The Secret to Life Exists at Our Core
Within us is a deep, strong and personal self — that’s connected to the world with knowledge, power and grace.
This core of who-we-are knows what we should do; this core has instructions and attempts to direct our lives.
Your Soul Will Guide You and Help You Grow
The guru is you.
While it may be helpful to read spiritual and self development books, it’s essential to go within and find yourself.
You’ll become the most effective teacher you’ll ever find, because only you know you, who you are and what you should do.
For immortality, it’s essential to let yourself be guided … by your deep and compassionate self, the authentic you at your core.
Validation and Encouragement
You have an eternal gift within yourself.
To express this gift, it helps to be with people who approve of who you are, who validate and encourage you.
You have the timeless gift of you to give to the world. To have this gift alive, at work and embodied, validate yourself.
Act with integrity and goodwill. Be loyal to your best human qualities.
Your Self within Can Teach You
Find your deep self; let it teach and guide you to be who you are.
Cooperate and be kind with the world, but adhere to the path that’s true to yourself.
You’re the best teacher for you. You’re the only true guru for you, whom you may ever meet.
Understand Who You Are
Step by step, understand who you are. Accept guidance and strength from yourself.
When you read of the Hindu “Self,” or the Christian “Soul,” both these terms may be the same and refer to who you are.
With the Secret to Immortality, we encourage you to bring your eternal identity, self and soul, into flesh and walk the earth divine.
For instructions on how to do this, showing you exactly what to do, we suggest our new course, Introduction to Immortality.
Out of Sync with Life?
Without authenticity — we deplete, get sick and die.
In the modern world, it’s easy to stray from our true design.
It’s tempting to form ourselves to an idea we’ve seen or a perspective forced upon us.
Yet, we’re the only ones we can truly please; we’re the only persons who can honestly live our lives.
Living as we really are, our true and highest selves, is essential for positive outcomes and lasting life.
However, without the reality of who we are, we grow out of sync and live in collision with life.
Be real. Be honest, and get in sync with yourself; live forever joyous, happy and free.
[Collision: coming violently into contact; conflict; crash]
We Suggest You Live Happy, Joyous and Free!
Allow your soul to lead.
With the Secret to Immortality, we suggest you allow your soul to lead. That you follow the truth of who you are, and act as your immortal self.
Happy, joyous and free — strong, secure and calm are how we’re designed to be. We can do this, day by day, with the Secret to Immortality.
Follow Your Direction
As humans, we have a direction, an inclination toward self truth.
Be yourself. Follow your direction, and find the eternal you.
Allow your incorruptible soul to live, as your body and mind.
Be all you can be in this world, today and right now.
Bless you and keep you. Have peace and know yourself.
Take the Next Step
If you’re eager to take the next step on the path to immortal life, we suggest our course, Introduction to Immortality.
It is not enough to simply think about immortality, wellness and strength … you have to take action.
For lasting results, try the following:
- Intro to Immortality Course
- FREE Qi Gong Video Instruction.
- Our Book, Qi Gong & Spiritual Growth
- Blog Archives at
The Secret to Success
Success is within us, as who we are.
To the extent that we pursue success in material goals, materialistic desires and needs — we’ve lost important time and opportunity.
Instead, seek the bliss of your true identity.
Our new course shows you how to find this peaceful core that’s you.
To Receive and Grow, We Must Ask
If you want hope, strength and lasting life — ask for it — and seek it every day.
Ask of your physical body and mind; ask of your soul and this earth. Ask everyone and everything for what you need and want.
Most importantly, ask of yourself; ask of your soul and a Higher Power that’s meaningful to you.
A Free Exercise to Activate Your Soul of Immortality
To affirm your core and bring your immortality to life, try the following exercise.
Repeat and consider the words as often as you can…

Get calm, relaxed and serene; then say the following words to yourself:
"The higher power, (your name), the immortal me ... is benevolent, kind and understanding; quiet and at peace.
"The Higher Power Me is giving by thought, word and deed.
"As my Higher Self, I am fully present, alive and compassionate in the world.
"I’m healthy, well and physically alive.
"As my Higher Power Self, I’m standing upon earth where I am, perfectly still … calm, secure and fully present.
"I am my Higher Power Self.
[End with a request for peace in your body, security and containment.]
As with any exercise we recommend, practice makes perfect. Study the exercise. Read the words, and let the reality of it settle in.
Before you begin, meditate and get calm; disengage your mind. This allows the exercise to have its best effect for you.
Want More of the Secret to Immortality, Right Now?
Does the idea of immortality sound right to you? Are you curious and wanting to know more?
Does a course with step-by-step instructions, showing you exactly what to do, sound good?
Then, you may want to try our new course, made especially for you.

Blog Photos
Today's blog photos are from my day at the nearby beach in northwest Florida, USA. The images were taken as sunset was approaching. The white dot above the water was the moon beginning to appear. As the sun set and darkness settled in, you could see the shine of the moon ripple across the water.