We Create Creation
By our choices — small and large, conscious and unknowing — we write the code that crafts the world and tells it what to do.
The Secret to Immortality is neither new nor original; it contains the wisdom, experience and teaching of most every advanced school of spiritual study throughout history.
The essence of the Secret to Immortality is that we create our world by what we:
- Think
- Say
- Do
By our choices — small and large, conscious and unknowing — we write the code that crafts the world and tells it what to do.
My Daily Practice
With the Secret to immortality, we practice personal awareness, directing ourselves to immortal life. This is what I do every day, throughout most of the day.
You can do this same thing by reading our blog and book, watching the free videos and practicing Qigong. With these actions, awareness can grow; immortality can arise.
By this daily practice, we find our soul and express it in the world. Happiness and immortality are the goal.
How I Do It
… a purposeful awareness that enlivens immortality …
How do I practice the Secret to Immortality today, after decades of personal intent, study and effort? A good question…
In the morning: I meditate, pray and do Qigong. I’ve done Qigong so long, my practice can be a formal Qigong exercise but more often is a purposeful awareness that enlivens immortality in my body and life.
What I do is simply an activation of my deep self, or more accurately, our deep selves: I join with a Greater Power that includes all of life.
A Day Divided
I divide the day into three parts:
- Morning
- Afternoon
- Night
I make an effort to be aware of my immortal core all day long; to act with kindness, care and understanding. Of course, I often fail; I’m not a saint, but human.
Perfection isn’t the goal; progress is what we seek. The truth lay in progress; the human idea of perfection holds us back.
We are a developing being.
Humanity, the Good and Bad
As with everyone, I’m biologically designed for predation: to hunt, kill, take from nature and defend territory … a hunter/gatherer.
We are all made to fight for what we want, to pursue selfish ends and get what we instinctively feel we must have to survive in a world of predation.
This strong instinct for survival, by predatory actions, is a crisis state of being that can drive our lives, kill us and destroy the world.
What I practice and teach gives us an alternative to the death directed behavior of the world.
How the Problem Unfolds
As we kill and take, we’re pursued in the same manner.
Because we’re born to a world that looks for sustenance outside itself, by taking and consuming other life, we’re in constant danger of being killed by other humans, animals, microorganisms, acts of nature, etc.
Without food we perish; without shelter and safety we die; without territory in which to live and hunt … we can’t survive. If there were suddenly no oxygen or sun, we all would quickly end.
We’re continually under threat, and our lives are at risk every day. Yet, I live and teach another way, a way that goes directly to the core that sustains all life.
Looking in the Wrong Direction
There is no death within us. Our deep and permanent soul is everlasting.
Without much thought, we pursue our needs outside of who we are, instead of looking within. Our actions take us away from ourselves toward a world of pain, suffering and death.
We live in crisis, conscious or unaware of this fact. The question becomes: how do we turn this around to something benevolent, calm and lasting … something not in critical condition?
I suggest a daily practice, and I live my life to this end. With the Secret to Immortality, you can do the same.
You “Can Do” what I Do
I’ve described how I divide my day into three parts: morning, afternoon and night.
I renew the pursuit of my soul and join with a Greater Power in these three separate parts of the day. I practice being connected internally and externally to a Presence of the Divine … with an understanding of immortal life.
Qi Going in the best way I’ve found to do this, to gain immortal power and strength, to activate the love and goodwill at the core of us all.
In addition to Qi Gong, we can move forward by how we think and what we do. We gain the eternal by giving away our gold, by connecting to a Greater Goodness and letting this Goodness flow into our world.
[Related: Mindfulness for Immortality]
At Noon each Day
At noon each day, I meet with a group of people bettering themselves and gaining a spiritual strength. I pray, meditate, listen and talk … from my soul. I join numbers of people using their will to move forward with who they are.
At night, I again get calm, strong and joined with family, friends and all of you. At night, my motive is to be spiritually home.
I am writing, now, in the evening. As I write, I’m connecting with everyone who will read my words and everyone who will be affected by those who read these words.
What I Do before I Write
Before I write, and as I’m writing, I let go of egoism as best I can. I pray, get calm and ask a Greater Purpose to work through me and what I type. As I write, I have the intent to let the Perfect Core of life speak and bring us all along.
Before bed, I again get calm and connect with the Perfect Will in myself and in life. I feel my eternal core in body, mind and soul. I do Qi Gong. I dream, hope and pray to be what I sense I am. I ask that my actions benefit the world, that what I do be a greater vision than my own.
A Vision for You!
Our vision for you, and all the world, is that you have the peace of your soul, the goodness of your heart and the joy this world has to offer.
We give you a way to do this with the Secret to Immortality.
To make this vision a reality, we suggest you:
Best wishes to you all.
Bonus Material
For a life of infinite bliss, discover the gold in yourself, and give it away!
To get the greatest gift life has to offer, join with a Greater Gift and act with this gift in your life.
When we join with a universal idea, the universe joins us in this thought.
Mindfulness for Immortality is a universal idea that connects us with the world by the truth of our thought and action.
With Mindfulness for Immortality, we move in concert with all of creation and behold a force that’s more than ours alone.
[Related: Mindfulness for Immortality]