We can solve problems using the “Design of Life.” The design of life is who we are. The design of life is everywhere we look. Benevolent in nature, this design is ready to assist.
The design of life is good and ready to help.
How do we solve a problem with this design—the design of who we are, the design of life itself?
Solve any Problem in Five Easy Steps:
1. Distance yourself from the problem
2. Define the problem
3. Consider all possibilities
4. Ask that the problem be solved
5. Act to solve the problem
How to Distance Yourself from a Problem
As we face a problem, perhaps insurmountable, perhaps small… we need to pause and relax, making sure we are not the problem itself or a major contributing factor?
Relax and rest, take action to free your mind and fall into peace. Allow the design of life to work in your favor. Allow yourself to forget your problem, and shift your attention to something good. Disengage from the act of trying to solve the problem. Allow the design of life to assist you.
Once we have disengaged or stopped thinking about the problem, solutions can arrive… with little effort. Often our thinking, a thinking filled with worry and concern, can interfere with the part of our brain that can form a solution.
We may need to relax and shift our attention to something else that has nothing to do with the problem. A night of sleep may help?
If we let go a little, disengage from the problem and allow the design of life to assist us, solutions present themselves with little effort.
How to Define a Problem in a Way that Will Solve It
After we have rested and allowed ourselves to relax… we may ask ourselves, “Is there still a problem”?
If the answer is yes, we ask how big or small is the difficulty? Have we exaggerated or underestimated? If the problem still exists, we ask ourselves, and life, to define the problem and explain how this problem can be solved?
We ask our mind of peace and calm to tell us what the problem is? We wait for understanding. We allow the best solution to present itself. We allow the design of life to work in our favor.
We do not rush into action. There may be no problem at all? We may simply need to move on. Or there may be a solution at hand and ready for our consideration?
Find All Possibilities for Solving a Problem
What do we have to actually do? What actions do we have to take to solve a problem? Is it best to do nothing, or maybe do very little?
If we are angry, it might be best to wait until the anger subsides? If we are angry and want to tell someone how we feel… it might be best do this when we have better control?
Anger is helpful in an emergency when we have to act quickly. As a basis of action, however, anger is rarely needed in our modern world.
We need to express anger, but in a manner that does not cause harm. Yet anger held too long can be toxic to our bodies and minds.
Ask of yourself and others, the best way to express your anger? Usually a talk with a trusted friend is all we need, or a session with ourselves writing out our feelings of frustration.
To solve a problem, we must take action of some kind… or wait for time to remedy what we cannot control.
Ask for a Solution to Your Problem
As we have a clear and defined picture of what a problem is, we might ask that the problem be solved. We can ask for the strength and courage to do what we must do. We can ask for patience and assistance from all the world.
Life is designed to help us and meet our needs.
If we need an answer or want something fixed… if we need help with a specific problem, we usually must ASK for help. No one can help us if we do not tell them what the problem is and ask that it be solved.
The world is designed to help us, but we must ask to receive this help. To engage the responsive design of life, we must ask for what we need.
If we cannot solve a problem, there is usually another person willing and able to help us… if we ask for help.
A problem held alone can rarely be solved. A problem shared may quickly come to an end.
When we share a problem, the world comes to our rescue. When we share what is wrong, we network and connect.
Attempting to solve a problem alone, we are disabled. As humans, we are designed to live and work in partnership—joined with others and not alone.
Take Action to Solve the Problem!
Often, problems are never solved because we don’t take action to solve the problem. We may know what to do, but we do not do it?
So ask yourself, why have you not taken action to solve a problem? Why do you wait? Do you need to wait, or should you act now?
The cause of delay may be that there is another problem that must be solved before the BIG problem can be approached. Ask yourself again, “What is the problem”?
Go through all 5 steps again. Make your best decision… to act or wait?
There is always something we can do to improve a situation. There is aways something we can do to improve ourselves.
If taking NO action, or waiting, is the best decision to be made… action is still required to wait productively. Waiting can be a time of growth and opportunity. To make the most of waiting, we need to have a plan… a plan of how to wait in a useful manner.
For solving a problem, waiting or doing nothing may sometimes be the best plan of action. By waiting, doing nothing and not making a problem worse… we allow the design of life to work in our favor.