For strength, calm and immortality, try the Qi Gong video below: “Five Organ Breathing.” It’s a simple technique anyone can do.

Qi Gong for Immortality

The Choice of Immortality

How we live our lives is a choice, regardless of how we do it: good, bad or in-between.

We can live with purpose or reckless abandon. We can live with vision and productive intent, or we can let life happen in a random manner.

How to Live with Intent

It’s our choice, what our lives become — though we may not be aware of the choices we’re making, day by day.

Qi Gong is a simple choice you can make today to begin your immortality journey, your effort to express your eternal self.


We’re Something Special

As we live each day, we can be…

  • Growing
  • Developing
  • Becoming an ideal

Our thoughts and intent prepare the way. Our thoughts and intent guide us and create what we become.

Our direction and plan, or lack thereof, have taken us to where we are today.

[Related: Secrets that Transformed My Life]

Try Qi Gong Now

Qi Gong is an Ancient Chinese Healing Art for strength, stability and immortality.

HOWEVER, your intent with this practice determines what you get, to great degree.

The Qi Gong we teach is designed for physical immortality, with immortality the primarily end, condition or product.

About This Video

Liver Breathing

As you do the Qi Gong Video below, understand and conceive that perfect health and immortality are what you create and what you receive.

In the video, we’re going through each organ system of our body and giving it attention from our core presence of eternal reality.

We Give Our Grace

As we do this exercise, we’re giving perfect grace and peace to every organ system. We understand each organ of our body has it’s own:

      • Perfection
      • Ideal function
      • Immortal condition

As we do this “Five Organ Breathing,” we allow the immortality of our true selves to express by getting out of the way, by allowing our Perfect And Eternal Lives to emerge.

Strong and Immortal


Try the Qi Gong Exercise below.

In the exercise, five organ systems of our body are made strong by our attention, grace and natural human drive.

Allow the quality of each organ to express with solid strength, stability and permanence.

Go Slowly, Not Fast

Don’t force the process, but allow and understand that your physical body is immortal, pure and good — knowing how to form itself, how to function and live.

Five Organ Breathing Qi Gong

A Final Thought

If you had perfect love and human immortality, how would that feel? Take this feeling to every cell of your body; know this feeling in your heart and soul.

Be well. Be happy and at ease. Take your eternal life to the world!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master