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Bless Your Body | Guided Meditation | Talk
Our Lives Are a Blessing
Relax, be calm and bless your body all day long.
We may not be aware of how much influence we actually have upon ourselves and the world.
Throughout each day, we give our body instructions on how to create itself, how to feel and think. Most of the time, these instructions are unconscious habits.
Living our lives on autopilot isn’t a bad thing, if we’re creating something good. Yet often, we’re not.
With The Secret to Immortality, we become aware of how we’re manifesting. We discover we can make the world a generous place. Selfish pursuits fall away, and helping others becomes a pleasure. We step away from death and move toward lasting life.
How to Change a Feeling or Thought
You can change your feelings and thoughts. You can alter the direction of your life. The Secret to Immortality shows you exactly how to do this.
The guided meditation above, when repeated daily, can improve your feelings and thoughts — transforming you life.
Some Work Is Required
Exactly as time and practice are required to learn a new sport, we can practice positive ways of feeling and thinking, more conscious expressions of ourselves.
We create the world by who we become.
With practice and time, we move toward eternal life; toward calm and compassion. We discover our true identity, a divine sense of self.
Every Cell Is Happy
Practice the experience of your true Self, your Core or Soul, bringing this alive in every cell of your body.
Experience the bliss, compassion and love of who you are.
Then take your best to the whole-wide-world.
Your Qi Gong Master
Enjoy today’s meditation with John Harrigan: Qi Gong Master and founder of
John can help you find the eternal love of your core; with more calm, strength and ease in your life.
With the Secret to Immortality, John can assist you in becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.
For Greater Understanding
Take a deeper dive into the Secret to Immortality with our blog:
Every blog page has links to Essential Articles in the upper righthand column. Every article can give you a greater understanding of the Secret to Immortality.
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Have the best day of your life.
You are immortal now!
Full Transcript of Meditation Video (unedited)
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Hello, I’m John Harrigan with the secret to immortality Podcast. Today we’re going to bless our body with wisdom, strength in love, wisdom, strength in love.
Before we get going, relax, be calm. Tell your body to relax, tell your body to be calm, with gentle, easy instructions.
Relaxing is critical to everything we teach at immortal And on this podcast, so find a place where you can get calm, relaxed, close your eyes, have a seat, feet flat on the floor. This is for a circuit, an energetic connection to the earth.
Close your eyes as we prepare for this meditation as we prepare to bless our body. Close your eyes and visualize a ruby red arc going from the tip of your nose, curving out three to four inches into your heart. So its eyes to nose, nose to heart, in a ruby red arc that curves out just a little bit and then it goes back into your heart.
Eyes closed feet flat on the ground, eyes closed, visualized from the tip of your nose, a ruby red arc going out three to four inches into your heart, eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a ruby red arc. Not controlling your breath but observing it. It doesn’t matter how you’re breathing, just observe your breath. How is your breathing and as you observe your breath, you don’t have to control it at all. Your body naturally knows how to breathe the perfect breath. The breath for immortality. One more step and everything we do.
We’re observing our breath. We’re allowing our body to breathe and immortal breath, a breath that expresses our soul into this physicality that we have into our body. We are breathing in and out and immortal physical life. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc, eyes to nose, nose to heart. You don’t have to keep observing your breath. Just observe it for a little bit. A few breaths now and then relax, be natural. improvise a little bit and why do I say that? It’s important that you add yourself a bit. Your good, strong, immortal self admit to everything we do at immortal to everything we do at this podcast with a secret to immortality, improvise a little bit? How many breaths does it feel right to you to observe to observe how many breaths maybe three, maybe four.
Maybe you gonna sit down and observe your breath and only do that for five minutes. Your mind will wander just bring it back. But for the purposes of these exercises and what I teach, you don’t need to observe your breath for long. Your body and brain just needs to know that it has permission to breathe the perfect breath from the immortal you. I shut from the tip of your nose, curving into your heart. Let your attention flow down your body to your feet that are flat on the floor. Visualize yourself rooted deeply into the earth maybe 12 feet like the roots of a tree. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, relaxed at peace. We’ve let go of all our stress, all our fear. All our insecurity all our anger, our frustration, we’ve let it go. It has left our body it has left our physical brain. We’re at peace, our soul alive in our body joyous happy and free. Joy joyous happy and free.
We’re feeling good. Feel goodness in your hands and your arms physically. Feel goodness in your throat, in your chest in your belly and your legs, your feet. Feel a pleasure a physical pleasure that see you that your body and all of you. So relaxed at peace, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground feel Feeling better with every breath, eyes to nose, nose to heart feet to ground the immortal and perfect you. Physically the immortal and perfect you a body that’s a blessing a body that feels good. No matter what’s your house, no matter what’s going wrong or right, a body that’s feeling good. A body that’s a blessing. A blessing in your body, a body that’s a blessing. A blessing of wisdom, strength and love, wisdom, strengthen love in your body as your body who you really are. knowledge you have all the knowledge and information you’ll ever need, when you need it. All the knowledge, all the wisdom is in your body in your brain exist as you when you need it. You don’t have to have all the wisdom in the universe this second, you don’t have to work to connect to it. Just understand that a healthy freely flowing body, your consciousness, your soul. All of that has all the wisdom, all the accurate, all the good, all the important. Intelligence when we need it.
When we need it. Bless your body with wisdom, strength in love. Say after me I bless my body and wisdom, strength in love. I love who I am, I am my body. I am my heart. I am my soul alive in this world physically. Mindfulness for immortality physically. Step one of the three steps of the secret to immortality, mindfulness for immortality. We are physically here our soul is physical. Don’t run from your physicality don’t plan on ditching it at the end of a quote, natural life. Mindfulness is owning your body as you as your consciousness in the world. Your body is unlimited in all that it can do all that it can provide, as it is connected to all of life. As your body is connected within you. Bless your body. I bless my body with wisdom, strength and love. I bless my body with wisdom, strength and love, repeat. I bless my body with wisdom, strength and love, at peace in balance within me. You’re repeating this at peace and balance within me, my blessitt body, my blessitt body at peace and imbalance, belonging to the physical world, my physical body belongs to this eternal planet, this eternal planet, don’t think about whether that makes rational sense, the eternal planet, the eternal planet, there is a soul a consciousness a blessing, reality, whatever you want to call it, names aren’t important. The names to anything that I say or use this aren’t like absolute truths, absolutely important. No words on Earth have ever been that or could ever sustain our hold an absolute truth, the Absolute Truth which which is the reality of you can’t really be spoken, but we can get close to it with our words, we can lead ourselves to the beauty, to the strength to the blessedness of our body, we can lead ourselves to that, but none of the words really suffice at some point. And I suggest do it with me today, you let go of the words, and you simply experience who you are, as we experience our deep soul alive and balanced physically here. It’s pleasurable, it’s it’s a blessing. It’s a blessing, strong reality of compassion, strength and love, of goodness of happiness and grace. We experience ourselves with goodness, grace, and love. We bless our bodies with wisdom, strength and hope. All of you is good. All of who we are, is good, wonderful, kind and belongs on this earth mindfulness for immortality. Have the eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Relax, observe your breath, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to crown. I let go of all my stress, I let go of all the harm that has ever harmed me that ever well I let go. By letting go of harm, resentment
and bad feelings by letting go we become a true strength. By relaxing in our body relaxing into love into compassion into wisdom, we become more and more impervious to harm. true strength isn’t a brute, he-man Super Force. true strength is being who you really are. When we’re who we’re really are. who we really are. We combine we’re in balance with ourselves with all the world and accident, death, and disease become less and less of who we are our bodies, our minds. I’m not perfect in my health, I may never be for a long time. But I’ve made extraordinary progress. And you can read about that in the blog section at immortal To the right calm of the page that says essential articles. But we are here right now in this guided meditation in this activation of our beauty of our strength and our love, our beauty, our strength and our love in your body in your soul alive in the world right now. eyes close to the tip of your nose, nose to heart in a Ruby read our feet on the ground. We bless our body together with me right now. Bless your body. Bless your body with everyone that hears this podcast episode. Right now with me this instant the second we bless our body with wisdom, strength and love, happiness, hope and joy. Were alive at peace. Feeling bliss, feeling happiness, grounded belonging where we are on this earth. A body with wisdom, strength and love. Bless your body. With Me with all the world. bless yourself with wisdom, strength and love with peace, relaxation and joy. deep peace, deep calm every second of the day. As impossible as that is peace, relaxation and calm. Go to your peace, go to your relaxation, go to your calm throughout the day. Get steady get balanced, there’s a part of you the perfect part of you, you can access right now with me if you’re not already doing it. This part of who you are physically is in balance. is calm is joyful is happy is happy and at peace.
We suggest strongly and we’re slowly or quickly going to be teaching you to not dissociate. Dissociation leads us to being fractured, fractured. It takes our energies in a multitude of different directions. With a secret immortality. We’re focusing on the here and now in this infinite moment. In this timeless moment, physically. We’re not physically planning to die. We’re not accepting death. We’re not turning away from our bodies as corrupt or incapable. We’re suggesting that your bodies are everything perfect everything good everything infinite. blessed by God if you’re religious blessed by your deep self if you’re not, but bless nonetheless, bless your body, your mind let go of your stress, bless and bless again as you and I become a blessing. This instant this here and now. When this meditation is over, we take that blessing that physicality into the world. You can’t really feel yourself if you’re not owning your physicality. The in the moment, the physical you that is a constant blessing, a constant ease a constant strength and it’s compassion. And it’s love and goodness, we only have real strength, real impervious to harm, presence, we only really have that strength that we all need and want. We pursue it in sometimes strange and dissociated ways. You have all the infinite strength you need right now as who you are physically in this moment. Physically in this moment, mindfulness for immortality right now. A blessing alive, we no longer in this exercise, initiate any blessing, we just exist and live in the physical blessing. In this self, the real you and me, it’s physical. Don’t pull away from it, pull into your body. That’s where you’ll find your immortal, immortal core, your eternal being into your body, not into your head, not into a heaven, not into a Nirvana that isn’t quite here, heaviness here right now, and its physicality, as who we are, as who and what we are. Heaven is here right now. And all of its grace and goodness, Nirvana, happiness, bliss. Pleasure and goodness is physically here grounded, alive and strong as you and I are this moment, blessing our bodies with wisdom, strength and love, wisdom, strength and love, we go from blessing. To we are wisdom, strength and love. This moment, we are wisdom, strength and love. I am with all the world with all of humanity. I am wisdom, strength and love. There are no superheroes there have never been that’s an I A dissociated idea that comes from trauma, I would suggest, we all are here perfectly now, as our eternal selves as who we are. There’s nothing more we need. Nothing more we have to do to be complete and whole as me in you with wisdom, strength in love. bless you and keep you. That’s all for today.