(This is a Self Improvement article that will help you develope your abilities to have  love, “the power of choice” and the gift of your heart and soul. It is an exerpt from the book, “Lessons in Love” by John Harrigan)

Make a Choice

In life, look for the gift. Look all around. Keep looking, and you will find the gift.

At first, you may think the gift is something outside of yourself, perhaps something you must do or own? After much searching, you may come to realize that the gift is you? The gift is in your heart and in your soul, the home to all there is.

Discover Your Gift

Discover your gift, which is you. Nurture it. Dance with it. Feel its pain and loneliness. Love it. The gift is you.

You are your greatest gift! You are God’s gift to the world, and you are divinely perfect, though imperfect you may feel.

Your Gift Begings with You

Your gift begins with you, and the secret lies in your heart and soul.

As you see and feel that you are a gift, you will become aware that all of creation is a gift to you.

What makes us most a gift is the quality and power of choice we have.

Our greatest quality is that we can choose what we become. However, we must first become aware of our power of choice.

We Become what We Choose

We choose our destiny. It may be unconscious at first. It may be an unknowing habit our entire life, but choice is there. And we are using choice to shape our lives.

Choice is our greatest gift. It is our road to freedom. When fully used, it is a path to the heart and soul. Why is this? It is because our nature is bliss, true love and happiness.

Make a Choice that Benefits You

Given the right time and place, we can make or create anything. However, only one thing will stand the ravages of time, and that is our gift: the conscious choice and ability to choose… to choose love when it is not expedient, handy, appropriate or the first intent of our mind… to change and shape our lives into some-thing good.

Demand of yourself that you choose love until it is a habit, until it is your first thought, your first command of yourself. Become Love. This is your Gift. It will change the world.

Make a choice that benefits you.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master