In this podcast, we talk about immortal love and how to bring this love into your life. We give you a simple exercise to active love in your body, heart and mind.

There’s Perfect Love in All of Us

We all have perfect love, at our core.

We have beauty and bliss as who we are — eternal, deep and constant — as our true and authentic selves.

Welcome to “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John Harrigan: Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website,, where you’ll find The Secret to Immortality.

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When we’re fully in love, as who we are … with every thought, word and behavior … we are immortal now.

Deep love, eternal and kind, is critical for the Secret to Immortality. With this special form of love, we bring eternal physicality to life.

Compassion Sustains Us

Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay

Love gives us direction.

Compassion keeps us alive, well and inspired. Love directs us all the time.

Love helps us if we choose to love, if we practice compassion in all we do.

Again and again, with the Secret to Immortality Podcast, we’ll take you deeper into love, deeper into the love of your core and the love-of-life where you are immoral now.

We’re here to show you how to love — in every way, shape and form. With this podcast and our website; you’ll find all the tools, instruction and help you need to love in a truly lasting way.

The Secret to Love Revealed

woman meditate and qigong, yin
There’s Gold in Everyone

A path to love …

The love you want is here. The Secret to Immortality is within your grasp.

You’ve found “The Secret to Immortality Podcast” with John Harrigan: author, Qigong master and founder of the website,

To begin a path of compassion and eternal life on earth, go to and read the blog; see our book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!

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  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be happy, strong and free. You are immortal now.


We all have perfect love at our core. We have beauty and bliss as who we are … eternal, deep and constant as our true and authentic selves.
The secret to immortality helps you bring this love into your life, into your body, mind, and daily activities. We all can love deeply regardless of our situation or circumstance. It’s our most essential human nature, to love from our soul, to give and share this love with the world.
When we’re fully in love as who we are … with every thought word and behavior … we are immortal now. Thus the name of our website
Deep love, eternal and kind, is critical and important to the secret to immortality that we teach. Love keeps us alive, well, inspired …. and directed all the time. If we choose love, if we practice love in all we do, think and say.
Again and again, with the Secret to Immortality Podcast, we’ll take you deeper into love, the love of your core and the love of life, where WE ARE again and again immortal now … immortal now with deep compassion and eternal love … our soul and identity coming forth, expressing in our physical bodies as eternal, joyous, happy and free people.
This is John Harrigan: author, qigong master and founder of the website In this podcast, “Perfect Love at Our Core,” we’re going to continue our discussion of love, the immortal love at the center of who we are, and how to bring this perfect love to life in our world, in our day to day activities and in our minute to minute drive to work and drive home again.
What we’re teaching in this podcast, the secret to immortality podcast; what we teach at our website, is the secret to immortality, and the secret to immortality, you may already know, has three simple parts. One is mindfulness for immortality, where we become aware and start to direct our thoughts, our speech and our behaviors in an immortal and perfect way, in a loving, eternal loving way of compassion and goodness, which we suggest is your real identity is your real core.

[Due to time constraints, we’ve stopped editing the transcript here. If you have experience editing, and would like to volunteer, please contact us to hear about volunteer benefits.]

Speaker 1:
Nothing’s as beautiful as pleasurable, is wonderful, is experiencing that love of our core, that golden self, who we are. And I think really that’s what everybody’s looking for. That’s what everybody’s after in life. You know, whether it’s a new car or a better job or a more money or a new love interest, what we’re really after is that deep and perfect love. Even if we’re kind of hardened by the difficulties of life, we want something, maybe it’s just esteem and status in the world, but everything we’re searching for, everything we’re looking for outside to fulfill us, to, to give us happiness and strength. Probably the primary motive for all of our pushing out into the world. Even our production behavior, we have to eat something. So we chase after it. We need shelter protection, we need friends, we need security’s social status. All of that is probably just a search for who we really are, that deep and golden core, that perfect self.
Speaker 1:
So we can share that ideally with other people who are aware of their eternal sore. Um, Saul, so we can, so we can combine souls simply as friends or acquaintances even at work. Um, in romantic relationships and families. I suggest to you with the secret to immortality that we’re all really created to work together to combine ourselves to live in cooperation with greater and greater love, greater peace understanding in good. It just increases exponentially. We don’t have to evolve by hardship, pain and death, um, by animal killing animal by destruction of ecosystems to survive in a grasping and predaceous way. I would suggest you that is kind of a devolution, it does lead to evolution, but it’s such hardship, such pain in such an unnecessary way to grow and become who we really are. The beauty of life of where we are of what we’re doing is we can come together person to person, soul to soul, animal to animal with your pet, with your goldfish, with your dog or your cat.
Speaker 1:
We can come together and love compassion and care. We can stop killing. We can stop harming. We can stop attacking in even subtle ways with the first part of the secret to immortality. But the very first part, and I apologize, uh, for the dog, if you can hear that. And the recording, my neighbor has a dog with a big voice and there’s nothing that can be done about it. So just listen along and understand that life is full of distractions and even, um, at immortality lab, a monthly membership where I teach a qigong course every week, highly recommended and, uh, give a unique lecture to immortality lab on a weekly basis. Even then, occasionally this dog next door will start barking and barking. Um, he’s a strong German shepherd with a thrilling voice. I keep that in there and the recordings because you, we all need to understand that we’re distracted on a daily basis, everywhere and with everything.
Speaker 1:
Yet we can act in a centered, grounded way within that distraction. We can act calm and be calm with a higher power, a higher understanding with an unexpected inner resource. We can find a strength, a goodness, a hope within ourselves and within life, even with the distractions, even with the chaos of work, of family, of driving our cars through traffic, of solving financial saw, um, problems that may not be immediately solvable of facing health dilemmas in ourself and other people of loss, of pain, of hardship. We can deal with that. We can live through it in love with love in an immortal manner, growing and using every hardship and difficulty as an opportunity for further strength, further understanding and further compassion for their connection with the world. CI gong, meditation, prayer, whatever that is to you. And I’ll talk about that in some later. A podcast.
Speaker 1:
How my prayer life has evolved. I had a mother, she wasn’t particularly religious, she was just a very serious and devout spiritual practitioner in a progressive way, I guess. Um, with um, Christian mysticism, mystical Christianity, uh, unity church literature. She studied the course in miracles, although I didn’t. My mother was my first and most significant mentor and she studied course and miracles every day and she went to a weekly practice weekly group where she mentored and she was mentored and she told me that, um, she didn’t think the course in miracles was for me. It may be for you. It works for a lot of people. You can find it in unity. Churches my way was a little bit different. Um, more yoga, more Taoism, more um, mystical Christianity. Yet Christianity isn’t mystical. There really isn’t any mystical apart of it is what I’m teaching is exactly what Jesus Christ talked about.
Speaker 1:
That is, we’re not created to die, to suffer and to live in a world of predation and harm. We are created in the image of a beautiful world. We are created to live forever, to be a mortal, to evolve and grow that way. That was the primary message of Jesus Christ. Day to day. Every speech he ever gave, turn the other cheek. Love your neighbor. Simply turning the other cheek. What does that mean? It means if somebody looks at you the wrong way, don’t look at them the wrong way back. It means smile in the world in love because smiles and love in most people in most situation give back to us. Smiles and love. A smile elicits a smile from the world, from nature, from other people. A frown gives us back a frown from other people, the world and nature, and that’s the lesson of Christ. Love.
Speaker 1:
Believe in deep immortal. Love the God of your understanding, a higher power. If you’re an atheist or agnostic, I suggest a surprising inner resource. I take that beautiful term from 12 step literature, which has been my lifelong practice and much later on I’m going to introduce a course in the 12 steps for the secret to immortality because the 12 steps are a beautiful therapeutic process for discovering yourself, funding that gold within you. You don’t have to be an alcoholic and addict. You don’t have to be anything that the 12 steps belonged to anybody. It’s just the same spiritual process that you’re going to learn in any time in any religion, faith, or any mystical pursuit. So this podcast is everything I’m talking to you about now right now. But the name of this podcast episode again is perfect love at our core. So again and again and again with the secret mortality.
Speaker 1:
With everything I speak, say and teach and write with all our courses, it’s about finding that immortal love of our core, our true identity, our true self, and expressing that immortality in our physicality, not stopping short and saying, Oh yeah, we all died and we all get sick. And I helped to do that in a spiritual and painless way. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s not painless, okay? If you’ve helped loved ones through a death process, young and old, it’s a horrible debacle. Um, it’s born of killing. It’s born of misbehavior. It knits and sews disease and biological into our flesh, in our genetics. I’m suggesting to you, this is, we change our thoughts as we change our words, our behavior. All of that is behavior. All of that is how we are creating our lives. If we change our thoughts, our words, and our behavior with the secret to immortality, that’s the first part.
Speaker 1:
Second part, Xi gong, third part and mortality coaching. If we do that, I suggest that the natural world around us changes, transforms with us. We don’t have to sign typically go in and with, um, physical tools and change and rearrange with CRISPR and other genetic manipulations. I suggest to you we are creating our bodies. We are creating reality. The physical reality. I suggest to you, we are the physical world. It’s not an external part that we appeal to. It’s not an external part. Um, that may be good or bad to us, et cetera, et cetera. I’m ex, I’m suggesting we are the physical world. It’s very much our body. Um, as we poison ourselves internally, we poison the world around us as we pause in ourselves with too many resentments, too many, too much frustration, too much self pity. As we poison ourselves with unproductive and unnecessary thoughts.
Speaker 1:
I’m not talking about essential grieving and sadness that we need to feel and work through. I’m not talking about essential fear. We need to look at there may be something that, um, is threatening us, conscious or unconscious. We need to look at all those things. I will slowly teach you how to do all that in this podcast. You can already find out how to do that on our website and moral Perfect love at our core, the subject of this podcast episode. Perfect love at our core. Think about love. Think about the word love. See the letters L O V E in front of you. And maybe those letters. What color are they? Maybe they’re a deep and wonderful, compassionate red. Let them appear as a special red with meaning to you in front of you. Think of the word love. See the letters, L O V E in front of your face.
Speaker 1:
And what I’m taking you through right now with visualizing the letters of love, this isn’t a small incidental practice. Um, the first part of the secret to immortality is, um, mindfulness for immortality. That’s what we’re doing here. Consciously or unconsciously, we are all choosing every thought we have and we know from science now that we all have many thoughts, many competing thoughts at a time. So this is the secret to immortality. Mindfulness for immortality teaches us how to get a hold of our thoughts, how to create with our thoughts, and that’s what I’m teaching you right now and you can do this on your own with yourself or listen to this podcast again or memorize this little exercise I’m taking you through at this very moment. And the exercise to repeat is think of the word love, L O V. E in front of you. Think of the word love and compassion in front of your face.
Speaker 1:
It has a color. Give it a color. Mon is a deep, compassionate red love all around us. You and me and everyone listening to this podcast love, imagine love all around us. That doesn’t really matter what Tom, you’ve listened to the podcast I suggest to you. You’re with me now in the time and space I’m doing. It doesn’t matter if you’re going through this and listening to me after the time that I’ve done this, it doesn’t matter if all the people that listen to this podcast or listening at different times, I suggest you that time and space disappears a bit and we’re all together when we’re doing this. So together, think of the word love and think that you’re together with a group of wonderful, beautiful people that understand you, care about you and like you and altogether maybe we’re sitting at the beach. I live very close to the beach in Florida.
Speaker 1:
So think of a group of wonderful, compassionate, loving together people at the beach. We’re all respectfully holding love for each other. L, O, V. E. and if you can hear my neighbor’s dog barking away, we’re loving that dog. And I’m not kidding of pause so you can hear the dog bark a little bit. It sounds like he has a friend. Think of love for this dog. The Love’s a living soul, a living creature, a living being. It feels sadness, hopelessness. It feels stress, fear, love, compassion, and pain. If you’ve ever had a dog, you know, dogs can feel all this scientifically. We know now that dogs have empathy. They can feel how we’re feeling and share our thoughts. So when you find an annoying person or an annoying neighbors, Pat, just have love for a moment. If there’s nothing else you can do, if you have to be where you are, you can’t get away.
Speaker 1:
Hold that animal or person in love for just a moment. It won’t hurt you and what it does if nothing else, it gets your loving mechanism. It gets your loving ability going. We naturally respond to things with harshness. It is a dangerous world. It is a world of predation. We are under threat whether we know it or not, by micro [inaudible] organisms, people, animals, a enemy, nations perhaps. I don’t want you to think about enemies, but I do want you to constantly be aware that we all are designed biologically to survive, to fight, to take care of ourselves. We are predators and that can really get in the way of immortality. Consciousness of the secret immortality and what I’m doing right now, this mindfulness for immortality exercise that I keep interrupting, and that’s just fine that I interrupt it. Life has interruptions and you can begin this exercise again and again a thousand times a day.
Speaker 1:
The exercises this, think of the word love. Think of the word love in front of you. Think of loving people around you at the beach, at a sunrise or the sunset. It’s warm. You hear the waves, they’re washing over you in their feeling of love, not the water, the waters in the ocean, but waves of love coming from the waves of the ocean are washing over all of us sitting at the beach, holding perfect, immortal, love. The loves, love of our souls together, multiplying exponentially, healing, strengthening, creating love, and all of us the letters, L O V E in front of you right now. The color of love in those words, compassionate, rad. Now with your eyes closed, imagine you can see through your eyelids to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose. See a Ruby red arc. Remember this from previous podcast, a Ruby red arc from the tip of the nose into your heart going up about three to four inches.
Speaker 1:
Eyes to nose, nose to heart, eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a Ruby red arc. Hold that visualization. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby red arc. Hold that visualization for just a bit and then let your attention fall to your feet with your feet deeply rooted 10 feet into the earth. Your feet do not need to be on the earth. They can be. You can be on floor 50 of a skyscraper. Just visualize eyes to nose, a heart and a re-read arc. Feet deeply rooted into the gram. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Love around us. Love of our soul expressing and our body in the world. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, joyous, happy and free. Restless, irritable and discontent. It is our daily choice moment to moment, hour by hour, minute by minute. Think of the word love, L. O. V. E. L. O. V. E. love in your soul. Love in your heart. Love in your body, in your flesh. Every cell, your brain, your hands, your feet, your stomach, your throat, your heart everywhere. Deep, strong, eternal love. Immortal. Now for more CR, website, immortal Love you. Bless you, and keep you all until the next podcast. Secret to immortality.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master