How do you change your life today, right now… this instant?
How do you move away from a world that takes you to death, pain and accident?
Move Away from Bad Events
How do we move away from suffering and death? If we call death and suffering a “left turn,” how do we “turn right” into love, wholeness and fullness of being… into a life of compassion, happiness and bliss?
Bliss and Perfection
How do you make that change, to bliss and perfection; it may seem impossible? But it’s not impossible at all. You can make the change toward something good this second, right now with me by changing how you think, speak and act. It’s that simple.
Do an Inventory
Do an inventory at the end of the day. How have you been thinking; how have you been speaking? How have you been acting today; how have you been treating yourself and others? It is always about you, about me; it’s a question of how we are treating ourselves and others… good or bad? These actions, this treatment creates our world.
Move toward Love
To change instantly, I suggest beginning with the word, “love.” Put aside everything you’ve heard about love, everything you think about love.
Put aside thoughts about successful relationships and unsuccessful relationships. Put aside thoughts about love from your parents, or not getting love from your parents that you deserved. Put aside thoughts about not giving love to yourself, or not giving love to your children that they deserved.
Love Is in You Now!
Put away all those judgments, all those thoughts and just think about love, the word l-o-v-e. What is love? I am teaching you right now how to activate love within you. Love is in you now.
This love in you is activated by awareness, awareness that love is always you. Activate love in you. Be aware; see and feel this love. Love is within you. Love is in me.
We activate the “Loving Core” of our soul, with the simple word and thought of love.
Thoughts, words and deeds create our world.
Change Your Direction
We can change our direction away from failure, disease and death. We can change that left turn toward trouble, to a right turn toward love, compassion and bliss. We do this by changing how we think, speak and act.
For instant strength and peace
Part 1.
To change this instant, think about the word, love. Close your eyes, and focus down toward your nose. See a ruby red arc going from your nose to your heart.
Think about the love within you: feel it, sense it, see it this love now. There is love everywhere in you as who you are. Love is you. Love is me and everyone else in the world.
Think of your heart; what is in your heart? Think of love. Now let your attention, with your eyes shut, go down to your legs. See your feet deeply rooted to the earth, like the roots of a tree.
Be calm; be at peace.
Part 2.
With your eyes closed, see a ruby red arc going out from your nose to your heart. Love, think of love. Allow love to come from your core… your soul, yourself.
– Think of the thought, “I am love.”
– Think of the words, “I am love.”
– Speak the words, “I am love,” and touch your heart.
Think of love and say, “I am love.”
Take your hand, and tap your heart gently saying, “I am love.”
Part 3.
Let’s feel love in who we are, completely and deeply. Let’s feel love in our heart. Let’s feel this love go from our heart to our head. Let’s see our love go from our heart down our body to our feet and into the ground, as we are deeply rooted like a tree in love.
Let us know, feel and be the earth in all its kindness, in all its loving earthly presence. Let’s see the air of this world as the atmosphere of love, with the sun shining forth and bringing out our love, with the sun giving us its’ “Perfect Essence.”
Part 4.
Let love happen, right now… in your heart, in your soul, in your life. Let love happen to you!
Let love be who you are today, this instant! With me, with the world, with everyone who’s reading this article, with everyone who’s reading these words… let love be who you are! Let your words be heard by all of us here reading this page, as you say, “I am Love”!
If you would like to know more about Qi Gong, and how it can activate the “Loving Core” of who you are, if you would like to know more about love in your life―how to have a life of goodness, positive outcomes, bliss and happiness―if you would like to know “Your Own Perfection”… if you want all of this, go to my website,
I have two websites: At I have a blog where you can read free inspirational articles and some of my book, “Lessons in Love.” Go to to see how I teach Qi Gong and how to activate your soul, your Perfect Self and Being.
See for more inspiration, to learn how to structure this knowledge, bliss and tender happiness into your life. I give you lessons, suggestions, techniques and Qi Gong, along with my writing and videos to help you:
Activate and structure the “Perfection of Your Soul” into your body and this world.
More Videos on Immortality and Love (This is part one.)
See “Immortaltiy and Love” Part 1 at
See “Immortality and Love” Part 2 at
See my websites: and