Who Is Happy?
To those who are happy, life is a gift. To those who are not happy, life is a curse. To most of us, life has been both a gift and a curse.
Life is a gift if we use it to give.
Meditate on Life
This is a fact on which we need to meditate every day. We need to go where it is quiet and realize that life is a gift, a precious delight.
Think for a few minutes? The next time you are unhappy or upset, think of life and the gifts that you have; start counting them off. List them in your mind or on paper.
What Can We Do?
Can you see–look at something beautiful. Can you hear–listen to a joyful note. Can you talk–say something with love. Do you have friends–treasure them. Can you pray–pray for a benevolent outcome.
Feel life, feel it inside you and all around you. Focus on the feeling of your own life inside you. If you can do this, you will feel excitement and love.
Life Is Exciting!
Life is powerful, peaceful and benevolent. Realize how lucky and fortunate you are to be part of this love called life. Realize that you are part of everything in Creation. All of Creation is helping you in your life, and you are helping all of Creation.
Life is a generous gift in all its manifestation. In pain and suffering, life is still willing to give to us whatever we ask. If we are so sick that we cannot ask, others may ask of life in our place. Life never quits on us or anyone else.
A Misunderstanding?
It is only by misunderstanding that life appears to quit—especially in sickness. It may appear that life is quitting on us as we or our loved ones die?
Death is a misunderstanding of life.
The Choice
We have a choice. We do not have to die. We can go on living.
Life is a gift of constant creation. Why give life up to pain and sorrow, if we have the choice to do something different?
(From my book, “Lessons in Love” at www.TheLessonsInLove.com.)