Immortality is both thought and action. To be immortal, we have to think of life and living in a manner beyond death: a way that is stronger, more reliable and in-line with long term survival.

It’s not so hard to change your life, the world and universe, really, it’s not. We’re changing all these things every day as we live: for better, worse or status quo. So why not make the transformational power of our lives more conscious than before, more deliberate and good?

Change for the better begins with one simple move in a different direction.

Think of a boat starting on a long voyage across the ocean? If the boat is off course just a little, a small and imperceptible amount, the boat can miss it’s destination by hundreds of miles.

One simple change in the direction of our living, can take us to a different destination, for better or worse!

The direction most of us are going right now, will bring us to death… no matter how good our life is going. The problem with this is that even if we live a long and healthy life, all our loved ones will not and all our friends will not. The world will continue to suffer and so will we, in some manner or way?

Life will continue to be an irrevocable trauma, no matter how hard we try to improve things… if we do not change the ultimate direction of our lives.

We can live without death; we can have a life of reduced suffering and pain… if we simply change our direction a little each day.

So how do we do this???

Sign up for 30 FREE days of “Wisdom Thought for the Day” in the upper right side of this page. These thoughts will help and guide you, every day, for 30 days, as you change the direction of your life.

You can further improve if you:

  1. Read my blog posts—I have hundreds for free
  2. Buy my book: “Lessons in Love”
  3. Read more of my blog posts
  4. Do “Qi Gong for Immortality”

You will find free videos of Qi Gong at the links on the top of this page.

We all understand the importance of education, learning and instruction.

We have to read, listen and see something new to help us chart a new course for our life.

My books and free blog posts with help you with this.

However, what is Qi Gong?

I had the same question 14 years ago.

I had a health problem that was chronic, troubling and painful. I had this problem from the age of 15. It was difficult and became worse with age. At times, I did not want to live.

No western doctors could solve the problem?

I was anxious, in pain and overwhelmed. I had little energy and was not able to sleep well. I had a chronic difficulty that spread to all of my life… affecting my ability to work, to have friends and to exist!

I sought help everywhere, in every type of way.

Finally, after many years, I went to a Traditional Chinese Physician from Beijing, China. I was neither confident nor really hopeful that this new effort would work? But I had tried everything else.

At the first visit, after a session of acupuncture, with a bag of herbs in hand, my doctor said I should come to his Qi Gong class. He said Qi Gong would be the long-term cure me. He was correct!

The accupuncture and herbal tea helped, yet the Qi Gong class was both instant and powerful. I began practice twice a day and felt amazing relief and improvement! However, it was not unbelievable… It simply felt natural, like I had returned to my own state of health I had missed so long!

It is now 14 years later. I have returned to health in so many ways; it is hard to describe? I would say I experience a super health that is the real and true condition me, the real and true condition of all people.

Since my years as a teenager, I have read and studied spiritual development across all cultures and the world. I have meditated and read the works of Yogi Masters. I have read the metaphysical writings of every major world religion.

In my teenage years, I began to study with an American Master who was working on her own “Immortality Process.” She passed her work on to me, and something important began.

With Qi Gong, I accidentally found the missing piece to my own advancement and the secret to all of life. My difficult condition and disability—of more than three decades—brought me face to face with the one missing element to my own “Immortality Process” and return to health.

Qi Gong led me to my own perfection, my own perfect soul and life. Qi Gong unlocked all the secrets to the world and gave me a foundation for permanent recovery and more!

It is important that I studied with an adept and accomplished Master from China. It is important that you do the same. To feel the strength of physical immortality in another person’s body, to be next to this presence week after week, for years… can activate you own immortal qualities.

The way to immortality is here. We were all born immortal. But we have strayed a bit in how we create the world and ourselves.

Over time we have taken a course that does not work well for us: We have a world of death, suffering and disease. We can change all that, starting now.

We can get back on track…  slowly, gently, in a strong and absolute way…  with thoughts of love, respect and acceptance… by humane behavior and thinking.

We can practice Qi Gong to strengthen and improve our lives.

Qi Gong, accompanied with my teaching, is the foundation and action of immortal human life on earth today.

  • Watch the Free “Qi Gong Videos” at the tab on top of this site
  • Watch the Free “Video Intro” to the “Immortality Process”
  • Read what I have written on my blogs and in my book

You can change you life, your mind, you body and all the world.

You can begin this change right now.

Please do it!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master