Introduction to this Blog Post
We’re Happy You’re Here!
Welcome, I’m John Harrigan, Qi Gong Master, Immortality Coach and the author of the upcoming book, “The Secret to Immortality.”
You’re the reason that the Secret to Immortality exists. Your curiosity, purpose and calling gives life to this work! Thank you for being here today.

How I Began the Secret to Immortality
I’ve spent most of my life — childhood, teen and adult — working on the Secret to Immortality: the practice of how to be joyous, happy and free; living without disease, hardship and death.
In my youth, I began working on the Secret to Immortality with my mother, Ada, as my mentor. She practiced and studied yoga, read books about it, especially the historic yogi masters of the East.
My mother studied homeopathic healing and practiced it with our family. One of her older uncles was an M.D. and a graduate of Hahnemann Medical College with a specialty in Homeopathy, before it lost favor.
This medical approach was very powerful and effective, but the art of it seems to have been lost in modern time.
Healing Gifts and Health Consciousness

My mother was strongly aware that our thoughts, feelings, diet and behavior strongly affected our health. This idea was employed and practiced in our household, every day, all day long.
With an uncanny ability to heal both people and animals, my mother had a reputation. People would drop off hopeless cats, traumatized and ill. I would watch my mother hold them, day after day, as the cats came back to health and lived long lives.
You could visually see the healing process, feel the energy and light flowing from my mother to the cats, back and forth in a healing union.
Passing away at age 98, as my mother did, was not unusual for her family. They all had a strong health orientation. They thought and acted with a consistent healthful will. My mother and her family were ahead of the times, eating only organic foods in the 1930’s on up!
Sadly, so I thought as a child, Sugar Frosted Flakes and soda-pop were not allowed in our house.
My Mother as Mentor
At the age of 12, my mother bought a record that taught meditation. I used this record on a daily basis, learning to meditate to great effect: finding calm and peace; advancement and wonder. A new world opened up to me.
As a family, we went to a progressive Episcopal Church every Sunday. I must admit, I paid little attention to what was taught or said, however, I felt the presence of God in a strong and meaningful way, as a toddler and on-up in age.

I read Christian mysticism and Unity publications that my mother subscribed to. A great deal of Unity literature was also available in our church library.
“The five basic ideas of Unity’s belief system are:[14]
- “God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere.”
- “We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good.”
- “We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.”
- “There is power in affirmative prayer, which can increase a person’s connection to God.”
- “Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. People must live them.”
[Source: About Unity, wiki/Unity_Church]
Wonderful Teaching, Powerful Spirit
I had a childhood, and teen years, of being surrounded with powerful, and proven, spiritual ideas.
Wonderful teachings of the best minds, and esoteric practices of the world, were available to me and discussed in my home. I came from a family were we lived with purpose and diligent intent, going forward in every possible way.
There was a powerful spirit to these wonderful lessons and great ideas.
Freedom of Thought
Our thoughts must be free to travel to our soul, unimpeded.
Growing up, I felt we all lived in the presence of a Higher Power … that a benevolent intent helped us through each day.
As a child, this was how I experienced life. Since my earliest years, I felt connected to a Compassionate Being that was present in all of life.

No one around me was ever dogmatic, chastising or blaming. At home and school, I was taught to think in a critical manner, for myself, coming to my own conclusions.
I was free to pursue my spiritual development in the manner that best suited me, discovering my own truths.
From childhood, I was in constant contact with a Perfect Compassion that I felt and experienced everywhere I went. I saw and experienced the presence of God in all of life: from small living things, to mountain tops and stars … everything was alive with the Presence of Love.
I thought that everyone else was having the same experience.
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Books to Awaken Your Immortality
My mother shared and discussed many books with me. She would read a great book, then pass it on to me.
As I read the book, we would discuss our thoughts and what the readings meant to us. At one point, we read of immortals — a tribe of immortals in the East. We studied how they lived, thought and practiced their lives.

Of particular influence were the six book volumes by Baird T. Spalding titled, “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East.” The books detail the author’s time with a tribe of immortals he accidentally discovered on a scientific project in the Gobi Desert.
It was with these books that I was deeply transformed, evolved and came to understand the potential of humanity — that we were born to live the fullness of human immortality.
An Extraordinary Outcome!
The effect of the books was remarkable. They took me through the day-to-day activities, thoughts and spiritual practices of immortals.
I discovered we could change our lives instantly in a powerful and lasting way, that all of us were born to live forever — joyous, happy and free.
[Related: The 6 Volumes of “Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East”]
My mother and I took classes in meditation. We read books that included metaphysics as well as the world’s major religions. We studied outstanding writings by individuals that explored the greater meaning of existence.
Initiation to Lasting Life

In my later teens as I took classes on spiritual growth, I met a woman elder, an American Master, working on her own immortality process.
She was processing her body, mind and spirit into an immortal state, a condition of lasting human potential.
My experiences with her were remarkable, profound and life changing.
By her awareness and effort, I became initiated into immortal life. For me, it was what I wanted and knew my life should be. A conscious path and purpose had begun.
I was born with a determined zeal to know the secret to life and progress as far as humanly possible. My mentor made this possible with direction and personal power.
I wanted to be complete, full and realized as an immortal human. This path has led me here today, writing this to you.
A Mission of Immortality

My life mission is to share the path of human immortality with all the world.
This mission began decades ago with my own learning, struggle and efforts to embody this truth … to be an effective teacher of this simple Secret to Immortality that everyone can use.
We hope you join us on this mission to teach the Secret to Immortality across the planet. This mission begins with your own progress toward eternal physicality.
The help you today, we offer a three-fold Secret to Immortality path that includes:
- Mindfulness for Immortality
- Qi Gong for Lasting Life
- Immortality Coaching
Mindfulness for immortality lets you look at your thoughts, words and actions … and how these create your reality both good or trouble. With Mindfulness, you learn simple techniques for a life of immortality, strength and happiness.
[Related: Blog Article, “Mindfulness for Immortality”]
Qi Gong (Chee) is an ancient Chinese healing art that builds physical immortality. I’m a Qi Gong Master and guide you through simple exercises anyone can do to create deep internal strength, lasting peace and physical immortality.
[Related: All about Qi Gong]
When you’ve completed our “Introduction to Immortality” course, we offer you Immortality Coaching where you can advance at the side of a more experienced practitioner.
[Related: Our Course, “Introduction to Immortality”]
Is There More to Discover?
If you’d like to find out more, and get going on your own immortality quest, we suggest you:
- Read our Blog
- Watch our Videos
- Take the Course
- Apply for Coaching
- Join our Facebook Page
If you want to dive deep today, try our course, “Introduction to Immortality.”

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We’re born to live forever: joyous, happy and free!
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Help us change the world, our lives and physical bodies.

Be part of this important community where we share the choice of immortality with everyone on earth.
Join our intent to create an improved physical reality, where everyone benefits.
Start today with the Secret to Immortality.
It's simple; you can do it!

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How to Use Our Blog
Did you know that our blog articles are where you can get free help and inspiration every week with your Secret to Immortality path?
By reading these words and considering the ideas you've read here today, you're doing the Secret to Immortality work.
Some immortality work is accomplished by conscious intent and purposeful practice, but much of this eternal transformation happens naturally in an automatic way, of its own accord, as we gently move the process of lasting life along in our lives.
We suggest you read these blog articles with a quit mind, then meditate after you're finished reading.
Understand immortality is a transformational process. It requires a little tending and regular practice.
The way of immortality is gentle, peaceful and calm; it is our eternal selves expressing in physicality.
Know the Power of Your Soul

By your intent, let each blog post transform you.
Every week you read a blog post can take you closer to eternal physical expression and knowing the good of your deep core being.
Every day of Qi Gong practice makes you stronger in the Secret of Immortal Life -- furthering your happiness, strength and purpose.
We wish you the best, and will see you next week with more:
- Inspiration
- Powerful thought
- Immortality instruction
Try out some of what you've read today.
Read past blog articles from the archives.
Do Qi Gong for Lasting Life on a daily basis.
You are Immortal Now!
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