Use Your Will to Love
Our will and how we use it, is critically important in personal and spiritual development. Sometimes we use our will too much? Sometimes we use our will too little? But our decisions and will make the world what it is.
We create the world by our will, by conscious and unconscious choices.
The Perfect Feeling
When it comes to love, the perfect feeling of being alive… we may imagine it to be a byproduct of what we do or what we have? And often, good feelings do come from what we do: if we like to play tennis, and we go play tennis, we’re happier. If we like to mountain-bike, and we go mountain-bike, we probably feel better? Yet love is something more than this.
Love Is More than Feeling Good
If we do something we like, it does create good feelings… yet love is more than feeling good. Love is something more, an essential human need.
Sometimes love is scarce and not with us at all; we may feel bad? Yet we can use our will to change how we feel; we can will ourselves to love!
We can change our thoughts and feelings as we chose. We can love right now. As we think of love, as we speak and act with compassion… love begins to change our lives.
Love Is Something We Choose to Do
Love is something we make for ourselves and our lives. Love is not something we wait for; love is not something we hope will happen to us?
As adults, we must feed ourselves, and the food of love is in our soul. We always have love to give. As we act with love, the world gives love to us in greater degree.

Love Is No Accident
We may think love comes to us by chance, a random gift? We may be unhappy and dissatisfied with the lack of love in our lives… but this problem can be solved by how we chose to think and act.
Use your “will” to bring love into play.
All of us, right now, can use our will to love, to bring love into play. We are generators and creators of compassion. We are makers of life, love and perfection!
Resistance to love in our life, is our chance to make a stronger love. The lack of love is a call for us to make a greater love.
Think with Love
Right now, I can think of you with love. Right now, you can think of me or anyone else in the world… with love. Nothing prevents our ability to love beyond our own decision to love, or not love.
Have you decided in favor of love, in favor of your own life today? Have you remembered to use your incredible human super power of love?
Bring Love Alive!
I can bring love alive in my brain, my heart and my body… as all of us who are human can do. We can do it with our will. Can a dog or a cat do that? I don’t really know; they can do it when they see us. But an incredible gift I know that we have as human beings, right now… is the ability to love.
The Word, “Love,” Has Special Power!
Do it with me now—start thinking with love. If nothing else, if you just can’t get going on love, think of the word, love? How is love spelled? It’s spelled L – O – V – E.
Think of the word, “love.” Write it down in front of you. You can do this at work; you can do this at home.
Wherever you are, imagine love with your mind. In your mind, write the word, love.
If we want to have love, we are the ones to create it. We are the creators of love. We are love generators. Love is something we do. We all have the power of love.
We have perfect life within us; we can bring forth this perfect life as love, any time we choose. To love is simple and easy to do—just think of love! Think of the word, love. Write down the word, love. Write love slowly, easily and gently… 10 TIMES! See how you feel? How are you thinking now? Is it different than before you wrote love 10 times? This is our human power—we create what we want. We create what we think.
This incredible human superpower takes practice and repetition.
Stand in front of a mirror, and say to yourself: I love who I am! I love you. I love my mother; I love my father. I love my family; I love my friends. Love is a choice we have. Love is something we chose to do, by will, both gentle and strong.

Make a List of Love
Write down the people that you love; write down the people you want to love. After every third name on this list of love, write your own name, as someone to love.
If you are having problems with someone, having hard feelings about them… consider writing down their name as a person to love. This can soften your feelings about them, and bring peace to the situation.
Look in a mirror and say, “I love you” to yourself. This may sound silly and foolish. You may have tried affirmations before… but have you really? Have you tried an affirmation, throughout the day, every day for an entire month, every day for two or three months?
Making positive statements to ourselves, about ourselves, will have a good effect over time. Self statements, or affirmations, change our brain. Positive statements, repeated over time, change how our brain operates… making our feelings and thoughts improve.

Train Your Brain to Do what You Want!
We are giving our brain instructions every day… telling our brain how to feel and think. We can do this with awareness and good intent, or with random reaction to life events? It is our choice.
If we instruct our brain with awareness and good intent, we can make a powerful difference.
Personal change and a life of love are a choice and action we make. Affirmations change our brain—this is a proven process with a scientific basis, not wishful thinking. Do it; try it! Repeat your positive statements for three months, every day, throughout the day. You will make a powerful change.
Our brain is what we make it. Our life is the same.
The Habit of Bliss
Practice love every day, for three months, and your life will change! You can love yourself… no matter what you have done, no matter what others have done to you. You can love yourself right now by looking in a mirror and saying, “I love you.”
This may not work the first time you do it, the second time or the third? We have to practice love for weeks, months and years to have a stronger brain of love, a life of compassionate bliss. To have love and good-will every day, we must practice on a daily basis.
The latest research shows it takes about three months to create a new habit. This is a neurological process where we restructure our brain. A new sport or a new dance is learned in this manner, so is love.
We are forming our brains and lives every day by random thoughts or active intent. The quality of each day is created by how we have chosen to react. Why not create our lives with conscious purpose—with thoughts, feelings and outcomes we want? We can be a random reaction, or an active intent of love.

A Love for All of Life
If we could feel a special love for ourselves, for other people and life in general… would we chose to do this? If we could feel a love for all of life, would that be a valuable thing? If we experienced life giving love back to us, would that be good?
A realistic expectation, when practicing love, is a life in love with who we are!
All of existence has an identity of love; our basic identity is that of a loving individual. We can share and commune with all of the world in a loving way, in a blissful coexistence if we choose.
To bring love and strength into your life today:
- Go to my website,
- Read my blog:
- Do my free Qi Gong exercises,
- Practice good-will and compassion on a regular basis.
- Every day, work and practice; know the loving you.
Effective change will come.
The video and article above are based on my blog article, “Love Is Our Identity,” July 30, 2011. You can read this blog article at the following link:
For further writing on the topic of this blog, see my book, “Lessons in Love,” at:
Photo credits:
Image: Stuart Miles /
Image: dream designs /
Image: Idea go /
Image: Clare Bloomfield /