This podcast episode is based on article, “Immortality Coaching.” To benefit fully, refer to this post as you listen to the podcast.
Welcome to the Talk
Welcome to the Secret to Immortality Podcast where we discuss how to be joyous, happy, free … and physically immortal in this life.
I’m John F. Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,
In this episode, we’ll discuss Immortality Coaching, the benefit of working with a mentor who can guide and support your development. I’ll share the story of how my own coaches have helped me and improved my life.
We recommend coaching, working with an expert farther upon the path. I’ve found mentorship and coaching to be highly effective; adding power, support and strength I would not have had.
The Podcast
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Essential for Progress and Development
We can’t know ourselves unless we’re known by another.
Immortality Coaching has been essential to my development. All my life, from childhood on, I’ve been close to mentors who have helped with my immortality path. You too can have this advantage.
Immortality Coaching is no different than any other type of coaching for self improvement: academic, professional or sport … a mentor or coach helps us by example, instruction and inspiration.
Benefit by Good Relationships
We can’t live our full potential unless we join with the strength of others and a Greater Power.
Expertise does transfer by proximity, being close to a more experienced person. As osmosis, there can be a type of automatic transfer by association.
Just as a child can benefit by the presence of good parents, we can benefit by a relationship with an effective coach. Both parent and coach can empower, encourage and mentor our development.
A good coach will:
- Empower
- Encourage
- Mentor
An Immortality Coach helps you connect, mend and join with the best of yourself and the best in the world. Working with an expert connects you with their connections — their strength, ability and calm.
My First Mentors
My first mentor was my mother. In my youth, she practiced yoga earnestly, a student of time-honored yoga wisdom, as well as physical poses. She was a lifelong student of “A Course in Miracles,” with study individually every day and by group once a week. She had friends and mentors in this practice.
My mother read all the great books on world religions, spiritual development and personal growth. We went to a wonderful Episcopal church that encouraged an open mind and personal exploration. I had no limits, intellectually, in my spiritual growth.
Stay Tuned
That’s all for today, but stay tuned for Part Two of this “Immortality Coaching” episode where we discuss my next two mentors: an American Master working on her own immortality process called, “Translation.” And my current mentor, a Qigong Grandmaster from China.
How to Get More …
To discover more of the Secret to Immortality; we suggest:
1. Membership, Immortality LAB
2. Introduction to Immortality Course
3. Book, “Qigong and Spiritual Growth”
4. Immortal Now Blog: ImmortalNow/blog
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Bless you and keep you!
Happy, joyous and free — we are immortal now.
Transcript for “Immortality Coaching, Part One”
[Volunteers please! This transcript is unedited due to time constraints. If you have experience editing, we’d love to have your help and tell you about volunteer benefits. For more info, please contact us today.]
Speaker 1: 00:01
Welcome to episode four of the secret to immortality podcast where we discuss how to be joyous, happy, free, and physically immortal in this life. I’m John Harrigan: author, Qigong master and founder of the website
New Speaker: 00:21
In this episode, we’ll discuss immortality coaching, the power of working with a mentor farther upon the immortality path. We’ll be referring throughout this podcast episode to our blog article titled “immortality coaching.” You can find that article at the website at our blog and go to that blog page and in the right column there’s a search box and just type in immortality coaching. It’ll take you to the blog article. I am now reading right from that blog article. We state that we recommend immortality coaching, working with an expert farther upon the path. I personally have found mentorship and coaching to be highly effective, adding power, support and strength I would not have had without it.
Speaker 1: 01:19
For me, immortality coaching has been essential to my development all my life from childhood on. I’ve been close to mentors who have helped with my immortality path. You too can have this advantage. The advantage of working with us in mentorship and coaching is we’ll tell you exactly what to do for immortality growth… later on in the podcast. Immortality coaching is no different than any other type of coaching for self improvement like academic coaching, professional coaching, how to be better at your job, how to be more successful or coaching in sports, but it’s a little more involved and a little more personal … immortality coaching involves mentorship, somebody working closely with you, with who you are, more customized to your inner self, getting to who you are, so you can have really what you want most of all in life, and eventually physical immortality. A mentor or coach helps us by example.
Speaker 1: 02:27
Instruction and inspiration, expertise, character, goodness does transfer by proximity. Being close to a more experienced person can be like osmosis. There can be a type of automatic transfer by association, osmosis meaning transfer from greater to lesser concentration finding equilibrium. Another definition, probably more appropriate to the osmosis I’m talking about here with you is, gradual or unconscious assimilation of knowledge. Just as a child can benefit by the presence of good parents. We can benefit today as adults by relationship with an effective coach. Both encourage and enable our development. So before we go on and before I start to share with you my essential mentors in my life to this point, I want to talk a little bit more about mentoring and coaching. Our parents for better or worse are the first mentors or coaches we have, and some of that coaching is helpful and some of it we really kind of have to unlearn an undo. And that’s what we’ll do with immortality coaching.
Speaker 1: 03:50
My background is in psychology, with a master’s in family relations. I worked as a counselor and social worker with children and families. That’s not what I do now. I do coaching, immortality coaching. I do these podcasts. I write articles on our website, on our blog at I teach the secret to immortality. So before I talk about my first mentors, let’s go into a little more depth and understanding about how other people influence us. Our parents were the first to really affect us, to really wire us up neurologically. Also without getting into science, I’m not going to ever do that. It puts people to sleep and it confuses them, but our genetics and epigenetics, how our parents were treated growing up, how our grandparents, great grandparents, it all has a neurological effect and how our body and our brain and our nervous system develops and my point is it doesn’t matter.
Speaker 1: 04:54
We can undo all the harm that has transferred to us by previous generations. We can do undo all the harm of the present lifetime slowly or quickly through immortality coaching, maybe not exactly everything. If I’m working with you individually and there are some problems where I think you would benefit by competent psychotherapy or counseling, I’ll certainly recommend it because that’s not what I’m doing. I’m taking you into who you are, into your depth, into your soul of immortality and naturally with me or with anyone else. As you tell your story, you naturally work through trauma. That’s basically a therapeutic, the therapeutic approach of working through lifetime trauma is sharing it and talking about it until that charge of the trauma is diminished and no longer affecting us and no longer tying us up. So a mentor is really just a good uncle, a good aunt in a way.
Speaker 1: 06:03
Reparenting ourselves. That’s what I’ve done. We all need to do it. We all have to do it. Parent ourselves with an immortal source, a perfect loving compassion. It may be our deep self. If you’re religious, it may be the God of your understanding. If you’ve worked in the 12 steps as I have for over 30 years, it may be what you call your higher power. So now we’re going to go into my mentors who mentored me and how did that work out? My first mentor was my mother in my youth. She practiced yoga earnestly and that was a long time ago. My mother was a student of time honored yoga wisdom. The real authentic yoga. I’m from India. I’m not quite the yoga classes. You might find other wonderful and they’re helpful. You might find ’em at a local health club. But my mother was really into the, the wisdom, the philosophy of yoga as well as the physical poses and as important or maybe more so.
Speaker 1: 07:05
My mother was a lifelong student of something called a course in miracles, a profound, beautiful and powerful approach to spirituality. I didn’t do that specifically. My mentor mother told me, I started to read the book and I was curious and she said to me, John, her son, that wasn’t really for me and that wasn’t really going to be the way that I was going to develop and progress. And I just felt in knew that she was right. It wasn’t a blind trust. I felt and knew my mom was right. So I’d learn a bit from the course in miracles, but not entirely. If you’re interested, Google the coasts course and miracles and follow through on it. But I’m teaching you the secret to immortality here, her, which is a little different just in the, the end product, so to speak. Maybe not different at all in principle.
Speaker 1: 08:02
But my mother was a lifelong student of a course in miracles with study individually. Every day she’d get up every day and she’d do her meditation. She’d do her prayers, she’d do physical exercises a type of chigong, making sure her body was healthy. And well she lived to be 98 and then she would go, studied her course in miracles and then she would do mental exercises like a math. She would just do math exercises in her head, in the crossword puzzles. Both my father did a similar thing every morning. My mother worked on the course in miracles individually and every day. And once a group, once a group, once a week, she would go to a group, of course in miracle group where she had friends and mentors and where she mentored herself. I’m sure my mother read all the great books and world religions, spiritual development and personal growth at the time.
Speaker 1: 09:02
And she shared them with me and we studied them together and read them together. But my mother more as a mentor, she was a bit of author and more experienced than I was. We went to a wonderful Episcopal church that encouraged an open mind and personal exploration, exploration. I had no limits intellectually in my spiritual growth, a good thing. And for me as I sat in prayer with my mother every night it was a powerful practice, beautiful, wonderful where my mother would kneel down with we and we’d say prayers, but my mother would teach me really the power of visualization, positive thinking, and she would teach me to access, find my own higher power. My own God, which I decided was simply an infinitely loving being because that’s what I was experiencing even as a young child in our church library at this really nice Episcopal church.
Speaker 1: 10:01
Open-Minded accepting in that church library and our home, there was unity church literature. We would get the monthly unity church publication, small magazine. I would read it every month from cover to cover. Found it very inspirational and helpful. Unity has a progressive and accepting approach that looks at world religions and the link between science and religion. And if you’re at my blog post article on my website, immortal, again, that blog article that is associated with this podcast is immortality coaching. So go to if you want, go to the immortality. Now go to immortal now that I’ve calm and go to the blog section and put in the title immortality coaching and a search box and you’ll get to the article that I’m going to read from a right now. As I stated, unity has a progressive and accepting approach that looks at world religions and the link between science and religion.
Speaker 1: 11:14
I liked that a lot and still do Unity’s five guiding principles. I’m going to read to you, this is not the secret to immortality. This is not a belief system of my own, but it’s something I want to share with you. This, these ideas mentored me and they can, they can help you to perhaps Unity’s five guiding principles. One, God is the source and creator of all and for the secret of immortality. It’s not a religion, it’s not a belief system. So we might not use the word God always though I do. And it’s fine for me. Maybe higher power or deeper eternal resource within you. So God, that higher power is a source and creator of all. And we teach in the immortality that your soul is creating who you are in this world that you live in. So God, we, our soul, our perfect core is the source and creator of all.
Speaker 1: 12:09
So mind you, I’m amending and changing Unity’s guiding five principles a bit to fit with the secret of immortality. One, God, you, you’re immortal core who we are at our immortal core is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. There is no other enduring power. And to translate this into the secret to immortality, I would say it’s not that there are any competing powers, it’s just what do you do with your power? What do we do with our soul? What do we do with our creative ability? There is no other enduring power. Well there can’t be, there’s only one me. There’s only one you. And that’s what that means to me. God is good. I would say our core, our soul is perfect, compassionate love. God is good president everywhere. God is good, present in everywhere. And that power of goodness is everywhere in present for us to re reading.
Speaker 1: 13:13
I’m changing. Of course, Unity’s five principles are around for the secret to immortality because that’s what I’m teaching you in. A lot of time has passed since I first read these two quote from Unity’s five principles quote, we are spiritual beings created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person. Therefore all people are inherently good. Now I’m going to change this a little and not to be critical, but this is a little too dogmatic and a little too belief oriented. Like, yeah, I believe that and I’ll be saved. It’s like, Hm, well maybe that’s a start to have a good belief system, but there’s, there’s a lot of work to do folks. And that’s what this secret to immortality is. There’s work to going inside who we are. We’re spiritual beings. It says, and I would just say what that means is we are, we are good inside.
Speaker 1: 14:09
When you find that gold in you, which we teach you to do through the secret mortality. When you find that gold inside yourself, it’s a darn good feeling and you start to see that gold, that perfect beauty, that love and compassion everywhere. Unity says quote, we’re created in God’s image. And I would say that we’re credited in a perfect manner deep inside us, but that gets flawed and obstructed over time, especially by injury in trauma and the secret to immortality. We teach you ways to undo that trauma, undo that floss. You can find your perfect hole and golden self quote from unity, the spirit of God lives within person. I would amend that and say, it’s not like something’s living in you that isn’t you. It’s just at your core is something very similar, if not exactly the same of God. And that is you living as you inside you and outside you.
Speaker 1: 15:09
If you choose to have that quote from unity, therefore all people are inherently good. And quote, it kind of sounds like Dogman or believe that, you know, I believe all people are inherently good, therefore blah, blah, blah. Once you find your core, your golden solve the perfect love and eternal compassion within you, you will notice without even without any effort that that same beautiful core is within all people. No matter how nasty they may act, behave and feel. And that’s what a mother sees in her child. A good mother sees in her child. You know, I’m not to pick on people in penitentiaries, but you know, even even people that are, are pretty difficult folks. In prisons for terrible crimes. Their mother saw their golden soul. And to mama, that’s still their beautiful baby though that baby may not have acted out in the world as an adult in a very good way. But quote, all people are inherently good from unity. I would just say that as we work on ourselves with the secret to immortality, we find that that eternal goodness that we express in ourselves and our bodies and our minds and in the world. And as we do that we see the beauty and goodness in everybody else.
Speaker 1: 16:25 Number three, from the five principles of unity quote, we create our life experiences through our way of thinking. I would certainly agree with that. I would say not only our way of thinking, but our way of speaking in our way of acting, all of its action thinking is an action. It’s an action we can see in our brain neurologists brain scientists can see it happening. It’s all actions. So the actions that we choose in the, in the secret of immortality, the accidents that we choose at a minute to minute conscious and unconscious manner, we suggest to you that you look at them and we suggest that those actions, thinking, speaking, and behaving are creating not only ourselves in our lives and our life experiences, but the matter that we live in the physical world, the physical matter and how it responds to us, how we are thinking and acting gives instructions.
Speaker 1: 17:23
We suggest to the physical world of how to behave. We’re really programming this reality and how to act this physical reality, our bodies, the physicality, the world around us, the weather, the planet. We’re programming it like a computer program or like a code writer writes code. We’re programming this creation by what we think, what we say and how we act. Never. Four of Unity’s five principles. You might say, well, why are you quoting you these five principles if you’re changing them around? I’m really not. I’m elaborating on these principles and showing you how these principles evolved into what I’m teaching today. Three was we create our life experiences through our way of thinking for from unity quote, there is power in affirmative prayer. It can increase a person’s connection to God or I would add to your core self, to your beautiful soul, and it’s not just prayer.
Speaker 1: 18:23
Anything that you do that validates who you are treating somebody else kindly speaking kindly, I’m standing up for good principals. Anything we do that validates that perfect love and gold, that higher power, God, whatever your higher power is, that the greater you within your anything we do that do that affirms goodness and who we are has a positive result in bringing that immortal nature to life. And five from unity is quote, knowledge of spiritual principles is not enough. People must live them through their actions and quote and yes, I would say, you know, book learning and and knowledge of things and thinking, Oh, I know that. No, it’s not enough. We have to go to deeper, deeper and levels do we have to go to deeper and deeper levels of self, self knowledge beyond ideas beyond thinking to find an activate our core. This is the end of our podcast today.
Speaker 1: 19:32
Join us in our next podcast where we talk more about immortality coaching and I share three more of very influential mentors. My father and my first real immortality coach, an American master woman working on her own immortality process called translation and my final immortality coach and mentor, a chigong Grandmaster and traditional Chinese physician from Beijing, China. If you’ve liked what you’ve heard and want more, you may want to join immortality lab on her website, immortal at immortality lab. We take you closer to the secrets to immortality and tell you exactly what to do step-by-step for a life of happiness, joy, and physical immortality on earth with an enlarge howdy lab membership. You get two exclusive videos every week that she gong for lasting life video that is nowhere else to be found only in immortality lab, in an immortality talk just for you and just an immortality lab. You’ll also get daily inspirational quotes. It’s your email, special surprises and opportunities for beta, copies of new courses, videos, and books. We wish you the best. Bless you and keep you. We are immortal now.
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