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Podcast Highlights
- Design a daily practice for immortal happiness
- A hidden opportunity: turn tough times into gifts
- Help others heal and recover by listening to them
- Reconnect to the world and yourself for greater life
- How to work through loss: learn the power of good grief
- Find the gold of who you are with small and simple steps
- By giving, we create an escalating cycle of bliss and good-will
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Your Qi Gong Master

Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qi Gong Master and founder of the website,, where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qi Gong and Personal Growth.
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Complete Unedited Podcast Transcript
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Hello, this is John Harrigan Qigong master and founder of the website immortal welcoming you to our podcast, the secret to immortality.
In this podcast, we’re going to talk about how we can handle the difficult times of life and turn them in to something better. Everyone has problems, everyone has difficulties. And as I shared in the last podcast, these difficulties, problems, and often, impossibilities are the gifts, the hidden gifts that allow us to get to a greater depth where we find that immortal, perfect soul of ours.
So how do you work through hardship, challenge, difficulty and loss? Especially when it’s really difficult? Or how do you live with someone who’s suffering, or be a friend to someone who’s going through a tough time. The first thing you need to do that I’ve found helpful is simply learning to listen and let people talk.
So often, if anyone’s going in a positive direction, is difficult as their time may be. Simply listening to them gives them an opportunity to hear themselves know themselves better, and work their way out of their problems. It’s really a classic therapeutic process that has been around as long as people humans, and even lesser animals have paused to interact in groups and families.
When we’ve had a loss when we’ve had a hardship we’ve had a difficult time, more than ever, we need to reconnect. And we don’t have connections to begin with, we’re in a tough place. So if you or a friend are finding yourself at a place of hardship and loss, look around for the connections if you don’t have the connections that you need to get through that time. reach out and ask. And more than that, look for a way that you can be productive or helpful in someone else’s life. Literally, volunteer, volunteer for a school, a nonprofit association. See if a neighbor needs some assistance, an elderly couple, or better yet an elderly single person, maybe not fully able to keep taking care of themselves.
When we find a way to give to the world. It’s difficult to keep imploding into our hardship, feelings of loss, discomfort, and self pity. Turning around our force of life, to where we’re a value to the world, to where we’re helping someone else is so important, and so powerful.
We all naturally get down, get unhappy, loss hurts everyone, there is grief. But grief can slowly evolve to a good grief to a better grief. That gives us something in the depth of that hardship that struggle in difficult time. But we really kind of have to have set up a practice of personal development of self growth, of spiritual reaching, we have to have a daily practice in place that’s taking us forward. It’s making us stronger, that’s revealing our better selves. So we’re able to handle those difficult times that come upon us. And how do we do that? meditation, yoga, exercise, eating right, I still don’t eat as well as I shouldn’t know how to do. I do eat fairly well I do exercise but there’s always room for improvement but it’s progress, not perfection.
Get a little exercise every day, or get a little exercise every other day eat a little better this hour than last hour. It’s all about subtle improvements and getting to that gold in new that good of the world. And I suggest as we get to our goal, our gold as we get to the gold of who we are, as we find our happiness or bliss and I assure you it’s inside you inside everyone. As we get to that happiness and bliss. We slowly or suddenly see the world as a more beautiful place. We Slowly or suddenly see people as more beautiful, more fragile.
When we understand people from a position of compassion and non judgment, we can appreciate their beauty. Even if they’re not the nicest people around, we can recognize their struggle. And we can appreciate that we don’t have to join in to that type of struggle. So how do you have a daily program?
Well, if you’ve gone to immortal, and gone up to the menu and clicked on the blog, over to the right side of every blog page, we have essential articles where I have a few articles that you’ll find that have my life story. And I began with a practice I guess I was fortunate in some ways to have very good in discipline parents living good discipline lives. Every morning, my father would get up earlier than I ever wanted to, and he would start doing his floor exercises and his own version of meditation and prayer. And my mother the same thing. As soon as she awakened, she’d start doing exercises in her bed. And then things similar to Qi Gong; I am a Qi Gong master.
My mother would do things similar to medical Qigong that she had learned scanning her body for wellness, she, she lived to be 98, very healthy. And everyone in on her side of the family lived to be a long time, lived a long time well into their 90s. And for sure, some of us genetics, but as I started to get older and watched my mother’s family, and watched my mother, it’s very much also the way that they thought they thought health 24 hours a day, seven days a week, they were just very positive people who ate right exercised right thought right, in a lot of their vitality and longevity really was a consequence of the way that they lived, the way that they thought and the way that they operated.
And this gets back to talking about a daily program, what can be your daily program will will lead you into that, on Immortal now calm, we have many articles you can read, and this podcast and other podcasts, just listen to them. We’ll have a little Qigong exercise for you now and then on the website, again, we have a whole section under the menu of Qigong,
we have a very nice, Qi Gong, exercise five organ breathing. That exercise alone if you just do it every day, I did it twice a day at the beginning of my practice, I did that twice a day meditated, and did that five organ breathing, that alone will take you to a pretty powerful place, along with reading articles, of course on our website and mortal We also have a course introduction to immortality that took literally decades in the making, we highly recommend that we have a free book on longevity and immortality living forever how to think joyous, happy and free.
We have a free ebook you can download. And we have a monthly membership, where there’s a new Qigong lesson every 10 days, and a more in depth specific and exclusive lecture than what you’ll hear on this prog on this podcast. But I assure you this podcast alone, and getting the free things on our website can be enough if you’re willing to put the work into it. And we also have coaching in my life coaching was essential. My mother was my first mentor and coach and spiritual development. She’s studying Yogi masters and other mystics, Christian mystics all over the world all throughout history, sharing those books with me, I watching her do not too much interested in it in my youth as interested in sports.
But I did learn to meditate when I was 12 and was vigilant about that practice. So all of us and all of you I suggest that you’d find something every day to move forward just a bit to find stability, strength, inspiration, you’ll find our social media links to our social media, on our website, immortal
Our social media we put pretty much the same thing on Facebook, Instagram, if you prefer that, and a little more on Twitter, but they all have about the same thing and every day we put something up there sometimes more than once a day. Little graphics with quotes to inspire you instruct, instruct you and help you along your way. If you just look at one of those daily graphics with quotes, and look at it, refer to it throughout the day, meditate on it, think about it, that will take you forward into stability, strength, and wellness. wellness begins with a state of mind. and wellness is the result of being connected within ourselves connected to other people connected to the world. And I guess that’s common sense to most of us. But sometimes it’s not common sense to all of us, are we really connected, we kind of have to slow down to, to get connected within ourselves, we kind of have to slow down, to be able to listen, connect, understand, be a friend, or be genuinely friendly to someone else.
Really the secret to immortality, which is literally what we teach at our website
All it really is that secret to immortality is that a smile is met with a smile. And a frown is met with a frown. And what does that very simple statement mean? It means if you start smiling within yourself with yourself, at yourself, if you start to accept the bliss and goodness in you to dwell in that to bask in that, in start to live that into the world, see it in other people express it, join with it, you start to feel your deeper, more authentic core, which I promise you that in everyone is a deep in beautiful bliss.
I’ve been working with people working on themselves for about 40 years now, I have never seen anyone from the most difficult situation, who worked on themselves on a regular basis, who didn’t become something joyful, happy and free. And I don’t know, I don’t mean especially getting rich getting the job and partner that you want. Sometimes that happen. happens sometimes that doesn’t, I don’t mean being perfectly well. But with the Qi Gong that I teach the lessons in the thinking you can be perhaps a lot more well than you’ve been, you can feel a lot more better, a lot more better, more better and more better, joyous, happy and free with a secret to immortality. The secret to immortality is that inside us, we have an eternal self. That’s always there, a greater being a greater person than perhaps you may imagine this moment or today. But as you seek yourself go within this, I hope sounds familiar.
I’m not suggesting anything that anyone in spiritual or personal development has ever not suggested. Everyone, every religion, every self development professional suggests looking at ourselves, having a daily practice improving ourselves, but the secret to immortality, we take things One step at really just one step a little farther. And especially with the Qigong that I teach on our website, in mortal now calm, I keep repeating that, because I’m here to transform the world and help you with your life. And it begins at that website. I want you to go there. That’s where I’m here.
That’s where my message is. That’s where our mission takes place. And what is different about our mission than any other personal development coach, writer or speaker, it’s that we go a bit beyond we all know, of course, at this point that we create our lives for better or worse. But how we think about how we speak and why we act is kind of obvious. Anyone that gets to a good place in life gets there by repeated habits and actions, repeating things that take them forward. If you go to college or a university or you go to a professional school and learn auto mechanics or construction, you can practice auto mechanics, construction, or medicine. If you get a medical degree and you get better.
And if you want more Well, you can start a construction firm. If you want more, you can start an auto shop. If you want more, you can start a chain of auto franchise shops. It’s Unlimited, but we have to have something to give the world and its best If we find who we are, so that we’re giving from a place of joy and happiness, when we do that, when we’re working with a little bit of joy and happiness every day, our goodness emerges more and more. When we have a daily practice and find ourselves, we have a bit more to give in any job that we do. And any life that we live, even if that life, the exterior circumstances aren’t exactly what we might like, our prefer. I’ve learned the most as I’ve shared before, in the hardships, the difficulties and the challenges in my life, I have learned the most from the really catastrophic losses of health and well being of careers, I’ve had the wondrous opportunity
of losing a lot, and beginning with my health, and when you lose your house completely, you lose everything you have, because you can’t afford to keep it going. In my losses when my life has stopped with the most incredible challenge, the most overwhelming difficulties. That’s when I pushed deeper into my daily spiritual practice and found more found a greater depth of being found a greater good in the world, found the eternal being that I am. And I’ve been working on the secret to immortality, I’ve been working on human immortality all my life. It’s not anything new. But the challenges of my life have taken me to a greater depth a greater understanding, and to greater process and progress of this immortality, pursuit. I have met, I met a I had a mentor in my teens, an elder spiritual woman working on her own immortality practice. And she assisting me. And that’s where I really awakened to this mission of mine. I later met a Qigong Grandmaster from Beijing, China. He was mentored by Immortals in the mountains of China. And I’ve been working with him now for Gosh, I think over 25
years, there’s something to this spiritual pursuit, there’s something to spiritual growth, with the secret to immortality at our website, and mortal now
calm, we take personal growth one step farther, and simply say, we don’t need to accept death as a natural outcome. And that death itself isn’t really a natural thing at all, that we’re creating this, this creation, we’re creating this universe, excuse me, we’re creating this universe by how we think, speak and act. You don’t have to understand that all immediately. But as you work on it, you Well, we are creating everything by how we speak, think and act. And I suggest you We aren’t victims just placed into this brutal creation, I suggest that we are the creation that nature is reacting to us and treating us in the way that we are behaving that we program creation by what we think do and say, we write the computer code for nature by what we think could do and say in nature simply gives back to us what we’re doing. I suggest that our body extends into all of the earth, into all of creation. And creation is just who we are acting upon us in the way we are acting out into the world. And when you see it from that perspective, you understand Wow, we are creating illness, death, hardship, struggle and loss. It’s simply not necessary.
We can have a heaven on earth by changing how we act and treat each other, beginning with ourselves. Taking a look at our inner dialogue on the ideas and the habits of feeling of thought there maybe unconscious today, we’re maybe set down in our childhood our adulthood, we can go back and change that computer code to something joyous, happy in free in the freedom is eternal life right here. And now. We teach at immortal now calm, that we are born forever. We don’t have to change anything. We don’t have to be anything else. We don’t have to acquire superhuman powers. We’ve already got them. We’re creators with what we think do and say. So let’s create a more beautiful world. Let’s not accept death unconsciously, and participate in a murderous rage. bless you and keep you. That’s the end of the podcast for today.