A Requirement for Lasting Life
Killing creates killing, death, mayhem and disease.
Essential for immortality on earth — happiness, joy and freedom — is to not kill, but nurture and grow as ourselves and a world.
This is common sense and nothing new. Everyone would agree, yet we go ahead and kill when we never really have to kill if we seek another way.
Killing creates killing, death, mayhem and disease. Killing is something we choose to do, and it kills us dead in the end.
To be immortal and have a good world, killing has to be surrendered as an act never done.
How obvious could this be? Yet we kill.
It’s time to stop our death creating ways and instead live.
Thou Shalt Not Kill

Killing anyone and anything, for any reason, is wrong.
Killing, for any reason, creates destruction, death and loss of life for everyone.
There is no reason to kill or harm.
If we kill, a progression of mayhem begins, and nature takes a course of strangulation, where everything kills everything else and dies.
Yet, we can live another way that honors life.
A Misguided Effort to Survive

There is a better will than the will to survive.
In a misguided effort to survive, everything is killed and dies.
The will to survive kills everyone and everything. In the will to survive, nothing lives.
A better will has compassion and care. A will to love creates lasting life.
The will to nurture, embrace and create builds an immortal world.
As we kill and harm, life becomes a living hell. No doubt the proverbial concept of hell is exactly where we live today — in so many ways, for so many people.
Yet, heaven is also here.
Honor All Creation
For immortality on earth, to have a good and compassionate world — everyone doesn’t have to be perfect, every killing behavior doesn’t have to stop, yet progress needs to be made.
An immortal world is made by progress not perfection. Immortal human life is found by successively choosing better outcomes that honor all of creation.
A Wonderful World Will Arise

Do the right thing.
Morality is not unreasonable dictate imposed by religious figures for their own selfish reasons.
Good deeds and principled behavior are essential for immortal life on earth.
Act with care and concern for yourself and others. Do no harm, but encourage life.
Nurture and assist everyone and everything.
A wonderful world will arise.