It is important to dream, or become aware of what we are dreaming. Dreaming is how we create our life.
A specific dream may not come true , but it will lead to another dream that may be more important and may come to life. So all dreams are important, and all dreams lead to other dreams that really happen.
The trick or skill of life is to become aware of the dreams you make while awake. If you are bored and unhappy with life, if nothing seems to change and nothing exciting or good seems to happen… this is your conscious dream. This reality is yours that you are making. Anything that happens in life is your dream that you are creating.
So capture your dreams. Know what you are thinking and feeling. Imagine and CHANGE YOUR LIFE if you do not like what you are living.
It is the waking dream that creates everything. It is your waking dream that will bring you misery or provide the greatest joy.
What is your dream to day; how are you living? Change, refine and create the dream that you want. Work at it every day.
Imagine what you want, then think about how you can make it happen.
First dream, then take action.
Dream and action make the best fantasy happen.
Few good things arrive by accident, most are dreamed, acted and practiced again and again…. into existence.
A dream practiced well, over time, becomes reality. Every thought you have, every feeling, is a dream creating your life and place of existence. Dream well.