Laughter can lead to understanding, awareness and an open mind. An open mind is required to consider the thought that we may not have to die, that pain and hardship may be something we can change.

They Laughed and Then They Listened

The topic of immortality can make some people uneasy, if their commitment to death has never before been challenged.


When people are tense and unsure, they can sometimes laugh. It’s a relief, and I certainly don’t blame them.

In talking to someone new about human immortality, there can be laughter and disbelief.

When the laughter subsides, I say the following: “We create this world by what we think, say and do ... day by day, year after year.

“We can change life from a place of hardship, pain and death, to a world of kindness, goodwill and immortal progression.

“Qi Gong for Immortality can help.”

What Seems Absurd Can Be the Best Reality

For some, the idea of physical immortality seems absurd, for others immortality makes perfect sense.

boy-in mirror
On a Mission at an Early Age

I was born to be immortal and have been on this path, by conscious choice, since the age of 15.

From early childhood, I had always been a “seeker,” wanting to know the secret to life.

I felt I had lived 1,500 times before and wanted to make this life right: fulfilled and fully conscious, becoming all I could be.

I was on a mission at the age of 7 or 8 with this intent.

I Met an Immortal

When I met an immortal in my teenage years, who recognized my fate to immortality, I knew she was right. I was mentored into physical immortality at this time.

Yet the path to immortality has not been easy. I’ve had to give up every mortal thing: piece by piece, item by item and thought by thought — to allow the reality of immortality to express.

Don’t be concerned. The path to physical immortality need not be difficult. You can benefit by the work I’ve done and those before me. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

At Odds with the World?

On the path to immortality, we are in a way at odds with the world — the harm, the fight and death this world creates.

Don’t Fight; Step Aside

On the path to immortality, we have to step aside from the frantic hordes moving toward demise.

We have to choose a different thought, and chart another course.

To live with immortality is not a difficult choice to make, but practice is required.

We’re here to help you practice immortality.

We all can be immortal; we are immortal now.

I Teach the Secret to Immortality

When I tell people I share the secret to human immortality:

      • Some listen quizzically
      • Some smile with interest
      • Others say it’s impossible

But I know the secret to immortality, and so do YOU!

It’s Right Before Your Eyes!

Take a Look at Immortality

The secret to immortality is right before our eyes every day; it’s not a secret al all.

We create ourselves, this world and everything in it.

This idea is not new.

All historic schools of mastery, wise men and women from the beginning of time, give voice to this obvious truth — what we have is what we’ve made.

Even modern science has found we play a role in how the physics of the world performs. We’re not independent from creation.

How We Create

We begin each day with a plan. That plan may be deliberate, spontaneous or random. Yet…

      • We choose where to live and work
      • We choose to exercise or not
      • We choose good friends or bad
      • We choose everything we do
Choose to Create Something Good; then Do It.

Studies show most health problems are caused by how we act and choices we make, our human lifestyles.

We create most, if not all our problems, by our choices and reactions to life.

But we also create the good we have and wonderful life events.

4 Action Steps to Immortality Today!

  1. Do Qi Gong: Qi Gong info with Video
  2. See Our Blog:
  3. Read One Article: Secrets that Transformed My Life
  4. Discover My New Book: Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth

When Random Isn’t Random

The world is only random and capricious if we participate in a random and capricious way.

The world is orderly and good if we live in a benevolent and organized manner.

Our health, lives and relationships — good and bad — are largely what we create.

Life Can Be Tough

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What Awaits You?

The world we live in can be difficult for everyone, at some time or place.

Hardship, pain and death await us all, at some point in life … if we don’t take a different direction.

A Predatory World

We live in a difficult and predatory world: we’re under attack and pursued by disease, misfortune and bad intent.

There are animals that would happily eat us if given a chance. There are competitors who want our jobs. There are men who may want our wives.

There are nations that would like to harm and possess other nations.

It is a difficult and predatory creation… BUT WE CAN CHANGE IT ALL.

We Can Change How Life Behaves

A World that’s Grace Inspired

We can change a difficult planet from predation to grace inspired.

We can become aware of our part in this dilema: are we acting in harmful and predatory ways — or are we kind, aware and giving our best?

The Primordial Secret

The secret to immortality is that we create this reality.

We can change a world of problems to a design of our liking.

What We Can Have

I’d like a world of benevolence and grace, a world of immortality and positive outcomes.

I’d like to see life grow and evolve without fighting, running and crawling to kill the next meal.

Benevolence and Good

I’d like a world of good at every turn, where miracles happen.

I want to see people and nations working in cooperation.

What would you like for yourself and this planet?

An End to Death and Despair

Rise Up and Be Who You Are

I want to experience an end to death and disease … the end of war, despair and human suffering.

We can learn what we need to know; we can be ourselves and grow without killing, harm and greed.

What Do You Want from Life?

If you want immortality, grace and peace — read our blog here every week.

Try our books. Take our courses and do Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese healing art for immortality.

4 Action Steps to Immortality Today!

  1. Do Qi Gong: Qi Gong info with Video
  2. See Our Blog:
  3. Read One Article: Secrets that Transformed My Life
  4. Discover My New Book: Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master