the more in the world, more to offer, even on a simple basis, more love, more goodness, more compassion. The subject of this episode was turning hardship and calamity into treasure. And I’ve talked about how everyone can do that. So before you go today, and before I go, I’d like to invite you to our website, immortal, where we have articles where we have inspiration, a membership, we have a course you can take to help you learn how to do this to help you find the best of who you are, the immortal, perfect you and bring that into the flesh into the world into your life more and more. So that together, we all can activate in realize a different type of world a different type of physical reality. That’s all for today. bless you and keep you
bless you and keep you