This article will empower, inform and activate your immortality. Discover exactly what to do to for a life of freedom, joy and peace. Turn around the force of death and walk into eternal life. You can do it now! Well’ show you how.
We Are Immortal Now

Our true consciousness, I suggest, is an Immortal Awareness. This consciousness could be called our Higher Power or Deep Spirit Being, an immortal presence of self at our core.
This deep and powerful consciousness lives as our real frame-of-reference and soul personality.
This Soul Being, as I experience it, is the person we really are, having an eternal nature and living in a timeless way.
Can a “Greater Mind” Help?
What we think of as the mind is really just a tool in action, a tool that can be helpful sometimes. We may use this mental tool too often, not knowing we have a Greater Mind that can solve most problems.
Our thoughts are not who we are.
We may try to solve problems with a limited and small thinking part of our brain, when we have a Greater Mind that can help in an effortless way.

This Greater Mind is our Higher Power Consciousness, our true and authentic self. But the world, where most of us live, does not recognize, affirm or encourage the use of a Greater Mind … there is no time.
We may mistakenly think a mental process is who we are, when it’s not who we are but just a tool we use.
We’re not tools like a hammer or a knife, and rarely mistake ourselves for such, but we may imagine we’re the thoughts we think.
Thinking is, at best, a tool and not our Greater Mind.
Our thoughts aren’t who we are.
Reacting from a Sense of Scarcity
This way of reacting limits who we are and what we can do in life.
A world of predation and conflict does not operate from a Higher Power Consciousness but remains in a state of scarcity reaction: hunting, killing and taking to survive.
This way of life limits who we are and what we can do. Acting from scarcity limits our growth — we remain in our more primitive, fight or flight mind. There is a better way.
When we take the time to experience ourselves: meditate, pray and find a Higher Power, our sense of self transforms. We have a greater purpose and a more compassionate presence.
Possibilities emerge we never saw before.
Problems Quickly Solved
Most of our problems can be solved within a Higher Power Consciousness.
We can find this Higher Power Consciousness in nature, because that’s our true home. Nature is our natural dwelling place, where we emerged and evolved.
We can find this Higher Power in prayer or meditation, where prayer is the presence of this Higher Power Consciousness.
When we’re with other people, sharing our deep selves, it can be a powerful and life changing experience, a Higher Power exchange.
We might find this Higher Power in spirit-centered groups. We may discover this consciousness in simple gatherings of family and friends, or at the beach watching the sun go down.
We may share this Higher Consciousness with a loved one and partner. We can share this consciousness by giving birth to a child or anything new.
Our Higher Power is everywhere in everything we do.
This Higher Power experience can come from working with animals or owning a pet. Our Higher Power is everywhere in everything we do. It can solve problems, help us relax and give us better sleep.
Be aware of this Power at work in your life; ask it for help, then get out of the way.
Our Most Powerful Self

I suggest this Higher Power Consciousness is our true and authentic self — who we really are.
This Higher Power Consciousness, as I live it, is eternal yet physical too.
Find your own immortal place, your Higher Power Being.
Whatever you do, wherever you go, your Higher Power does what you do.
How our Souls Become Hidden
Have we lost a sense of the eternal, the feeling of our souls?
By how we live in modern life, it’s easy to move away from Higher Consciousness.
Over time, our eternal quality can become hidden and unknown to us. Yet, immortal life is the core of who we are, the center of our physical bodies.
We hide and deny ourselves by acting as predators in a world where life-kills-life to survive. This cruel behavior buries our best and keeps our souls from the light of day. Yet, there is another way.
Become aware of what you do to hide the Precious Quality of life. Break out and look around for a more positive direction.
The Peril of Harming Creation
We live in a world of killing behaviors, where we harm and murder every form of life.
Without awareness, or knowingly, we may have harmed another and not honored who we are. We may have hidden our best and not respected living form. This leads to disaster for all of us, as we purposefully or unconsciously imperil life.
All this wrong doing, killing and harm has contorted Creation and given rise to cycles of death-and-rebirth. When we kill, a cycle is reflexively made where we die and are again born.
I suggest that this cycle of death-and-rebirth is a scandal and not a natural process. This march toward death, and confusing return, creates a dangerous circumstance for all of us.
To imagine that survival requires we hunt down, kill and eat other forms of life … is shameful. To think that living requires we murder our own humankind is subverted and totally wrong … yet we do this every day.
This wrong upon wrong breads constant disaster.
The “Circle of Life” Is a Grave Mistake

The ‘Circle of Life’ is a painful mistake created by human killing. When we take a life, a cycle of death-and-rebirth erupts. The cycle stops when killing comes to an end.
The “Circle of Life” is a romanticized concept popularized by a Disney movie, yet preceded by the ancient Hindu idea of a Karmic Wheel, where we die and are reborn, learning and evolving.
Whitewashing death by describing it as the Circle of Life informs no one well and limits possibility. It’s a head-in-the-sand response that prevents inquiry and denies our innate eternal quality.
I suggest the Karmic Wheel is not a smart way to go; that the destructive force of death-and-rebirth offers small benefit. Human growth and learning come by better means. There are preferable ways to evolve.
Inventory Your World: Is there Value to It?
Look around the planet. What do you see? Do you imagine what’s happening is a smart design and the best way to live … if you had another choice?
I suggest to you:
- The cycle of death-and-rebirth is a source of never ending human pain.
- We created the cycle of death-and-rebirth by our own misguided actions.
- We can dismantle the cycle of death-and-rebirth the same way we created it.
- We can make this world a heavenly place of immortality and benevolent life.
This cycle of death-and-rebirth has moved the world to a type of holy living hell, where we have constant disease, hardship, famine and war.
The Karmic Wheel has every living thing turned against every other living thing in a predatory progression.
It’s time to undo this human error and make a planet where the value-of-life predominates.
Turn around the Force of Death

The flaw of this world arises when we act to kill and harm.
When we kill, we are killed. When we harm another, we’re harmed, and nature turns against us. Thus, we have the world we live in today, and it’s not the best we could have.
The idea of heaven is a legitimate aspiration. We can have heaven on earth if we backtrack a bit and recreate our bodies and planet.
We can do this!
Let’s get busy and turn around the force of death, remaking the world and ourselves to a lasting design of absolute peace.
Let’s work to create a happy and long-lived reality, beneficial to all.
Recover Your Immortal Consciousness
Experience the freedom of being yourself.
We can restore our true selves. We can recreate this earth. We can change everything that’s wrong with both ourselves and Creation. The Secret to Immortality is a guide for doing this.
Here at, we reveal the Secret to Immortality as a three-step-process:
- Mindfulness for Immortality
- Qi Gong for Lasting Life
- Immortality Coaching
Today, you’ve progressed with the Secret to Immortality by reading this article. To further advance, we suggest: Reading more of our blog articles, Watching our Youtube videos, Trying our course and Looking at our book.
Origin of the Secret to Immortality

I’ve used this three-step immortality process, from the age of twelve. At this age, I started to meditate and study yoga with my mother. I began to read higher level books from world religions and esoteric practices.
Combined with these studies, and my mother’s mentoring, I found meditation and prayer a powerful activity, a life changing practice.
I suggest you meditate now, so here’s a helpful link to a free Qi Gong Meditation video.
The Secret to Immortality in My Teens
In my teen years, I spent time with an American master working on her own immortality.
My worldwide mission of teaching the Secret to Immortality came to light at this time.
This Advanced Woman Mentor helped me consciously choose immortality, and see it as the calling of my life.
A Mentor and Qi Gong Grand-master 
Later, in my adult years, I started practicing with a Qi Gong Grand-master from Beijing, China. This Grand-master taught me techniques for power, strength and physical immortality.
This Grand-master was an essential mentor who brought my own immortality to physical form.
With the Grand-master, I’m a Qi Gong Master and bring Qi Gong for Immortality to you.
A Summary of Mentors and Coaches
In summary, my mentors have been:
- My family of birth that had a strong spiritual orientation.
- My historical legacy: all those who have come before me in time, space and purpose.
- An American Master, and woman elder, who initiated me into the Secret to Immortality and my life-long mission.
- A Qi Gong Grand-master who made my path a strong-physical-reality by teaching me Qi Gong for Immortality.
It helps to have someone assisting you in every aspect of life. To succeed, we need role models, care and guidance.
A mentor can pass along a great deal of what he or she has, simply by proximity, being in close physical contact.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel; you can advance and use the wheel as a moving tool, a way to get to something else perhaps more useful.
This principle works with the Secret to Immortality. The Secret is already here; it does not have to be remade, fought-for or again discovered. It simply needs to be known and utilized.
The Secret to Immortality is our nature. The Secret is within everyone who lives.
We are immortal now.
The Secret to Immortality Isn’t New

Most likely, the historical figure Jesus was teaching the Secret to Immortality, understanding there was no need for death, that heaven was here … if only we followed a few simple guidelines such as loving our neighbor as ourselves, turning the other cheek, etc.
Yet, the instructions of Sages past are impossible to impose upon ourselves by willpower alone; an understanding grace must be involved. A greater human resource is needed. A village or community must aid our endeavor.
Together we’re immortal; alone we perish and die.
Nothing is accomplished alone. Life happens by a process of connection, cooperation and exchange. Immortality is a “networked” reality, not the singular achievement of a superhuman creature.
The Immortality Theme in History
Understanding our immortal human quality is a persistent theme in the writing of wise-men and wise-women throughout time.
As we step into the presence of an immortal such as Jesus, a Hindu or Taoist Master: our own immortality ignites.
Immortal physical life does indeed pass from one person to another, a bit like osmosis or a chain reaction … if we are also working hard ourselves to make it happen.
Religion and Immortal Promise
As with all religions, the original message is translated by the fears, egos and misunderstanding of people writing the script.
The idea of immortality is at the core of people throughout time, and the central idea of most religions is eternal life.
The promise of religion is always wanted, yet the reality of religion can be affected by human flaw.
We yearn for something we imagine we don’t have. It may seem that nothing in the world can satisfy our desire … because our want is for deep-connected-love, understanding and security.
The answer to this need is not outside ourselves but within our human nature, at the core of our being.
Our greatest desire is fulfilled by looking first within. As we find our true selves, we automatically connect with a Greater Reality and Physical Wonder … our lives are secured, and we’re fully loved.
A Message for the World

As we change our living algorithm, Creation shifts its equation to match our behavior.
The Secret to Immortality is modeled by elements of my own Christian background, yet this way of life is present in all world religions and practiced by devout atheists and agnostics.
My mentors have covered this spectrum of ideals. My life-long Qi Gong teacher was taught by Buddhists from Tibet and Taoist immortals in the mountains of China.
The Secret to Immortality includes all sects and creeds, yet is beyond sect or creed.
This Secret is designed for people who are:
- Religious
- Nonreligious
- Agnostic
- Atheistic
The Secret to Immortality is for everyone on earth!
The Secret Is in every Woman, Man and Child
Who we are, and becoming that person, is the path to eternal life.
The Secret to Immortality is not a belief system, oath or legislative act.

The Secret to Immortality is human awareness … and living our awareness into the world, with all its love, strength and power.
This way of life is not about the past or future; it’s about right now and what we can do right now to make things better, to shape a lasting physical world.
An Opportunity for You
Here at, we give you powerful tools for developing your authentic self, the immortal person you are.
We suggest that everyone can be happy, joyous and free — living an eternal life without hardship, pain and death.
Together, we can change the world to a place of heaven by the fact of our own consciousness and personal work.
At we have blog articles to help you on your path. We have Qi Gong Videos you can use.
Further, we have an essential course called “Introduction to Immortality.” This course will give you a powerful start.
When you finish the course, you qualify for personal coaching by someone farther upon the path.
It’s Time to Imagine!

After you read this article, be calm and meditate. Think of your Higher Power Consciousness. Imagine this Consciousness in every part of your body. Imagine physical immortality and how that would be for you.
[Related: Qi Gong Meditation Video]
Use your creative ability to vision. Get your imagination going.
Imagination and vision are the gateway to Higher Consciousness and your better self.
We all have a Greater Power within us, a Higher Power Consciousness, where we can live with freedom, peace and perfect love.
Imagine yourself immersed in this Higher Power Presence now.
Imagine everything you want today, and vision it!
You Can Do It Now

Meditate and pray your way to Higher Power Consciousness.
Read our blog article archives that go years into the past, and see our powerful book!
Watch the videos on our YouTube Channel, and sign up for our Immortality Course.
Plan on Personal Coaching if you think the Secret to Immortality is for you. Also, join our Facebook community and participate.
- Read our Blog
- See the Book
- Watch our Videos
- Take the Course
- Apply for Coaching
- Join us on Facebook
Teaching the Secret to Immortality is my calling. If you choose to join me, this is a collective mission of sharing the Secret to Eternal Life with all the world.
When you join us at, you’re part of a worldwide mission, a community transforming the earth to something we want and need.
At, we’re remaking Creation and ourselves to something kind and everlasting.
Where’s Our Immortal World?

We’re born with a sense of the eternal. The Higher Power Consciousness, of which I speak, resides in everyone.
All of us need and want the experience of Perfect Love that’s at the center of existence and the heart of every living thing.
We all have a natural desire for this Eternal Reality. We need this calm and perfect love alive in ourselves and helping the world. We need the care of this Immortal Compassion.
We do best with a Higher Power in our lives.
Immortality’s an Inborn Expectation
Everyone born expects and wants a Higher Power Consciousness, a perfect world of love and eternal life. We expect this, want and need a Higher Power in our lives, but often we don’t have this Higher Power Presence. Or we experience a Higher Power briefly, but find it difficult keep.

Every child born expects to be parented by spiritual masters, infinitely wise, who kindly mentor them into life.
Children expect a safe and helpful world, and they should have it. This is how life was intended to be.
Within everyone is the expectation of immortality, of an eternal world with security, hope and peace … yet we’ve rearranged and changed the world to something less than this.
With the Secret to Immortality, we can change life back to benevolence and good, to the Garden of Eden it can be.
Everywhere We Go, there’s a Higher Power
We can have an Eternal Power in our lives every day and all day long. We can have this Immortal Presence at the core of our being and everywhere we go.
We can have all this good, beyond our most wonderful dreams and expectations.
We can have this wonderful reality because this is, in fact, who we really are and what this world is.
Every child born to earth expects to be in heaven with masterful parents. But we have twisted Creation, over time, to an uninviting place it was never intended to be.
Let’s correct this wrong today by walking the path of Perfect Love and physical immortality.
Your Invitation to a Better Life
We invite you to join us on this path with the Secret to Immortality.
Read our blog archives, future posts and book.
Watch the videos on our YouTube channel.
Join us on our Facebook page, where you can comment and participate with the community.
To get going with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest the following (with links):
- Read our Blog
- See the Book
- Watch our Videos
- Take the Course
- Apply for Coaching
- Join our Facebook Page
If you want further insight, power and strength: we suggest our course, “Introduction to Immortality.”
Join Us Today on the Path

Join us on the Secret to Immortality path. Help us change the world, our lives and our physical bodies.
Be part of this important community where we share the choice of immortality with everyone on earth.
We all deserve a life of perfect love, security and peace. We’re born to live forever: joyous, happy and free.
Start today with the Secret to Immortality. Join our intent to create an improved physical reality, where everyone prospers.
You can do it now!
We wish you the best, and will see you next week with another blog update of inspiration, hope and immortality instruction!
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