It does not take long to make each day a good one,
but it does require some time and action.
In the morning:
- Think something good and hold that thought.
- Have a good wish and want it for a minute.
- Vision good-will in yourself, and in all you will meet.
Tell yourself how you are going to feel, act and respond throughout the day.
Make the choice to feel good and do what’s right!
Make a plan for the day of good feelings, good thoughts and deliberate actions.
Renew and rehearse this plan 6 times a day, or 4 times or 3? Renew and rehearse your plan throughout the day!
Repetition and practice are the secret to success. This is a state of mind to practice over time
Every day has a good quality and so do we!
It gets easier and easier to feel good and affect our life in an excellent way, as we practice and rehearse the quality of life we want. The world and other people begin to respond to our good intent.
Over time, our life transforms by taking “baby steps.” Giant leaps are rarely used.
Make today the best…
For more help on feeling good, read my blog post, “You Create Your Life”: