(The following is Part C of Lesson One from the free E-mail Class you can get at the web site, www.PerfectHealth.us/ImmortalNow . Parts B & A are posted below.)


Our body is designed to live forever: yet a body not at ease
and a world without peace will perish.
(From the book: Immortal Now)

Immortality begins with the idea of immortality. An underlying premise of The Immortality Process is that our true and accurate physical self is immortal: We were not designed to die, that death has come through misuse and mistreatment of ourselves, of others and of the world.

This idea is very simple. Immortality is not complex: it’s natural.

Immortality begins with the idea that we are immortal, that immortality is normal and real. Immortality has no beginning or end. There is no real time to it; it simply is who we are and how we live.


  • As immortal beings, we have always been here. There is no time beyond the moment of our life, beyond the instant of our      awareness.
  • Contemplate this statement. How could this be fact; how could this make sense?
  • Begin your contemplation with your resistance to this statement: Why is it wrong? How could it never be true?
  • Look at both sides of the issue: Contemplate, meditate and write. What do you think, and how do you feel about it? How about you?  Spend ten minutes or less on this exercise, then move on.

Death is a  temporary condition we have created by acting without wisdom and care. Death is not something that has to happen, that needs to happen or should happen.

Death happens because we made it happened. It is a situation and reaction we have created for ourselves. Death is a consequence of human behavior.

Death is the result of not using our bodies and minds as they were designed.

We go about life accepting this horrible situation of accident, death and disease… of incredible daily suffering on a massive scale. We accept death and pain as normal and natural… as an inevitable fact of life; yet none of this needs to happen.

I suggest we stop death NOW! It is not difficult to do. Ending death happens by making small choices and acting upon these choices.

Turning around the consequence of death takes practice on a daily basis.

The process is so easy and simple, it is hard to believe and easy to forget. There is NOT a lot to figure out regarding immortality, but there is a lot to do… over and over again.

We use the same process that creates death, to create immortality.

We pay attention to what we are creating by our thinking and actions. We change our behaviors to exclude all life defeating thoughts and motion.

The creative process of choice making, of making choices and acting upon them, creates what we have… for better or worse.

It is our choice: What we get from life, our state of mind and health is a consequence of choice.

There is conscious choice and behavior, the choice that brings about change. And there is unconscious choice and behavior… that happens by habit, with little awareness.

We change our lives, our health and circumstances by making conscious choices toward immortality, by making conscious choices toward health, happiness and material fulfillment.


This completes Lessons One
of your free Immortal Now class. There are 9 more exciting classes that will come at 3 day intervals by E-mail to you.

* Remember to download your free book, Immortal Now.
* Remember to  purchase and begin reading Lessons in Love at the web site: www.TheLessonsInLove.com

Read Immortal Now and Lessons in Love at the same time. Read each book for 10 minutes. Relax, and then read the other book. Meditate, contemplate and go about your day.

My best wishes and good luck to you!!!


John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master