Letting Go of Injury

To be our best and have our immortality — forgiveness is essential — so are love and understanding.
When we truly understand, we love. When we love, we forgive.
Forgiveness is not about absolving the offending party. Instead, forgiveness relates to letting go of the effect an injury has upon us.
As we forgive, we let go of resentment, fear and anger. We allow ourselves to heal.
[definition: absolve]
The Benefit of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is for our benefit, to free ourselves of harm and injury.
Forgiveness leads to understanding — understanding leads to love.
To be healthy, full of life and whole: we need a regular practice of self reflection where we look for resentments, anger and the will to retaliate. This can be obvious and raging, or so subtle we’re not aware of it.
As we find injuries and resentments, we let them go with understanding, love and kindness. We forgive.
The Consequence of Love
Forgiveness is a consequence of love and understanding; it can happen automatically.
In our soul, there is no hate, fear or confusion … forgiveness naturally takes place. Yet, we may need some help to get this going, to live from this immortal place within us.
Qi Gong can help. Qi Gong can take us to our core where we live with peace and love, where we naturally forgive.
[Related: What is Qi Gong?]
A Life at Peace
To be at peace, well and whole; we self-reflect. We examine ourselves, looking for discomfort we can ease out of our lives.
In self reflection, we look for resentments within ourselves both large and small. As we examine ourselves in this way, we’re on an excursion to free ourselves … to make room for joy, happiness and compassion.
An unexamined life can lead to hardship, pain and death. Yet, we always have a better choice we can make, a choice of self awareness and personal care.
Behind the Curtain Is a Gift
Injury and pain can take us to our gold.
Behind our resentments lie fear, pain and the fact that we’ve been hurt by someone or something in life.
To resolve our injuries and heal, we look at:
- How we were hurt
- What was done to us
- What we did in the situation
We look at our part, whatever it was, and ask if we made the situation better or worse. Then we look to ourselves and ask how our present feelings and thoughts are affecting us, good or bad.
We get honest about how we’re feeling. Even the smallest pain, fear or resentment can be a problem if left untreated.
Self Treatment and Recovery
We treat ourselves by asking troubled feelings to leave.
As you understand an injurious situation and your feelings around it, ask that your troubled feelings be relieved.
We treat ourselves with understanding, then we ask that feelings of injury leave us. We ask of ourselves, our soul and Higher Power.
Ask that you heal; ask for happiness, strength and love.
Examine your part in each situation of trouble: how were you of help; how did your reactions make things worse?
Ask for the ability to improve how you feel and what you do. Ask to be a better you!
Ask, Implore, Demand!

Ask yourself to let go of harmful thoughts and feelings you no longer need. Involve a Higher Power, and ask this power to assist.
Ask that you be freed of all your injury, pain and fear — of resentment and anger.
Ask that you be healed from difficult feelings and thoughts, that you be comforted, whole and safe.
Love and Understanding
Forgiveness, love and understanding are human powers; it’s how we breathe, think and act when we’re well.
Immortality needs these qualities active in our bodies and minds. Immortality is comprised of forgiveness and love.
[Related: More about Immortality]
Fully Well and Eternal

Ask yourself for the freedom to progress.
A body — fully well — is clear of injury, resentment, fear and hate.
For eternal life, ask to be in love with the world and in sync with a Greater Consciousness.
For immortality, get close to your soul and know who you are.
For best results, ask today.

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If you want further insight, power and strength: you may want to try our course, “Introduction to Immortality.”
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