The Gold of Your Soul
In this podcast, we dive deep into the blog post, “Discover the Gold of Your Soul.” We unpack powerful concepts and explain exactly how to activate the goodness of your core.
[Related blog post: “Discover the Gold of Your Soul’]
“Meditation for Gold” will be the next podcast episode; stay tuned for this simple exercise to enliven your peace, happiness and love.
Happiness, Bliss and Love
The blog post we discuss is titled, “Discover the Gold of Your Soul.” What does this mean exactly? It’s a suggestion that in you, me and all of us, our soul is gold. Our core, the center and heart of who we are — is perfect happiness, bliss and love.
Look Within to Find Your Best
To get to that goodness, our happiness and bliss, we have to look within a bit; we have to look toward the center of ourselves. This can be difficult or easy depending on what you’ve learned and where you’ve come from in your life.
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Your Qigong Master
Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qigong and Personal Growth.
Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin your path of eternal consciousness — go to and read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!
Have the best day of your life! You are immortal now.
Transcript of Podcast
Hello, this is John Harrigan Qigong master and founder of the website, immortal Welcome to our Secret to Immortality podcast episode titled “The gold of your soul.”
In this podcast, we’re going to discuss the blog post, titled, discover the gold of your soul. And you can find that on the blog on our website and Just go to the menu, click on the blog, and then type in the words, discover the gold of your soul.
The blog post is titled again, discover the gold of your soul. And what does this mean exactly? It’s a suggestion that in you and me and all of us, our soul is gold, our core, the center of the heart of who we are, is perfect is happiness, bliss and love. But to get to that goodness, that happiness and bliss, we have to look within a bit, we have to look into towards the center of ourselves. And that can be difficult or easy depending on what you’ve learned and where you’ve come from, in your life.
So I’ll read right now from the podcast, excuse me from the blog post itself. And then I’m going to add an exercise to help you get to the gold of your soul. So reading from this blog post, quote, find the gold of your soul and share it with the world. When we find our gold, we can share it, we kind of have to share it. It’s such a goodness, such a power and a strength. It hurts not to share it and we look for any way and in any Avenue we can. And sometimes it’s just walking in to a store with a smile, and not a frown.
The next part of the blog post at the top telling you what’s in it says quote, get powerful direction for love in your life. This whole episode podcast episode is about love every episode, the secret to immortality that we teach at immortal now calm. It’s all about discovering the love of your soul, the gold of your soul, the love of your soul, the compassion of your being, suggesting that that’s who you really are.
If there’s one thing that almost everybody in the world wants, it’s love, love in their life to love and be loved. Anyone that’s halfway healthy needs and wants that from a newborn child, to a senior adult to a middle aged man and woman. Very few of us get enough love because none of us are loving each other enough. None of us are really focusing on that love. So with a secret to immortality, we teach at We’re always talking about the gold of our soul, the love within us. And that coming alive, suggesting to us strongly that that love in all of us is an eternal immortal love, which is our physical nature, actually, if we stop hurting each other and harming the environment, quote from the posts, the blog post.
`As humans, we naturally worship fixate and focus. It’s how we get through the day and accomplish a task. And I think we all understand that and can agree to that. But more than that, we fixate and focus on positive thoughts, negative thoughts in between thoughts. We fixate and focus on ideas that aren’t about love aren’t about compassion. We fixate and focus on ideas and thoughts of predation and greed, getting what we want in big ways and small. When we do that we deny ourselves and we’re not really expressing who we are physically and bodily form are in the world. So to be who we are to have who we are. We have to find that gold and learn to express it.
Quote from the blog post. Yet we can bind to thoughts that hurt us and don’t help us grow. We naturally worship worship fixate and focus What does worship mean? I like this definition quote to feel an adoring reverence or regard for any person or thing. And you can see how that can apply to a religion, but it can also apply to anything that we do. door that we revere, that we positively regard and I suggest we adore ourselves, we adore each other, we adore our soul and find that gold, quote, yet we can bind to thoughts that hurt us and don’t help us grow.
We really just repeat consciously and unconsciously, thoughts, feelings and ideas that we’ve been taught. Unfortunately, a lot of what we repeat, like a computer program, creating ourselves is just what somebody else has given us. And with the secret to immortality that we teach at immortal now calm, we suggest and show you how to become mindful, mindful of what you’re thinking, mindful of the thoughts within you, mindful of how you’ve been been created, and your family, as a child, as a young and older adult, becoming aware of that and becoming able to change it to a program that you want to play out in the flesh in your life, on a day to day basis, quote, from the blog post, we can focus on harsh Facts of Life, with the thought of self protection. It’s normal, especially in difficult times to focus on bad things that are happening around us, it’s naturally how we be safe. But when we’re focused on the television, and looking at bad things happening everywhere in the world, we get a very false sense of proportion, a very false sense of good and bad in the world.
I would suggest to you that in your life, and most lives a lot around the planet, good things are happening every day. safety, security is usually there. Yeah, not in every place by any means. But look at yourself, look at the positive things, the good things that you have, and adore and worship yourself the gold of your soul and bring that out, instead of giving your life and thoughts to negative, difficult and harsh realities that really have nothing to do with you and are nothing that you’re going to do anything about. Now. I think it’s very good to look at harsh and painful realities of the world, and take action to try to change that. What we’re doing now is taking action to change who we are in this world physically, who we are finding our golden core feeling that love that peace, that goodness and expressing it. In this world.
The fight for survival can kill us when we’re too focused on negative things in the world when we’re too focused on negative memories, fears, worries, resentments, and anger. When we’re too focused on all of that. We can miss out finding ourselves and we slowly start to perish. We can’t physically sustain ourselves on negative thoughts that are taking our life away, and the life of everyone else from us.
The fight for survival can kill us fight or flight. How are you fighting? How are you running away? How are you not engaging with life? How are you refusing maybe to look at the good in yourself and the good in other people, quote from this blog post for something better look instead to love forgiveness and joy, for something better in life. Look instead to love the love within you. If you don’t feel the love within you. If you don’t think there’s love within you pretend there is an act as there is that will slowly activate your loving core quote for something better look instead to love forgiveness, enjoy bringing out the best in yourself in the world. When we’re looking towards love and ourselves and other people, when we’re acting with forgiveness and joy when we’re finding that joy and the cells of our body, our heart, our core. We’re bringing out the best in ourselves and the world responds, I promise you.
A smile responds to a smile and a frown responds to a friend. That’s the secret to immortality that we teach. an immortal thought evokes immortality, compassion, love and grace evokes compassion, love and grace in ourselves and everyone else we’re living. We suggest that a mortal we’re living in heaven right now. And what we have right now is what we’ve made of heaven. Heaven reality. Now the moment can be anything we want it to be. So why not make it something infinitely good and great, quote. Be aware of how you focus of what you worship? Look at your thoughts. What are you thinking about most of the day, what do you focus Upon, quote, improve your situation, create better feelings, thoughts and actions. You can do that. What are you thinking? Create a good thought, happiness, joy, freedom.
What are you doing physically to represent those good thoughts. What we focus upon becomes our lives, the ideas and feelings we repeat, build us up or tear us down. I’m going to repeat that for you and for me, for everyone in the world, as we understand this, read it and practice it in our lives. Quote, the ideas and feelings we repeat, build us up, or terrorists down, we’re building ourselves up or tearing or tearing ourselves down. We’re moving towards physical immortality, the love and compassion of that, or we’re moving away from that in destruction, hardship and negativity, it is a choice at immortal our website we have courses we have a workshop, a monthly membership you can join, where we have Qigong class, and lectures not publicly available and what is the secret to immortality? How do you get to this compassion, love and joy, wellness, health and happiness, I suggest Qigong and on our website, there are free articles you can read all about Qigong you can read all about my history and how I found this.
But there are three parts to the secret to immortality finding the immortal you the bliss, the perfect eternal joy of who you are. The parts are one mindfulness for immortality, which is really kind of what it sounds like the thinking the thoughts and the ideas of grace, love and compassion, how you practice them throughout the day, throughout the night, how you change yourself how you resurrect the eternal, brilliant, perfect you that’s mindfulness for immortality. The second part, just as important really is Qigong for immortality Qigong is an ancient Chinese healing art, what I teach specifically for immortality, and then the last part is coaching for immortality. I’ve had great mentors and still do in on my immortality journey, and it helps for everyone if you can get a coach to. And we provide that when you’re ready. And if that’s something that you’re want, that you want, and that’s that
And what we’ve been talking about in this episode of our podcast is the article, article, and blog post titled discover the gold of your soul. You can find that by going to our website and mortal going up into the menu, clicking on blog, when you get to that blog page, just type into the search area, discover the gold of your soul. And you’ll see just what I’m looking at right now that says As humans, we naturally worship fixate and focus. And right away on this blog post, there’s a video that will take you through this, through these ideas to inspire and instruct. Be aware of how you focus of what you worship, improve your situation, create better feelings, thoughts and actions. What we focus upon becomes our lives, the ideas and feelings we repeat, build us up or tear us down. I think we all understand that. It’s kind of self evident. But are you practicing that? Are you becoming more and more aware with that in your life? Are you looking at your thoughts? Are you looking at your words? Are you looking at your behaviors? Do they represent the gold of your soul, the core of goodness, love and grace that we suggest is eternal and ever present always there? What we focus upon becomes our lives the ideas and feelings we repeat, build a sub or terrorists down inventory your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. What are you thinking about? How are you feeling? Practice thoughts and emotions that reflect what you want in life and who you wish to be?
quote,whatever draws our attention is given our lives, whatever we think about we’re giving our life to that our lifeblood, our life, energy, our soul, our eternal self. And if we’re giving ourselves away to something that’s taking our lives and not giving back, it depletes us and that’s not a correct idea. But whatever draws our attention is given our lives think of a baby. In the video on this blog post, there’s a woman looking with love at her child. And that’s a reciprocal arrangement. Maybe not in the teenage years always. But it’s a reciprocal arrangement, the child needs love. We all really need to be loved. And we also need to give back love at the same time, our life energy flows to whatever we think about. If we’re thinking about a worry throughout the day, the worry can grow and seem impossible. If we’re giving our attention to ideas of joy and love. This subject magnifies and improves our lives. And what I want to tell you right now is you can absolutely change yourself to the bat for the better this minute. today, tomorrow and the next by just practicing a successive and regular program of the secret to immortality of compassion, good in grace, perceiving, understand your immortal character and acting that out in the world, in the flesh in your day.
And as a program for that you can simply go to our social media, and you can find links to our social media on You can find a post on any twitter, instagram or facebook every day, we put up a new post with an idea for you to just hold on to and practice throughout the day. When you’re ready for more we have a book she Gong and spiritual growth that takes you more deeply into this program this way of life. And we have a membership site that you can find on Immortal, a monthly membership site, we have three lectures a month and three Qigong classes to take you further to your gold further to your internal self, eternal self.
And then we have a course for you also on our website, many different modalities, many different things, this podcast, the blog post many different things depending on how you want to get this information and what works best for you in your world. What we repeatedly do creates who we are, our lives are literally literally given away minute by minute to whatever we think about and give our attention to. Our lives are given away minute by minute to what we repeatedly do.
Over time, what we repeatedly do over time creates who we are, we are at every moment investing in our future, and what we do with the secret mortalities. We look at how we’re investing in our future are you investing, actually in hardship and death by having negative thoughts and by accepting death as an evitable and to life, then I suggest that brings it about not only for you, but for everyone on Earth.
So together, the secret mortality and what I’m teaching right now is that together, we change ourselves together by changing ourselves. The world responds in a similar change, quote, our lives are diminished and enhanced. Our lives are diminished or enhanced by our thoughts and actions. Again, that’s kind of obvious. But what’s not obvious is how we are diminishing ourselves today and now are How are enhancing ourselves today and now by our thoughts and actions. And we all really need to practice thoughts and actions that reflect our soul of grace, of forgiveness, of love of giving. As we practice our soul, that soul resurrects it comes alive and becomes who we are that eternal self of bliss, happiness and joy. Right now, in the world physically.
Be aware of how you tend to the world. Be aware of how you tend to the world. on the blog post, there’s a photo and in the video of a very nice looking young girl cute, pure, clean and happy and looking through a magnifying glass in a garden. And she’s focusing on something and we suggest that you focus on things that give back to you.
This girl is focusing on a plant in a garden. And that’s a wonderful metaphor or a wonderful analogy, where as we focus on a plant and nurture a plant it grows, be aware of how you tend to the world to what do you give your life and attention. What do you think about what do you look at and do Most days, ask yourself, inventory yourself, make a decision on where you want to go with your life to a blissful, good and happy place where there is love forgiveness coming into us and coming out of us and an ending infinite reciprocal action. Would you like something like that? You can have it just by following this website, quote, do you have a question and plan for what you’re creating in life? What are you creating? Not just a job, not just an income, not even just a family? What quality? are you creating in yourself by how you are responding to your life? Do you have a direction and plan for what you’re creating in life? For what you’re making inside of you, you’re creating yourself every day, you’re either covering up that gold of the soul, or you’re uncovering it, by looking at it in acting away in a way that agrees with it.
What do you want to be? And how do you want to feel? What are you doing in your life daily to make this happen? What are you practicing and day after day with your activity, intent and action? I’m going to repeat that. And this is a type of inventory that we do with the secret to immortality, the first part mindfulness for immortality, quote, what are you practicing day after day, with your activity, intent and attention with your focus. And this is about a third of the blog posts and that’s where we’ll end here with the podcast. And the next podcast will go farther and deeper into this blog post called discover the gold of your soul. You can go to that right now at a mortal in our blog section if you want to read the whole thing. Otherwise, the next podcast will cover the next third of this written article. bless you and keep you have a good day you are immortal now.