Activate God Consciousness within your body for strength, calm and immortal physical life.

In this Meditation Today

I’m John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website:

In this mediation today, we bring God, our Higher Power, into physical expression.

Follow along as we take you to your core of eternal love and bring it into flesh.

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Connecting to Immortal Life

With the Secret to Immortality, we’re connecting to a Higher Power, the God Consciousness at our core; a core of perfect love, eternal and good.

As we connect to this immortal love, we consciously bring it to our physical bodies, our minds and physical hearts.

It’s simple; you can do it. We’ll guide you along in this gentle meditation.

Let’s begin …

A Qigong Master

Meditate with John Harrigan: Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach the Secret to Immortality, Qigong and Personal Growth.

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To begin a path of eternal life on earth, go to and read the blog; see our book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!

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  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Immortality LAB

Be at peace and calm; you are immortal now.


Speaker 1:
With the Secret to Immortality, we’re connecting to a Higher Power, the God Consciousness at our core — a core of perfect love, eternal and good. As we connect to this immortal love of who we are, we consciously bring it into our physical bodies, our minds and physical hearts.
I’m John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website, In this meditation today, we bring God or our Higher Power presence into our physical bodies. Let’s begin.
Have a seat. Hands on lap, on each thigh, palms down. Close your eyes and look. Imagine you can look through your eyelids to the tip of your nose, from the tip of your nose, a Ruby red arc curves into your heart. It Goes out about three to four inches from your nose into your heart. Then feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground.
Relax and breathe; relax and breathe. Observe your breath.
Our bodies are full of perfect life and love. Your physical body is your soul; vision and imagine that reality. Your physical body is your soul alive in perfect love and bliss and harmony.
Your perfect soul in your flesh as who you are. Compassionate, good, secure and strong — perfect love. The eternal you, physically expressing as who you are right now.
Feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby red arc; eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. You are “immortal now” as who you are, perfect and free.
God in your body, in every cell, head to toe. God in your heart, your physical brain, your eyes, your feet, your thighs — every organ, liver, stomach, spleen, kidneys — immortal love and perfect good, expressing as the physical you, your soul alive, eternal in the flesh … who you are in one place and nowhere else. The immortal now.
Relax, be calm. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground.
You are immortal now.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master