Below is a video that will show you how to harness and use the power of love within you.

This blog and video are based on my August 30th blog titled, “Love Is Our Identity.” Be sure to read it!

Beneath the video are some exercises and ideas that will help you immediately!


Love Is Our Identity

Love is our identity; love is our soul. Love is who we are when we are not too upset, worried or concerned.

If we get a little calm and still, if we get centered as who we really are… we can slowly know our love.

My experience with meditation, my knowledge of meditation practice with myself and other people is that love will emerge, as we practice.

Get Your Free Meditation Exercise!

Go to and do the “Qi Gong Warm Up” as your free meditation exercise. You can also find this exercise video under the “Qi Gong Videos” tab of the website.

Love Will Emerge

Meditation can be simple and quick: If we are at work or in our car, waiting for a light, we can breathe deeply and notice our breath, not forcing it, but placing gentle attention on how we breathe. This process is powerful over time.

Meditation Is Easy

Meditation is easy! In meditation, we shift our attention away from:

  • worry
  • concern
  • anger

In meditation, we shift our energy from a distracted and unproductive thought, to finding peace within us.

Anyone can meditate, at any time, in any place. In meditation, we can find our true identity, an identity of love and peace.

If you feel you can’t meditate, simply shift your attention to something good: a good thought, a good book or a good website. And do something good for someone else!

Our True Self Is Good!

As we experience our true self, love comes alive.

When we experience the true person we are, outside of worry and concern… When we experience ourself without injury or troubled thought–we experience who we really are, an identity of love.

We can find this identity of love by practicing any type of meditation or good activity that will shift our attention away from worry and fear—toward a relaxed expression of love.

We can begin this practice of finding peace by watching the Free Qi Gong Videos at my website:

Be well, have peace and find your love!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master