As we give up our intention to die, what happens?
Why Accept Death?
Why accept death in our life, if the acceptance of death makes
death happen?
The way of death was prepared, arranged and practiced by those
who preceded us. They were wrong. Why agree and go their way,
when we can chose a different direction?
Live Your Life Now!
It can be hard to accept that something done so long is wrong,
no matter how cruel and obscene the action may be?
Death is wrong. Death is something we do to ourselves, by our thoughts
and our actions.
God’s Thought Was of Life, Not Death
If God had a thought, it would surely be that we stop the
brutality, the curelty and blindness of our actions that lead
to death and pain.
We don’t have to die or suffer; we can live as we are and
develop a sainthood of our own.
Stop Believing in an End; Life Is Timeless!
Beliefs are a dangerous inaction. Past ideas keep us in the past. But living
in the present, taking charge of our lives and making good choices
give us life that does not end in pain.

Make a Good Choice
Our decisions will save us, rejecting cruel action makes us free.
What others do wrong to us, is their wrong, having little to do with
We are who we are, and how we react shapes the fact of our lives.
We are not what has been done to us, or what’s been done before
we came.
We make our own decisions; we need not repeat a wrong.
Death Is Wrong
We do not have to die. Death is an ill informed reaction. Death
is a wrong. Death is cruel, but we choose it again and again,
while another way is waiting?
To die takes a leap of faith, a faith in the wrong direction. To live
takes no faith at all. To live is what we naturally do.
Death is wrong.
Is There a Lesson to Learn from Death?
If there is a lesson to learn from death, the lesson is that death
is wrong and need not be.
Disease, suffering and injury are not a normal way of life.
We design life, not a “God” from above or a “Satan” from below;
it is we who design what we have and how we live.
We are the ones who have made all of life.

Acceptance Is the Key
We must accept that we have created what we have for a world;
with acceptance and awareness, we can change it all to
something good again.
Death Is a Fate that Need Not Be
We don’t have to believe that death has to happen.
We do not have to think that death is a “natural fact” or a “cycle of life.”
Death is death; death is not life. Let’s not pretend?!
There is nothing good about death. Can we be brave enough to say this?
Why are we afraid to call death something wrong, when we all know death
should not be?
Why are we so affraid to challenge the “End” and call it what it is? Death IS
something wrong we must change.
We fear death so much… that we fear to change it, but we must. Death must end,
and we must end it.
We do not have to accept suffering and brutality as part of life, when it never is
life at all?
Brutality, suffering and death are not natural. Most of us know this fact
instinctively–we know it in our gut as fact. So why not act on this fact?
Why not act out the fact that suffering is not what we want, and something
we will not accept?
Should we not insist that cruelty has no place in life?

It Seems so Strange to Accept Something We Don’t Want?
Of all the stupid things to accept… we accept death? And by accepting death,
we create the space and the place for dying to happen.
Could we live instead? Could we possibly accept life and not death? Would this
be a better action?
It seems so strange to want to grow old, why not just grow up and live instead?
We Made Death a Fact
It seems so strange to accept brutal consequences as natural fact, when
this is what we have made? We act like death is someone else’s fault,
the cause of something other than ourselves, when this is not true at all?
We made death a fact by our acts. We die by our own hand and not the
hand of someone else. We have created a victim world, where all of nature
and ourselves behave with brutality. It is our fault we have this world, and
we should change it now.

Should We Feel a Healthy Need to Change?
We should feel a need to change these facts, and not accept
the cruelty of death as a “fact of life”?
We should be ashamed of our lack—our lack of confidence, bravery
and willingness to change these “facts.”
It’s our problem. We created it. We need to take responsiblilty for
life, all of it, and change the fact of suffering and death.
There Is Nothing to Lose
There is nothing to lose, our lives are already lost. So why not change
the fact of death to life, and stop this numb and stupid action of millennia?
Have we not had enough of mayhem and cruelty… of death? Isn’t it time
to change these facts?
We have lived as fools enough. It is time to call ourselves
out, to turn about and change what we’ve done wrong.
We are NOT children; we are adults who can change the facts; we can
change the facts by changing our thoughts, words and actions.
We have acted wrong, and the world now wrongs us in similar action.
It is now the time to change the way we act, and change the way of
our creation.
It Is Time to End Death
There is no force to overcome, no karma that must be
undone. Death does not have to be defeated or outrun.
Death is simply an act of wrong doing, of wrong hearted
action that is acting back upon us. To change the facts, we
need to love with discipline and action.

There Is No Reason to Die
We simply have to live, look and walk in another direction.
We have to entertain the possibility that death is an option.
This begins with a thought, and becomes a fact with sustained
intent and effort over time.
God did not create death, and death has no lesson to teach us,
beyond the fact that it should not happen.
There is no lesson, no secret or riddle… death, suffering and pain
are thingswe do, that we do not have to do.
There is no lesson. There is simply the choice to do something
By thoughts, words and action we change our present situation.