Four Powerful Secrets
There are four remarkable secrets that have blessed me in my personal journey to immortality.
We draw from these four secrets in the teachings I give you of books, videos, lectures and courses.
The “12 Steps to Immortality” are one of the secrets. Today, for your benefit, we’ll discuss all four remarkable secrets.
My personal immortality practice has included these Four Secrets:
- 1. Translation from Mortal to Immortal Life
- 2. Reading Books about Masters of the Far East
- 3. Qi Gong Work for Peace, Strength and Immortality
- 4. Practice and Instruction on the 12 Steps to Immortality
In this article, you’ll learn about each of these secrets as well as the 12 Steps to Immortality.
Here we go…
[Secret #1] Translation from Mortal to Immortal Life

Translate: to change the form, condition, nature, etc. []
I began my practice of physical immortality, in a deliberate way, at age 15 when I met an American Master who shared her immortality process with me.
This Master called her immortality process “Translation,” where we translate our mortal, death-inclined human cells, to cells of biological immortality.
My extraordinary experience with this Mentor began my own “immortality process.” It was a bit challenging at the beginning, and for years to come.
[Secret #2] Masters of the Far East Books
As I progressed, I read an important set of books, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East” by Baird L. Spalding. The books describe a research party’s travels to India and Tibet and their encounter with a tribe of human immortals.
Throughout my childhood and teenage years, my mother acted as a mentor, giving me influential books to read on personal growth and development.
Of all the books my mother presented to me, these books on the Far East were the most important and most ardently suggested.
I studied and read these books many times: rehearsing, memorizing and placing myself in the scenes described.
As I read and studied these books, I took the feel and sense of immortality into my personal life.
I let these books transform me, creating a foundation for immortal consciousness.
The effect of my practice with these books was life-changing, in a permanent and immortality-activating-way.
Powerful and Inspiring!
The Far East books by Baird Spalding are powerful, inspiring and a fascinating look at the daily life of physical human immortals who do not experience death, illness or calamity.
These immortals are the same as we, in every respect. Yet, their choices and habits consistently favor life, not death.
The immortals are normal humans — smart, compassionate and giving — where you’ll see yourself in their stories and understand how a life of immortality is both possible and imperative for good human living.
[Related: See the books: “Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East”]

[Secret #3] Qi Gong for Immortality
I further have benefited by my past 20+ years of practice with a Qi Gong Grandmaster from Beijing, China.
I’m now a Qi Gong Master in my teacher’s lineage.
The purpose of our practice and Qi Gong lineage is:
- Health
- Wellbeing
- Immortality
[Related: Qi Gong Explanation with Free Qi Gong Videos!]
The Immortality Argument of Christ
My early background, from childhood forward, was a Christian approach that sees the words of Jesus presenting a similar message as Taoists, Kabbalists, Yoga Masters and others…

…where death is not the natural way, with eternal life the intended design.
These teachings present suffering and death as our own making, where eternal life on earth is here — now — for those who choose it, acting with compassion and eternal love.
God Consciousness of Early Years
From my earliest times, as a child, I experienced “God Consciousness.”
I felt the presence of a beautiful and loving consciousness that was full and complete. I experienced this loving reality in myself and in the world; I still do.

When I later learned of hardship and suffering, I felt it my mission to bring this perfect love to the world, ending accident and pain for the masses … presenting an alternative to suffering and death.
The 12 Steps to Immortality can bring this perfect love about for you, ending your pain and improving your life in every possible way.
[Related: What is Kabbalah?]
[Secret #4] Benefits of the 12 Steps
My day-to-day spiritual practice, for over 30 years, has been the 12 Steps as presented in 12 Step programs: A.A, Al-Anon, Co-Dependents Anonymous, Over Eaters Anonymous, etc.
Everyone has habits, good and helpful habits, but also habits that harm. Most habits are unconscious behaviors we do with little thought.
I suggest death, disease and suffering are habits, bad habits, or more accurately … addictions.
[Related: What are the 12 Steps?]
End Your Addiction to Death

Death, suffering and disease can be seen as addiction — things we do by habit, without much awareness or action to change.
A 12 Step approach is perfectly designed to break the habit of death addiction, allowing immortality and love to prevail.
The “12 Steps to Immortality” serve as a valuable aid for spiritual and personal development, as a process to end our addiction to death.
“Step One” of the 12 Steps to Immortality
Step One: We admitted we were powerless over death, hardship and pain — that our lives had become unmanageable.
If you’re satisfied with a life of death, harm and disease, you may not be interested in the 12 Steps for Immortality.
However, if suffering and the harm of life are something you want to change, the 12 Steps to Immortality may be for you.
Stay Tuned…
Stay tuned for next week’s blog post where we show you, in greater detail, the benefits and power of “Step One” in the 12 Steps to Immortality.
While you wait, the article on how Qi Gong saved my life may benefit you…
Blog Article: “Qi Gong Saved My Life”