(The following is Part B of Lesson One from the free E-mail Class you can get at the web site, www.PerfectHealth.us/ImmortalNow . Part A is posted below.)


We now begin Part Two. Read and contemplate the following:

The Immortality Process is slow and gentle. It is never hard or fast. It is steady, strong and persistent as a gentle flowing stream.

The Immortality Process is calm, cool and peaceful.  Yet this peaceful stream can change the form of the largest rock over time. This stream can create valleys of winding and enormous depth. This stream can change the face of the world and redirect the currents of life.

The Immortality Process is gentle and strong…. just like our soul. As we awaken our own immortal nature through The Immortality Process, we are, in fact, awakening the deepest and strongest part of ourselves. We are accessing our essential nature, our creative essence we use to form our life.

The Immortality Process brings the physical body into agreement with our perfect soul.

The Immortality Process achieves a gentle balance between what is, what we are today in the flesh, and what the soul has always been… perfection.

The Immortality Process brings the physical body and mind into agreement with the perfect soul until the perfect soul is, in fact, the perfect body and mind—both being one and the same.

The Immortality Process is a method whereby the body becomes the perfect expression of the soul, where there becomes no difference between the two, where the body becomes the perfect expression of the soul, and the soul becomes the perfect expression of the body.

This is how we were created be—a perfect physical creation, one unified and perfect being, with no division of body and soul. Misuse of our bodies and lives, over time,  slowly led to a separation,  a collective and individual schism of  conscious and physical presence… a situation of life and death, suffering and pain was created.

Loneliness, despair, death and suffering were created by this rift and rupture of body and soul, this division of perfect mind and troubled mind, this division of soul and body. It is a painful state of being.

This split is artificial and not our real nature; it can be repaired. This is what the Immortality Process does: it brings wholeness.

This division can be repaired by a steady pace of loving action practiced daily in all of life. Love brings true consciousness back to life, back to union and perfect expression.

The separation is not real, and loneliness is not necessary.  Death itself is just a division in awareness that came about slowly over time. Unity of consciousness and action can easily be restored.

If you do not think you are perfect or do not want to be perfect, that’s OK. All you need is a desire to have a little more out of life: More health, happiness and material stability.

All of what we get from life and ourselves comes from the soul—the true and deep identity of who we.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master